Chapter One

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I took the photo myself😁


Rain watched as the clan moved around and talked he sat down listening to the sound of rushing water and the sound of splashing as kits played in the water,
"Rain do you know how to swim?" the white tom looked around and seen both of whitefires kits "no i don't... do you know how?" he chuckled and they nodded

"we could teach you!" Dewkits green eyes glowed in the afternoon sun well featherkit rolled his eyes at his sister
"ah ah ah" both kits wiped around and Rain looked up and seen their mother Whitefire
"Whitefire... your kits are adorable" the White tom meowed and he looked at Dewkit and Featherkit purring

"yes i know... they will be the best warriors in all the clans" Whitefire declared and she stood taller her two kits puffed out their chests in pride "so... how's your mate Dewclaw?" Rain asked and looked around spouting the blue grey tom on the other side of camp glaring at a fish that was in Clawkits, lillykits and Oak-kits jaws

"mama! looks what we have!" Clawkit meowed as he let go of the fish before his mother BarkClaw "did you catch that" their mother gasped as her kits shook their heads saying no "no we found it over there" Oak-kit pointed his tail over to Pantherclaw and Dustlilly, both toms waved their tails to the queen. Dustlilly told something to Pantherclan and made his way towards his mate Barkclaw

time skip Dewkits P.O.V

"i can't wait till we're warriors! i'm going to be leader of RiverClan and your going to be my deputy Rain! your the best" Dewkit meowed as she looked up at Rain her eyes sparkling with awe. she moved closer to him purring, pressing her fur against his
"why is your name Rain? well everyone else's names are like mine?" Dewkit meowed and Rain stiffened beside her
"well... as you know i wasn't born in RiverClan and i didn't earn my warrior name yet... i was born a loner and went i was old enough my mother left me and my siblings and we soon broke apart and left and then i found RiverClan and i gave myself the name Rain for my mother River and my brother Rush and my sister flow" Dewkit knew he wasn't telling the whole truth but she listened anyway
"do you like swimming?" Dewkit meowed and Rain purred "i don't know how... i never went that close to deep water... i guess my mother named us all after water because she likes swimming  i guess but she never showed me how" the white tom meowed

"let's play Clans!" Clawkit yowled and lillykit, Oak-kit, Featherkit, Smallkit, hollykit, Featherkit, pebblekit, onekit, Blackkit, Gingerkit and birdkit all lined up
"let's go!" Dewkit meowed and joined the line. Rain purred and sat down to watch them play

time skip

"okay kits time to go back to the nursery" Barkclaw meowed and Dewkit got off of Gingerkit "i won!" Dewkit meowed and she looked around and seen most of her side won "ha no way! i won!" Gingerkit meowed

"okay okay you two could settle this when you wake up" Dewkits mother Whitefire meowed nudging them bother towards the nursery


thank you for playing with them" Whitefire meowed and Rain dipped his head
"it's no problem... i love kits... i hope i can have some of my own one day" at Rains words whitefire purred
"Dewkit seems to like you..."Whitefire trailed off and she looked at Rain

"don't hurt her... if you do she may be hurt forever"whitefire meowed and stood up
"i won't... i promise!" Rain called after her
she looked back and nodded
"you better not... i love my kits and i will do anything to protect them" she called back and ducked into the nursery to tend to all the kits
i promised i won't hurt anyone ever again
Rain thought he laid down and listened to the sound of rushing water and the clan sharing about their day
he looked up and seen the Deputy Rustypool his Ginger pelt looked darker as the sun was setting

"Bluestar and i have decided that tomorrow you will get your apprentice name... do you like Rainpaw?" Rustypool meowed

"yes, its fine...who will my mentor be?" Rain meowed and Rustypool thought for a second "you'll have to wait like every other cat in the clan" Rustypool meowed
"oh yes! Featherkit and Dewkit will be made apprentices tomorrow with you... they will be made apprentices early because i don't want you to be doing apprentices duty's alone" Rustypool purred and walked away and once again Rain was left alone for the rest of the day most likely "um...when i am a warrior i wish my name to be Rainstone in honour of my father Stonewhisker... he died from Green-cough a moon ago" Rustypool acknowledge Rain and walked away, his Ginger pelt slightly glowing and when he looked back his green eyes flashed and turned dull until he went into the warriors den and disappeared the last thing Rain seen was A a white tom that looked like him running towards him horror in her eyes and everything went dark

983 words
the end i hope you like Rain and Dewkit together
Dewkit and Featherkit are 5 moons and 25 days old
and Rain is 6 moons and 25 days old so that means they are exactly one moon apart...
and you know what he promised
"i promise i won't hurt anyone ever again
Rain thought he laid down" he was talking to Whitefire the mother of Dewkit and Featherkit

in the future you'll know why he thought that and promised that.
well once again
GreyStorm out

I am going to to the Characters and the clans sooner or later lol

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