Chapter 22

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Skyfall's lungs burned with every breath. She was sprinting her way through ShadowClan's mucky territory, on her way to bring Hawkspirit back to camp with her. She hoped and prayed that Sunstar was still blissfully unaware of Flowermoon's labor, as she would never be able to forgive herself if something happened to her beloved Hawkspirit because of something she suggested.

Even with the pale moonlight casting throughout ShadowClan's prickly forest, it was hard for Skyfall to see. This lighting would be more than suitable if she was on a venture through her own territory, but considering she had only visited ShadowClan's territory twice - once after Willowleaf's exile, and another on her quest to speak with Hawkspirit - she was having trouble navigating. 

She knew the general direction of where she was going. Fear pricked at her paws when she remembered just how eerie ShadowClan cats were. They not only attacked ThunderClan in the midst of her territory, they attacked ThunderClan in their camp - the next level of cruel. Just her luck, these cats hated her more than the rest of her Clan - she was Russetsky's kin. These cats would jump at any advantage to rip her to shreds, and here she was, running through their territory and into their camp. Alone.

Skyfall was grateful that at least Dapplestar was no longer their leader. While Skyfall felt pity for the rough life her grandmother had, she couldn't shake the atrocities that the dappled she-cat committed throughout her life. She killed the ShadowClan deputy, just so she could take his place. She attacked Willowleaf, a medicine cat who was off limits when it came to battle. She even tried to kill Skyfall herself, twice - just because she was Russetsky's daughter!

Or maybe it was because I'm the sky.

Willowleaf and Skyfall were still unsure how long the Dark Forest knew of her identity. She figured that they must have known about the prophecy first, and pieced together her identity as time went on. It still freaked her out to think that they were aware of her, and that she had no idea that she wasn't the invisible apprentice  she had originally thought she was.

Thankfully, ShadowClan's camp came into view. Skyfall was relieved that she didn't get lost or run into any other trouble on her way there. As she made her way through the snow-covered pines, she suddenly heard a yowl of alarm coming from the camp.

The fur on her neck raised when she realized they were aware of her presence. She obviously needed them to know that she was arriving - she needed their help, after all - but this was a new feeling for her. She was used to sneaking around their territory and trying to disguise herself. Making herself known to ShadowClan was a new and uncomfortable feeling.

A patrol of three cats met her at the thorn tunnel, which was the entrance to their camp. Skyfall immediately recognized the fluffy white pelt of Frosttail, the snotty warrior she had faced in battle, and from when her and Willowleaf warned ShadowClan about the monsters on the edge of their territory. Her eyes were ablaze, and Skyfall couldn't help but notice that her long claws were unsheathed.

The next cat was Moonstar, ShadowClan's new leader. The pale brown she-cat was evidently surprised to see Skyfall. 

"Skypaw," She meowed, her voice strong and monotone. "What are you doing here?"

Skyfall was surprised to hear her apprentice name. Even though she had just received her warrior name earlier that day, it felt like a moon ago with everything going on around her. She hadn't even thought about the fact that to ShadowClan, she was still that young apprentice they had seen in battle and at Gatherings. She hadn't even realized that Hawkspirit was unaware of her new status.

"Skyfall," She corrected, dipping her head in respect. The last thing she needed was to tick off ShadowClan's leader. "I have come to ask for aid."

Frosttail snickered, her tail whisking back and forth. Moonstar looked taken aback at her request for help. Skyfall knew how surprised the ShadowClan leader must be - ThunderClan bragged about their strength both in battle and at Gatherings, and here she was, asking their hostile rival for help.

"Congratulations on receiving your warrior name," Moonstar began. Skyfall knew that she probably didn't mean her congratulatory gesture, but was rather just trying to buy herself time to plan her response. "Help regarding...?"

"Flowermoon's kits are coming," Skyfall explained. She saw Frosttail's spirits fall when the frosty warrior realized that ThunderClan was not being attacked by another Clan, and that their physical strength still remained.

