Chapter 3

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Skye's POV:

Ward just left, and his words are bouncing around in my head. He loves me. This hurts so much. I used to love him. However, as soon as I found out he was Hydra, that love immediately left. It was replaced with hate.

Ward's POV:

I left Skye's room only a few minuets ago. It killed me to see her so afraid. I would never hurt her. I want to go back there right now and comfort her, but I need to give her some space.

I need to find a way to occupy myself right now. It's about 6:30 so so guess I should start making dinner.

(One hour later)

It's been about an hour since I last saw Skye, and I just finished making grilled cheese sandwiches for both of us, so I guess now would be the right time to go see her again. I grab two bottles of apple juice (Skye's favorite drink), and head to her room.

I unlock the door and open it to find Skye curled up in the corner looking at me. I can tell she's been crying.

"I brought you a grilled cheese sandwich and some apple juice." I say, quietly.

I start walking towards her and she tries to back away, but once again, she is as far back as she can go. However, this time I don't stop walking. Soon I am right next to her.

Instead of looking up at me, she curls into an even tighter ball, looks down, and closes her eyes tightly.

I set the plate and drink down in front of her, and slowly sit down next to her.

Slowly, she looks up at me.

I smile at her.

"Can I eat alone?" She asks.

"No. We are going to be spending a lot of time together, Skye. So I suggest you get used to having me around." I say bitterly

"But I wan-"

"No buts. Now eat your sandwich. You know how hard it is for me to make food." I joke.

She smiles a little bit at my comment. I like it when she smiles.

Soon, we are both done eating.

"How was it?" I ask.

"Good. Thank you." She replies.

"You're welcome." I say.

There is an awkward silence between us.

Finally, I decide to say something.

"Well it is getting late, so I think we should both be getting to bed."

She nods in agreement.

"Good night Skye. I love you." I say.

"Night." She replies.

I close the door and lock it. I wish she had said 'I love you' back, but she will soon enough.

She is mine.


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