Chapter 26

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Skye's POV:

We are now at the restaurant.

I really hate Ward's brother. He was clinging on to me in the elevator because he was supposedly "terrified" of them. Then, when I missed the seatbelt port one time he yelled, "I'LL GET IT!!", and reached across me to buckle it. But, he kept fumbling with it just so he could stay there longer. Lastly, on the way there, everything Ward hit the brakes, Christian flung his arm over me to "protect" me.

I can totally see what Ward was talking about. Christian is a terrible person!

"Table for three." Ward says.

Well, I can defiantly see why we had to dress up. This is the fanciest restaurant I have ever seen!

Ward takes my hand.

"This place is beautiful." I say, breathlessly.

"I KNOW!!!" Christian shouts.

He runs right between me and Ward, causing us to stop holding hands, and he puts his arm around me. I quickly twirl to get out of his grasp, and fast-walk over to Ward.

The waitress points to our table, and I sit down. However, Christian sits down right next to me and scoots his chair over so that out bodies are almost touching.

"I am going to go wash my hands!" I say while quickly getting up.

I fast-walk to the ladies room and lock the stall door.

This is getting weird.

(Five minutes later)

I have finally worked up the courage to leave the bathroom.

I exit, but it appears as though Ward and Christian aren't sitting at the table anymore.

"Oh, sorry dear! There was a slight mixup, and it turns out that that table was reserved. So, we moved you to that booth." She says while pointing to a booth.

"Oh! Thank you!" I say, politely.

I see Ward and Christian. However, Ward seems to be getting very angry.

"Hi! Sorry that took so long!" I say, hoping to stop Ward from exploding at Christian.

"Hello, Beautiful!" Christian says.

I really want to punch him right now.

"I saved you a seat!" He says while getting up and pointing at his side of the booth."

"Oh. That's okay. I'll just sit by Wa-" I try to say, but Christian grabs my hand, quickly pulls me into the booth, and sits down right next to me, trapping me between the wall and him.

He is sitting way to close to me.

"Ummm..... Could you move over a little? I'm kind of being squished." I say, trying not to lose my cool.

"Sorry," Christian replies, "There's no room."

He is such a liar.

"May I take your order?" The waitress chirps.

I completely forgot to look at the menu.

"I'll have a steak. Medium rare." Ward answers.

She scribbles it down on her notepad and turns to Christian.

"I'll have the calamari platter." Christian says.

She scribbles that down on her notepad and looks at me.

Well, the steak sounds good. I guess I'll have that.

"I'll ha-" I try to say before Christian interrupts me, again.

"She'll have the same thing I'm getting." He says.

She scribbles that down on her notepad.

"Alright! It should be ready in about 20 minutes." She says.

She walks away before I can say anything.

"Why did you do that?" I ask Christian.

"To save you the embarrassment of not being ready to order." He says, heroically.

"But..... I hate seafood." I say, trying not to sound mad.

"Trust me. If I like it, you'll like it." He says with a smirk.

I turn to look at Ward. I can tell he really wants to punch Christian in the face.

I do too.

This night can't go fast enough.


Hello people!

For those of you who don't know, calamari is octopus or squid.

Comment what you think! 😄

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