"Did Sunstar exile Willowleaf again?" Moonstar questioned. 

"No, but she is away," Skyfall continued, in a hurry. She knew that the longer they waited, Flowermoon's chances of survival were dropping. The chances of Sunstar remaining unaware of Willowleaf's absence were also falling by the moment. "Flowermoon is expecting a large litter of kits. Willowleaf has spoken about how dangerous her birth will be, and now that it is time for her kits to be born, Willowleaf isn't here to assist her."

Moonstar nodded. Skyfall imagined that she was pondering her options. Her gaze finally found its way to the third cat in Moonstar's patrol. Skyfall had to stifle a meow of surprise when she realized who it was.

It was no other than Littlepaw. Littlepaw's identical sky blue eyes were staring intensely at Skyfall, with an emotion that Skyfall could not place. 

Littlepaw's presence had caught Skyfall off guard. She had been dreaming of all of the things she would say to the small gray she-cat if she was able to speak with her about the prophecies. And here she was! Standing before her, in the flesh.

"Littlepaw," Skyfall greeted, not knowing what else to do under Littlepaw's penetrating gaze. She flicked her tail in greeting.

"It's Littleberry, now," The gray she-cat corrected, her tail mimicking Skyfall's gesture. Skyfall didn't know what else to do but nod. She knew that there was no way Littleberry could know that Skyfall was a chosen cat. Littleberry broke eye contact, glancing at her leader.

"Please, come into camp," Moonstar finally meowed. Frosttail's tail lashed, as she clearly disapproved of her leader's invite. It took everything within Skyfall not to roll her eyes at Frosttail's immature hostility. The four she-cats turned, and Skyfall found herself getting pricked while crawling through ShadowClan's thorn tunnel.

When Skyfall made her way into the ShadowClan camp, it appeared as if every cat in the Clan was out in the clearing, staring at her. Warriors and apprentices stood in front of the elders, who had emerged from their den, and guarded the nursery. Upon a closer look, Skyfall could see the tiny eyes of kits through the nursery's bramble wall, peering at her with wild curiosity.

Her eyes raked over the clearing. She felt horrendously uncomfortable under the gaze of so many cats. Their curious and unwelcoming eyes burned into her pelt, and she did not know what else to do besides stare back at them. As she was about to turn away, her eyes caught the familiar dark blue gaze that she knew all too well.

Hawkspirit had emerged from the medicine den, and he was staring at her intensely. His eyes were blank, clearly sheltering any emotion that he had from his fellow Clanmates. He remained behind a band of warriors, probably resisting any urge his paws had to dash over to her.

Not wanting to arouse suspicion, she forced her attention away from him. She returned it to Moonstar, who had leapt up onto the branch that hung above her den. Irritation pricked at her paws when she realized that she was about to call a Clan meeting, during a time as delicate as this!

"Let all cats gather," She meowed. It was a pointless gesture, since the entire Clan was already out into the clearing, wanting to know why a meager ThunderClan "apprentice" was in their camp, alone.

"Skyfall has come to ShadowClan asking for our assistance," She announced. Skyfall heard multiple scoffs throughout the crowd of cats, and she shifted on her paws uncomfortably. "Flowermoon has gone into a supposedly dangerous labor, and Willowleaf is absent. She requests the help of our medicine cats."

A ripple of murmurs made their way through the crowd. Skyfall heard multiple different things - a few cats mentioning the fact that she was now a warrior, another few wondering where Willowleaf was, and some explaining her half-Clan heritage to others.

"Where is Willowleaf?" A deep meow rang through the clearing. Its source was a cat she didn't recognize, but he was an older tom, most likely a senior warrior. His pelt was black, and his eyes were a bright yellow.

"Good question, Blackdust." The light brown leader turned her attention back to Skyfall. "Skyfall, where is Willowleaf?"

