Chapter 14

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Ember's POV

Suddenly, there was somebody, blocking the Entity's scythe from hitting me.

"Surprised?" The man said, before drawing out a pickaxe, and smashing the Entity backwards before summoning a bolt of lightning from his pickaxe to strike him.

"Hello, Herobrine," the Entity said, clearly annoyed.

Wait, Herobrine? Rain and Stella also looked confused and shocked.

"Come on, Entity," Herobrine said, as I crept closer to my friends. "We still have a score to settle. But we might as well leave these three out of it."

The Entity laughed scornfully. "Did you think I was so stupid that I would come alone?" Suddenly, the mutant spider lady and a giant Vex suddenly appeared. "I highly doubt that you can face me, Irifash and Ferelak alone."

"Really? Is that all you've got?" Herobrine challenged.

Suddenly, out of the shadows, a completely black figure with glowing white eyes materialized, a flash of lightning and a boy wearing a blue hunter's outfit appeared, and a red panda with strange eyes teleported from a red beam of light.

I knew from all stories that the black figure was Null, but I had no clue who the other two were.

"Nice to see you again, Entity," the red panda said. "It's been a while since you killed me."

"And I'll do it again," the Entity said, and the red panda's strange eyes glowed with anger.

"Let's kill this idiot, Razer." She said to the assassin boy.

"Sure, Meeps, if my lord is okay with that?" Razer asked.

Herobrine replied with a barely perceptible nod.

"Perfect," Razer said, smirking, before throwing an Ender pearl at Entity, and reappearing right in front of him. Razer swung his blade, hitting the Entity. 

The Entity levitated into the air and threw fireballs at the boy, who swiftly dodged each one, before hitting the last one with his sword, causing it to explode. Razer did a black flip and nailed the landing.

Meeps, who clearly was younger, drew out a sword that was shaped like a flame and looked like it was on fire, there was a bright flash as she moved at lightning fast speed and cut through the Entity.

"You've gotten better," The Entity said. "I'll give you that."

Meeps laughed. "You know what? I should thank you," she said. "You killed me but you also gave me an upgrade."

She kept moving at lightning fast speed cutting through the Entity as Razer summoned lightning from his blade, electrocuting the Entity.

As the Entity collapsed, I watched as the two members of Herobrine's group began to walk towards him, their blades drawn. I also noticed that Ferelak and Irifash were both gone.

Suddenly the Entity's cube appeared and began to glow, before I had to cover my eyes, I noticed the surprised looks on Razer and Meeps's face.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the two both get up, and notice that Entity was gone.

We drew out our swords and waited, Herobrine drew out his pickaxe, then smiled and disappeared. Null melted into the shadows, so only Razer and Meeps were left.

"Good luck," Meeps told us. "We'll be seeing you again."

Razer nodded. "Be careful, okay? Herobrine called a ceasefire with you," he said. "It'll probably last until the Entity is dead."

Then they both disappeared in a flash.

"Okay, Herobrine is alive, and he already has a small team, and he wants to call a truce." Rain said.

"I think it's a good idea to agree," Stella said. "The last thing we need is another villain who wants us dead."

"Speaking of dead," Rain said. "Didn't Ceris kill him?"

"Hmm, guess somebody revived him." I said.

"Unfortunately whatever we were chasing is now gone." Rain told us, looking around.

Sure enough, there were no more glowing lights. They must have been scared off by the fight.

"Hey, Stella," Rain said, suddenly. "Here's a note, it's addressed to you." He handed her the note.

Stella read it. "Yup, I know who wrote it." She said.

"Who? What does it say?" I asked.

She gave me the note.


Come to my huse and give me that buk or I sweer I'll kiled you. If you come with bakcup, you be dead.

"Bro," I said. "Who wrote this?"

Stella sighed. "My mother."

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