Chapter 8

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Ward's POV:

We arrive at our address. Apparently Shield had purchased us a very large apartment. Now, when you think of an apartment, you think of a small, cramp space where you might find a person looking to start a career. This is not that. This apartment building was clearly very luxurious. And according to what Coulson said, Skye and I have the biggest, best, and most expensive room in the building. The penthouse.

We walk in the building and up to the front desk.

"Umm, room for Bushel. We are just moving in." I say, bashfully.

The lady types something into the computer.

"Oh! Of course! Here are two keys for you and your wife. Just ride the elevator to the highest floor, which is the 50th. It is the only room up there, so you can't miss it." She explains, happily.

I take the keys, thank her, and Skye and I head to the elevator.

Once we are in and the elevator door is just about to close someone yells.

"Hold the elevator!" Someone yells.

Skye quickly puts her foot between the doors making them open back up.

In steps a young man, probably in his late twenties.

"Thank you." He says, without looking up.

However, once he does look up, he sees Skye. He straightens his hair and stands so close to her that they are touching. He hasn't even taken notice of me, yet.

"Just moving in?" He asks, moving his face very close to Skye's.

"Umm, yes." Skye says, uncomfortably.

She is clearly trying to move away from him, but he keeps moving with her.

This is making me very mad.

I put my arm around her.

"Here is your key, darling." I say, handing Skye the key.

Now the man has taken notice of me.

Suddenly, the elevator stops on the 32nd floor.

"This is my floor. I hope to see you again." He says to Skye.

Before he exits he shoots me a very wicked look. I don't like him.

Once the elevator door closes I take remove my arm from Skye's shoulder.

She smiles very sweetly up at me. It makes my stomach tingle with joy.

"Thank you, Ward." She says, genuinely.

"No problem. I don't like that guy. He sends me a bad message." I reply.

"Yeah. I don't like him either. He got way to close to me." She says.

We look at each other, not saying anything. It isn't an awkward silence. It is a comforting silence.

Finally the elevator dings and we come to a stop. Skye and I get off, I take out my key, and unlock the door. The minute I open it, I am breathless. This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. The floor and most of the walls are made of white marble. If you walk straight you will end up in what looks to be the living room. The living room is full of beautiful, comfy furniture and it even gas a gas fireplace and a big flat screen TV. If you keep walking forward, it looks like you will end up at a set of doors that appear to lead onto a big, beautiful balcony. If you walk back to the entry way, but this time, go left it appears that you will end up in the kitchen, which seems to be full of very high-tech cooking tools. If you leave the kitchen and walk along the wall you will reach a stair case, but I have no idea what is up there because both Skye and I are still standing at the entry way in awe. If you head back to the entry way, but this time, go right you will get to a hallway, and I am not sure what is down there because, once again, I am still at the entry way.

"T... This is amazing." Skye says in awe.

She is clearly as amazed by this as I am.

"This must have cost a fortune." I say.

I continue to view the room. There are defiantly enough windows to provide enough natural light to light the whole house. It is clear that we will not need to turn on any lights during the day.

Skye and I step into the house and close and lock the door behind us.

I can't wait to explore the rest of the house.


Hello people!

Sorry if you can't quite understand how the room looks. That is the best I could do. 😂

Comment what you think! 😄

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