Bonus scene after Sheep(ball) Dream

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When Jet Vac, Eruptor, Stealth Elf, and Pop Fizz went to somewhere private with Flare, Flare had told them about his and Mist mother's side of the family and what they did. The four Skylanders, with the information, secretly head out without Spyro and Mist as they went to the siblings' home village. When they got there, everything seemed foggy at first because of no sunlight and as they walked around, Eruptor spoked, "This place is way creepier than what Flare told us." Jet Vac was leading them as he replied, "Flare wasn't wrong with everything being like a ghost town. There's hardly any light nor fresh grass smell." Suddenly, Pop Fizz spoke, "Or that giant, dark, creepy castle right over there shadowing us." The four looked over and to their shock, there was a broken down castle over at the opening of the forest village. They walked inside the structure to find it being covered in a lot of dust and webs around the place.

As they walked around the abandoned castle, Eruptor sees one room and went in, with the other following him. In the room, they see a library with a vile in the middle. The four approach the vile and looked at the old books as Jet Vac claims, "Haunted castle? Haunted castle, my tail feathers." They suddenly hear a raspy giggle as the room was starting to get cold. That caused the four to flinch from the eerie giggle as Jet Vac plopped an egg. Suddenly, the candles around the vile lit up on its own and a shadow of an elf appeared behind Jet Vac and spoke, "My my, new souls." Jet Vac yelped from that and plops another egg.

The other three see the figure as Pop Fizz tries to throw a potion at the shadow, but it hits the wall. The shadow smirked and says, "Well, I've never seen souls that would attack an innocent looking wall." The shadow circles around them before Stealth Elf asks, "You're a Demonica, aren't you?" That made the shadow stop and asks, "Who told you that?" "Flare told us all about you since his and Mist's mom is a Demonica too." Pop Fizz said, but the shadow moves close to him and says, "WAS a Demonica, but that's old news. Now, back to my niece and nephew." "What do you mean "was" a Demonica?"

Jet Vac asked as the shadow giggled before she says, "You're asking a sealed Demonica that you haven't properly introduced? Who taught you people manners?" Eruptor got to the vile and says, "We're Skylanders, lady. And you should be careful with that tone of yours." Stealth Elf got Eruptor back and says, "Right, well I'm Stealth Elf. This is Eruptor, Jet Vac, and Pop Fizz. Now that we told you our names, you'll tell us yours." The shadow looked at her and says, "Marnie."

"So, about my so called sister, of course she was a Demonica, but she was...different from the family. You see, the Demonica Family lived through generations of evil and SHE was the only one with a "good" heart. I know what has to be done, so I ratted her out to our parents and they kicked her out. But now, after a few years apart, I recently heard that she has a family of her own, and that's why I hate her for that." Marnie said as the four looked at her with upsetting looks. "You ratted your own sister out?! How could you do such a thing?!" Jet Vac asks before Marnie rolls her eyes and says, "Because my family came from EVIL."

"But if I hadn't told you imbeciles everything, all of you would've been dead by tonight." Eruptor got anxious and asks, "What happens tonight?" Marnie didn't answer that question as she smirked evilly. Suddenly, they hear rumbling from the ground as some guards made of stone emerged from below. The four got ready to fight as they try to fight off the guards, but they were too strong. They had no choice but to get out of the castle as quickly as possible. After they had escaped, they saw that the castle has disappeared from their view. "That settles it: we're never going back here again."

Eruptor said as they all walk away from this place, but Stealth Elf has a secret of her own as they head back to the academy, without saying what has happened to the others. As soon as she went to her room, Stealth Elf reached her pocket and took out the vile Marnie was in and sets it on her nightstand. Marnie's shadow covers the room as she looks at Stealth Elf and smirked. "Well, well, looks like curiosity got the better of you." She said, but Stealth Elf wraps the vile in one of her scarf and says, "The only reason why I took you is because you still owe us answers about your sister's kids and why you controlled Flare." Marnie laughs a little and says, "Oh, well if it's answers you want, then it's answers you'll get soon." Stealth Elf covers the vile as she turns off her lamp and sleeps.

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