Chapter Three

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"Hey Rain! over here!" Dewkit called over to Rain and he and smiled "hey dewkit!" he waved his tail and padded over to her "we're going to be made apprentices with you!" she squeaked and jumped around him happily annd he laughed and sat down watching her jump around him
"your hilarious Dewkit" he purred and she stoped and sat beside him "we'll be the best apprentices in all the clans and i'll be so good they will make me leader and you'll be my deputy and we will rule the forest and be the best leaders the clans have ever known!" Dewkit declared and Rain purred moving closer to her and she stood starting to jump around him again

"let all the clan join me for a clan meeting!" Bluestar yowled and cats started to gather beneath the (sorry isn't it a log? let's just go with a log)

"Rain you have been in RiverClan for almost a moon and we think you are ready to get your apprentice name

"rain you at the age of 6 moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed. from this day on, until you get your warrior name you will be known as Rainpaw. you mentor will be Rustypool, i hope he passes on all he knows to you... Rustypool you are ready to have another apprentice and you have received excellent training from Snowypelt and Greyfeather, you have shown yourself To be a good tracker and a fine Hunter. you will be the mentor of Rainpaw and i expect you to pass down all you know to him"

Rainpaw went towards Rustypool and they touched noses and the clan called his name
"Rainpaw! Rainpaw!"

"Dewkit you have reached the age of six moon and you are ready to be apprenticed.
from this day on you will be known as Dewpaw your mentor will be Redflower. i hope she passes down all she knows to you.
Redflower you are ready to have your first apprentice, your mentor Barkclaw has trained you well and you have shown your self to be the best swimmer and fighter in the clan. you will be the mentor of Dewpaw and i expect you to pass down all you know to her" Bluestar meowed
and Dewpaw moved and she touched noses with the ginger she-cat
"Dewpaw! Dewpaw!"

"Featherkit you have you have reached the age of six moon and you are ready to be apprenticed.
from this day on you will be known as Featherpaw, your mentor will be Lightheart. i hope she passes down all she knows to you... Lightheart you are ready for you second apprentice Your mentor Dustlilly has trained you well And you have shown yourself to be be calm and well natured. you will be the mentor of Featherpaw and i hope you pass down all you know to Featherpaw" Bluestar finished and Featherpaw walked towards Lightheart purring, they touched noses
"Rainpaw! Dewpaw! Featherpaw! Rainpaw! Dewpaw! Featherpaw!"

Dewpaw went straight towards Rainpaw and rubbed her cheek against his purring
"one step closer towards being leaders!" she purred and they twined tails
"okay! okay! we get it your going to be mates when your older no need to rub it in every cats face" Featherpaw padded up to Rainpaw and Dewpaw rolling his eyes playfully.

Dewpaw pined her ears back in embarrassment and so did Rainpaw
"Featherpaw!" Dewpaw hissed in embarrassment and her Brother laughted
"so it's true!" he padded away and joined his mentor Lightheart

"okay you two we're going to teach you to swim probably" Rustypool and Redflower walked up to Rainpaw and dewpaw purring

"but i already know how to swim" Dewpaw meowed "you don't know how to have a battle in water... we can teach you that as well. Rustypool will teache Rainpaw how to swim" Redflower meowed and the two apprentice nodded happily "i know how to not drowned in the water for at least a minute" Rainpaw meowed and Rustypool rolled his eyes "let's go" he meowed

"who was the leader before Bluestar?" Dewpaw meowed and both warriors stoped
"he's name was Dawnstar he was a light ginger tom with golden eyes... he was a leader that liked to fight but never start a war... he cared for his clan and family but he cared to much, he let his son Flamejummper kill, hurt and start fights with the other clans as much as he wished and when his son killed his deputy he exiled him and he vowed to get revenge on all the clans... and we all hope he will never come back" Rustypool meowed and Dewpaw looked surprised "what was Bluestars warrior name?" Rainpaw asked
" i'm pretty sure it was Moon... she was a loner and she didn't want to change her name but went she got named deputy and Dawnstar died she went to the Moon pool and she came back with the name Bluestar new leader of RiverClan" Redflower meowed "only some of us know what it was like to have FlameJummper around and the clan was falling apart some of the warriors left and went Dawnstar died some came back but others never did and we are now at one of the best times for riverclan since DawnStar "

"we're here!" Dewpaw interrupted Redflower and she Rolled her eyes at the young apprentice

"okay do you know how to swim?" Rustypool meowed and Rainpaw shook his head and meowing a no

"okay do you know how to use the water to your advantage?" Rustypool meowed and it was the same answer

977 words

okay so i hope you like Rainpaw

i have nothing to say so ya it's 9:57 pm and i am tired surprisingly lol

well goodnight guys and Girls 👋👋👋.

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