Skyfall stared at her blankly. She considered coming up with a lie, but there was no better excuse than the truth. "She's at the Moonpool,"

"The Moonpool!" A voice exclaimed, somewhere from the crowd. "Willowleaf going to the Moonpool by herself instead of waiting for half-moon? ThunderClan's clearly in trouble!" 

Multiple voices snickered and Skyfall was filled with disgust when she heard a few purrs rise up from the gathering of cats. 

"Sorrelpaw!" A voice snapped. Skyfall turned her head to see the dark pelt of Nightflare. Her eyes were ablaze in anger. "Medicine cats make independent journeys to the Moonpool all of the time when there is no cause for alarm. That is no way to treat a peaceful guest!"

The cat, now identified as Sorrelpaw, ducked her head in shame at being scolded by Nightflare. Skyfall shot her an appreciative glance, as she knew that what she was saying was not necessarily true. Skyfall figured that Nightflare was, in part, trying to protect ShadowClan's prophecy from being exposed to her Clan, and Skyfall guessed that she and Hawkspirit may have made a few of their own trips to visit StarClan.

"Settle down, everyone," Moonstar meowed sternly. Two pelts of strong toms patted into camp. They nodded at Moonstar, and she flicked her tail in acknowledgment before continuing. "Ratscar and Snowlight have searched the territory, and they have found no ThunderClan cats anywhere."

Learning from their own tactics, I suppose, Skyfall hissed to herself.

"Upon getting this confirmation," Moonstar continued. "I have no reason to believe that this is a stage for an attack. This is matter of a mother and her kits, not of hostilities between Clans,"

Skyfall's eyes lit up. Flowermoon would be receiving help after all!

"But, just to be sure," Moonstar meowed, shooting a glance at Skyfall. "We still be sending Hawkspirit. We will be keeping our most experienced medicine cat here in camp." Skyfall knew that Moonstar elaborated so Skyfall would get the message that they were prepared in case ThunderClan had any tricks up their fur.

Skyfall nodded. "ThunderClan gives our deepest thanks."

Moonstar flicked her tail. "Hawkspirit, gather any herbs you may need, and be on your way."

Hawkspirit flicked his tail in acknowledgment, ducking into the medicine den. Moonstar dismissed the Clan, who began to retire to their dens when nothing exciting occurred. Nightflare approached Skyfall near the thorn tunnel.

"Greetings, Skyfall," She meowed, ducking her head. "I am sorry to hear about Flowermoon."

"Hopefully, with ShadowClan's help, she and her kits will make a full recovery."

Nightflare nodded. "Hawkspirit is a fine medicine cat, I do not doubt his abilities in the slightest. She's in good paws."

Skyfall was about to agree, but she stopped herself. She didn't want to say anything that may suggest a relationship between her and Hawkspirit. She knew she was most likely just being paranoid, but she didn't want to chance it.

After a lull in their conversation, Nightflare meowed, "Please send my best wishes to Willowleaf."

"I will," Skyfall responded, warmly. The two she-cats touched noses. Hawkspirit padded up, a bundle of herbs in his mouth.

"Are we ready?" He asked, his words muffled by all of the herbs in his mouth. Skyfall nodded, saying goodbye to Nightflare. She thanked Moonstar again, who was still sitting on her branch, watching Skyfall intently.

Hawkspirit and Skyfall ducked through the thorn tunnel. They began their trek through ShadowClan's musky territory, their tails clashing together ever so slightly as they made their way away from the ShadowClan campground and into the crisp leafbare moonlight.

This chapter sucked. I'm sorry, I kept trying to come up with a better ending but y'all, I got nothin. I'm especially sorry because I know I missed an update or two, and this is what you guys got - nothing exciting. Well, stay tuned!

I'm still working on the Instagram page! Hopefully it'll be up by next week.

I start college in literally 3 days. I AM SO NERVOUS Y'ALL. Do I know where I'm going on campus? Nope. Do I have any idea what I want to do with my degree when I graduate? Nope. Do I have any friends going to my university? Nope. Greatttttt.

Pls pray for me. Like, seriously. I'm a wreck!!!!


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