Chapter 15

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Skypaw stared back at Hawkspirit in shock. Littlepaw? The small apprentice that looked identical to her? How could that be?

The last time Skypaw had seen Littlepaw was in the first battle between ThunderClan and ShadowClan that she had participated in, all those moons ago. The two she-cats had fought against each other, and Skypaw had made the decision to let her go, for a reason she could not place. She didn't know why that compassion had washed over her in that moment, but now it made perfect sense. Littlepaw was a chosen cat, just like she was!

"L-Littlepaw?" Skypaw stuttered a response, feeling pressure from Hawkspirit's waiting gaze. Her mind was being consumed in flashbacks to that bloody day, as that was the only time she remembered seeing Littlepaw. He nodded affirmatively.

"Yes," He meowed, "I really should not have told you that. You have to promise not to tell anyone, Skypaw. I shouldn't have meddled in StarClan's plans."

A wave of guilt washed over her. She was right, Hawkspirit had overstepped his boundaries as a medicine cat. However, she needed to know who else knew exactly what she was going through. The prophecy and all its responsibilities were hanging over her, putting a weight on her shoulders that no other cat could understand. She used to find comfort in talking to Willowleaf, but it was clear that she had dwindled any elements of friendship between them. Willowleaf didn't even know she had gone and met Darkface, so if she found that out, surely Willowleaf would lose all faith in her - more so than she already had.

Besides, now that Skypaw knew that Littlepaw was ShadowClan's chosen cat, they could join forces and maneuver through their prophecies together. Two brains were better than one, right? It would help them both!

Skypaw began to get excited at that prospect. Imagine all the things we could do! She thought. She was just about to open her mouth and allow all of the possibilities roll off of her tongue when she met Hawkspirit's eyes. She found that they were serious, and even clouded with worry. A second wave of guilt washed over her when she realized she was being selfish. She was only focusing on how this information affected her, even though Hawkspirit risked everything by telling her.

"I'm sorry," Skypaw sighed. She stared down in her paws. "I should not have pushed you to betray StarClan for me. It's just so difficult. I don't understand any of this, and I'm expected to live my life by it. I just would love to be able to talk to someone about it, someone who truly understands."

Skypaw turned her head towards him, and was met with pools of sympathy in his dark blue eyes. Skypaw knew that Hawkspirit felt for her, as that's why he told her Littlepaw's identity in the first place. "I understand Skypaw, and I'm sorry. You don't deserve to have this cloud hanging over you and pouring over your life. I just can't betray my duties like that. If Nightflare found out, she'd have my tail!" Hawkspirit's tone reflected rising panic. "Skypaw, I'm trusting you not to tell anyone about this. StarClan kept it hidden for a reason and-"

"I won't, I promise." Skypaw meowed, intertwining her tail with his. She meant her promise, but was dying to talk to Littlepaw, as so many questions were racing through her mind. What's ShadowClan's prophecy? How is Littlepaw supposed to save her Clan? Has she told anyone? Does she know about me?

No matter how bad she wanted to know the answers to all of her questions, she had to bury them deep into her mind. She couldn't betray Hawkspirit. His status as medicine cat depended on it. Her love for him outweighed her want for answers.

Hawkspirit nodded, and relief shone through his eyes. Skypaw rubbed her head against his flank, and the two sat there in silence, bathing in the pale moonlight that shone through the needles of the snow-dusted pine trees. 


Skypaw padded into camp, the moon still shining high above the canopy of trees. Because of her hunt with Bramblefrost, she had been unable to meet Hawkspirit until dusk had began to wash over the forest. As much as she would have loved to have stayed with Hawkspirit longer, she knew she couldn't. She needed her rest, since she had met Darkface and Hawkspirit at the Gathering Island the night before. Her warrior assessment was coming up, and she could not afford to be off of her game.

Hawkspirit thankfully understood. He had walked her to the ThunderClan border and watched until she safely disappeared into the snow covered bushes of ThunderClan's forest. Skypaw trusted that he would cover their tracks as he said he would to ensure their meeting was kept secret. Meeting on ShadowClan territory made her skin crawl, and she worried about what would happen to her if she had been caught. She knew Hawkspirit would've defended her, but as a medicine cat, there was only so much he could do. She could see him laying there, in the glistening white snow, bloodied and lifeless, having given her defense everything he had. 

Skypaw shook her head frantically to clear it. How could she let her mind carry her to that horrific of an image? She had made it safely back to camp, and Hawkspirit would be back in ShadowClan's camp before anyone noticed he was gone. There was no use in scaring herself about an event that did not, and could not, occur any longer.

Flarecloud was guarding the gorse tunnel as Skypaw entered the quiet camp. Flarecloud flicked her tail, seemingly uninterested in Skypaw's whereabouts. She figured that Bramblefrost must have informed Flarecloud of their hunting session, and told her that Skypaw was still out hunting. Relieved that she didn't have to make up an excuse as to where she'd been, she ducked into the apprentices' den, and found her usual place next to Rainpaw's warm flank.

