Chapter 10

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Ward's POV:

When we were driving to the apartment building I must not have been paying attention to the scenery because it is very beautiful. It's not something you could just forget. The apartment building is right on the edge of a small town. The big luxurious building looks very out of place among all of the wilderness and the small town.

"What about that place?" Skye asks while pointing to a small restaurant.

"Sure." I reply.

I park the car and we start walking in.

"Remember, Ward. We are married and we just moved here." Skye says.

"Yes, Skye. I know." I say, matter-a-factly.

We enter the restaurant. It is not very crowded and smells like pizza. That is always a good sign.

"Welcome to Barney's! Would you like a booth or table?" The waitress asks.

I look at Skye.

"Whatever you want, sweetie." Skye says, happily.

"We would like a booth, please." I reply.

I am trying really hard not to smile like an idiot at the fact that Skye just called me "sweetie".

We follow the waitress to the booth.

"Your server will be with you in a moment." She says.

We nod a thanks to her and she smiles and walks away.

"This place is pretty cool!" Skye exclaims.

I smile at her. She looks so pretty. To my surprise, she smiles back.

"Hello! My name is Miles, and I will be your server tonight!" The man says.

He is clearly only looking at Skye. Just like the rude man in the elevator a couple if hours ago.

"What would you like to drink, Madame?" He asks Skye.

"Umm.... Sprite please." Skye says, nervously.

"Oh no, dear! You deserve a drink that matches your beauty! I suggest you pic from our selection of wines!" He says.

"Uhhh..... I-I think I'll stick with Sprite." Skye answers with a whacky voice.

"Whatever the lady wants!" Miles says.

He is about to walk away, but Skye stops him.

"Excuse me, but you didn't take Wa... my husband's order." She says.


He turns to me.

"What do you want?" He asks, rudely.

"A Coke, please." I say.

"We only have Pepsi." Miles replies.

He walks off before I can change my order.

"I'm sorry that guy was so rude to you." Skye says, sympathetically.

"That's okay. I'm sorry he was hitting on you." I say.

Skye laughs. I like if when she laughs. It makes me feel happy.

I can already tell that this is going to be the best dinner I have ever had.


Hello people!

Sorry I didn't update yesterday! I was really busy.

Comment what you think! 😄

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