Chapter 2

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Ward's POV:

I feel something in my stomach. I think it is excitement.

"WHAT??!?!!" Everyone screams.

Everyone but me.

"Coulson, are you crazy!?" Simmons yells.

Everyone bursts out into an argument.

I look over at Skye to find she is already looking at me. Once she notices that I see her staring, she quickly looks away.

"SILENCE!!!" Coulson demands.

Everyone stops and looks at him.

"I know that I am asking a lot, but we don't have any other options. So Skye and Ward. Are you in or out?" Coulson asks.

I look at Skye. She appears to be in deep thought. She looks at Coulson.

I really hope she says yes.

"Alright!" She says enthusiastically.

"Awesome! And you, Ward?" He asks.

Even though I already know my answer, I make it look like I'm thinking so that it isn't obvious that I am excited about this.

"Fine." I say, coldly.

"Awesome! But before I get into the major details of this mission, you guys should know something." He says.

"What?" Skye and I answer in unison.

"I lied about the mission being in Hawaii. I thought that if you guys thought the mission was somewhere nice and tropical, there was a better chance of you saying yes." He explains.

"Seriously.....?" Skye asks.

"Yeah...... Sorry. I know that was kind if cheap." He says while rubbing the back if his neck.

"Yes it was. So where is the mission actually going to take place?" I ask.

"Colorado." He says.

"Oh! I love Colorado!" Skye says, happily.

"Good. Take this." He says.

He hands us a big binder.

"These are all of the mission details. You two have to sit down together and look over this until you know all about yourselves, your partner, and your relationship. Since Alexander's company doesn't know Shield exists, your first names will remain the same. Actually, Ward, your name won't be Grant, your first name will be Ward in this mission. Just so that Skye doesn't accidentally call you Ward, and get you guys in trouble." Coulson explains.

"Wait. So what are our names?" Skye asks.

She must be confused.

"Your names for the mission are Skye and Ward Bushel. Sorry if that was confusing." He says.

"Thanks, AC!" Skye says.

"Anyways, just go over that book to become familiar with your characters." He says.

"So once we memorize the book, we are just going to jump right into the mission?" I ask.

"No. We are sending you in two months early so that you can practice being husband and wife." Coulson says

"Yes sir." I reply.

"Now start going over the mission. Good luck agents." He says.

With that he walks away. Leaving me alone with Skye.


Hello people!

So I decided to change the location of the mission from Hawaii to Colorado. I just wanted them to go somewhere that wasn't tropical.

Comment what you think! 😄

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