As she closed her eyes to sleep, her mind began to whirl about the information Hawkspirit had given her. She pictured Littlepaw laying awake in her nest thinking about her prophecy and the prospect of other cats knowing, just like Skypaw was now. It pained Skypaw deeply that she had no way of discussing the information Darkface had given her with Littlepaw. She had no way of getting in contact with her, and the two had never spoken. The extent of their relationship was their claws clashing in battle. Regret washed over her. If only she had known that the cat she was fighting was her biggest prophetical ally at the time of their meeting.

Besides, Skypaw thought, Hawkspirit would never let me talk to her. It would be too risky for him.

Naturally, knowing Littlepaw's role in the whole ordeal made Skypaw's mind wander to the ranks of RiverClan and WindClan. She now knew for sure that there were other cats who were chosen by StarClan. Knowing Littlepaw's identity made it so much more real. Who could their chosen cats be?

Her mind drifted back to the last Gathering she had attended. She thought of RiverClan's Mistpaw. Could it be her? Or could it be WindClan's Sootpaw? She had never given any thought to the scrawny WindClan apprentice. They, too, had never spoken, and Skypaw only knew about him through Shadepaw's acquaintanceship with him. Or, was she completely wrong, and the other cats were warriors?

The endless possibilities made her head spin. Names of cats she had never bothered to give a second thought to swarmed around her mind. They could be anyone.

The faces of unknown cats stared dauntingly at her as she drifted into sleep.


"Skypaw!" The familiar call that normally ripped Skypaw out of her restful sleep was altered. With dread, she remembered how Hazelflower was confined to Willowleaf's den, recovering from her sprained shoulder. She missed her friend and mentor dearly. Hazelflower's humor and vigorous training distracted her from what seemed like her 'other life'. Petalheart was a great mentor, but Skypaw lacked a connection with her. Her mind was still able to wander in her presence, despite Petalheart's attempts to keep her busy.

Upon opening her eyes, she noticed that both of her sisters were already gone. She wondered briefly if Petalheart and Rainpaw had trained just the two of them, but Skypaw didn't care enough to ponder it. After all, Rainpaw was Petalheart's true apprentice. Skypaw had entered Petalheart's training very late in the game, and she knew it was unlikely she would develop the same relationship with her that she had with Hazelflower.

Skypaw exited the apprentices' den and was met with a chilled breeze. She was beginning to resent leafbare. She felt worry ripple throughout the Clan each time a hunting patrol returned with no prey. Leafbare had come so early this time around that the little animals had no opportunity to prepare for snow and cold weather, resulting in plummeting prey populations. 

Skypaw remembered back to how Willowleaf declared that StarClan was angry when the Clan emerged from their dens to find the camp an icy wonderland. She had said that right after Skypaw had returned from visiting with Hawkspirit.

Worry panged through her. Could StarClan be punishing the Clans for her and Hawkspirit's relationship? After all, Sandstar had made a point to warn her about Hawkspirit, and then after one of their secret rendezvous, the Clans were plunged into one of the worst leafbares they'd ever seen. 

This caused anger to sear through Skypaw. If StarClan is mad at me, punish me! She hissed to herself. Don't punish all of the Clans!

Skypaw was ripped from her thoughts when her gaze met Petalheart's reddish eyes. Petalheart looked as though she was about to call something else out to her when Willowleaf padded up to the snowy warrior. Skypaw observed Willowleaf ask something of Petalheart, and Petalheart nodded, flicking her tail in Skypaw's direction. Willowleaf turned and padded her way back to the medicine den.

Cocking her head slightly in curiosity, she waited as she saw Petalheart padding up to her.

"Skypaw," Petalheart greeted. "Willowleaf requests that you visit with Hazelflower, since she says she seems a little lonely. I was going to bring you out hunting with Rainpaw and I, but you can just meet us up after you're done." 

Petalheart waited expectantly for Skypaw's response. Skypaw was instantaneously filled with guilt, since her poor friend and mentor was bored to death in Willowleaf's den and Skypaw had hardly visited with her. Skypaw nodded to Petalheart, and began making her way to the medicine den.

When she walked under where lichen formerly hung, she was not met with Hazelflower's cheerful greeting. What she saw when she entered the den was a transparent shadowy pelt and Willowleaf's raging amber eyes.

"Skypaw, how could you?"

Since I wrote a whole letter to you all in the update preceding this, I'm not going to say much here. I hope this was a good enough chapter for all of you, and that it was worth the wait. I know this chapter wasn't filled with action and wasn't all that exciting, but I needed to pick up where I left off, and well, here it is. I love you all. If you know anyone who has been waiting for an update, please do me a favor and let them know that it's here. <3


P.S. - Today I told my mom that I had left you all waiting on the ShadowClan cat's identity for two years. She confidently declared that you all should hate me. I agree and thought it would amuse you guys!

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