Chapter 4

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Ward's POV:

(1 week later)

Skye and I have been called to Coulson's office. Today is the day we leave for the mission. I am beyond excited. However, I hide my excitement from everyone.

We arrive at Coulson's office and he begins speaking, immediately.

"As you know, today is the big day. I have called you guys in here to give you some last minute things." He says.

He hands us both a passport and a plane ticket.

Before I can say anything, I hear a small squeal come from Skye.

"YES! First Class!" She yells, excitedly.

Coulson laughs, and I let out a small chuckle.

"Yes, Skye. Remember, you guys are very wealthy. So it would look suspicious if you traveled in Coach." Coulson says.

"Yes, I know. I just got exited." She replies.

Coulson gives her a smile that you would usually see a father give to his daughter.

"One last thing." He says.

Coulson pulls out two small, blue boxes. He opens one and it reveals two very beautiful, dimond rings. They are clearly both for Skye. One is an engagement ring and the other is a wedding ring.

He then opens the second box, which contains a simple, silver ring. My wedding ring, I presume.

He hands my ring to Skye and gestures for her to put it on my finger. The second she grabs my hand, I get a warm, fuzzy feeling. It seems that only she can give this feeling to me.

Once the ring is on my finger, Coulson hands me both of Skye's rings. I gently take her soft, small hand, and slip both rings on.

I look at her for a moment. Just he thought of her pretending to be my wife, makes me giddy with excitement.

"Skye, you go finish packing." Coulson says out if nowhere.

She thanks Coulson and exits the room.

"Ward, I want to talk to you." He says, seriously.

"Yes, sir?" I ask.

"I have seen the way you look at her. Skye. I can tell that she is more than just a co-worker to you. Which is why I have to tell you this. Skye is like a daughter to me. So, if anything happens to her on the mission, you need to protect her. And if you don't. If she gets hurt. I will hurt you back." He says.

I can't find any words to say. I am frozen.

"Do you understand, Agent?" He asks.

"Y.....Yes, sir." I reply, with fear in my voice.

"Good. Then go finish packing. You are dismissed." He says, calmly.

I exit his office. I still have a hint of fear on my face.


Hello people!

Coulson just switched to protective dad mode! 😂

I am sorry I haven't updated in the past few days. I have just been really busy.

Just so you know, I will usually update every one or two days.

Comment what you think! 😄

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