Chapter 7

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Skypaw padded into camp, Rainpaw on her tail. The patrol had finished patching up the ditch. As a team, they had weaved sticks and leaves together and placed it over the gaping hole. It wasn't much, but if a cat felt it under their paws, they would have enough time to get off before the whole thing came crashing down.

Skypaw's first move after padding into camp was to head to the medicine den. She wanted to visit with Hazelflower. Not only did she feel bad for not being there for her mentor during her time of need, but Hazelflower had done the same when Skypaw had fallen out of the Sky Oak. She prayed that Willowleaf would allow it. Hazelflower had only been able to visit with her because she was too distracted with the birth of Featherfur's kits to kick her out.

Skypaw thought about her friend's kits for a moment. It was only a moon until they would become apprentices, and that gave Skypaw relief. For awhile her and her littermates had been the youngest in the Clan, meaning that even after they became warriors, they would be forced to continue their apprentice duties until other kits became apprentices. Skypaw absolutely adored Featherfur's kits though, they were so full of energy and so eager to learn. She had gotten to know them on her spare time, and it made her proud to think how good members of the Clan they would be when they grew up.

Although she wanted to visit Hazelflower, there was another reason she was being driven to the medicine den. She somehow had to convince Willowleaf  to meet Darkface at the Gathering island that night. Skypaw knew that Willowleaf would most likely say no, and with good reason. Willowleaf definitely wasn't fond of her brother, and she wasn't fond of going out of camp at night against orders.

Ducking into the medicine den, she saw Hazelflower dozing in a nest. Her shoulder was slathered with herbs, and her fur was messy from the whole ordeal. Skypaw made a mental reminder for herself to help her friend groom it later.

Since her mentor was asleep, Skypaw decided this was the best time to go talk to Willowleaf. She spotted the medicine cat's tail peeking out from her storage area that was hidden by vines and lichen. Approaching carefully, she ducked inside.

"Willowleaf?" Her voice was nervous and quiet. Willowleaf turned around to face her, obviously irritated from being interrupted of her herb sorting.

"What is it, Skypaw?"

"I need to talk to you," She meowed, her voice still quiet. "It's important."

Willowleaf's head tilted to the side slightly, and Skypaw could tell that the medicine cat was trying to determine what subject Skypaw's news was. Nodding slightly, she sat down, wrapping her tail around her paws. "Continue."

"Remember when Russetsky told the rescue patrol to split up and look for sticks?" She asked, already dreading the discussion that had barely started. Once again, Willowleaf nodded.

"I was on my way to the Sky Oak to search for one, and I ran into Darkface."

Willowleaf's gaze hardened and her tail began to lash. She got up and glanced through the vines at the slumbering Hazelflower, looking to see if the injured warrior was paying attention. Willowleaf sighed before muttering, "Will he ever leave me alone?"

"Not yet," Skypaw responded. "He said he had important information and he needed to speak to us. Both of us."

Willowleaf's tail continued to lash back and forth. "Skypaw, please tell me you didn't talk to him about it in the middle of ThunderClan territory!"

"I didn't!" The tabby apprentice exclaimed defensively. "I told him that we were busy because of Hazelflower's injury, but he asked if we could meet him at the Gathering island at moonhigh - "

Skypaw didn't even have enough time to finish her sentence before Willowleaf interrupted her with a hiss. "Absolutely not!" The medicine cat exclaimed, her tail bushed. "How absurd! Does he think we have nothing better to do than go meet dead cats at the Gathering island? I know it's been awhile since he's been a Clan cat, but still!"

Skypaw's stomach dropped. Willowleaf's response was expected, she had always known that the tortoiseshell she-cat would never agree to such a thing. But Skypaw had already told Darkface they would attend, they had to go! Her gut told her there was needed information in the Dark Forest warrior's grasp that they needed to know!

"Willowleaf, he might have news about the prophecy - "

"No he wouldn't! He's a Dark Forest warrior, not a StarClan cat. Prophecies are between StarClan and the Clans, he would have nothing that's of value to us."

"He knew of the prophecy last time and neither of us told him!" Skypaw protested. She was determined to convince Willowleaf that this was a meeting worth going to.

"From spying on ThunderClan, Skypaw!" Willowleaf stated as if Skypaw was stupid. Feeling anger growing inside of her, Skypaw lashed her tail.

"You don't know that!" She retorted. "Willowleaf, he came into ThunderClan territory in broad daylight to try to talk to us. This is important!"

"He roams Clan territories all the time, he even said so." Willowleaf's voice was stern. "We are not going to meet him, Skypaw. That's final. Not me, not you, not anybody. Understood?"

Skypaw stared at her medicine cat for a few moments before nodding. It was impossible to win an argument against Willowleaf, she had known that coming in here. "I understand."

Willowleaf nodded, pleased. Turning back to her herbs, she continued her sorting. Skypaw, knowing she was dismissed, ducked out of the storage rock and glanced at the still sleeping Hazelflower before making her way into the clearing.

The sun was beginning to go down. The rescue had taken all day, even though it felt like only a few moments had passed. Camp activity was starting to slow down. Featherfur had herded her kits into the nursery for the night, Appleleaf had retreated to his den, apprentices were finishing up their evening meals, and warriors were retiring to their nests.

There were only a few cats out in the clearing. Bumblefoot took his place at the gorse tunnel, and Skypaw figured that he was assigned guard duty for the night. Firesoul and Flarecloud were having a discussion near the Warriors' den. Flowermoon was eating away at a scrawny vole.

Skypaw studied the plump queen for a few moments. The whole Clan knew that her kits were going to come any day now, and it definitely showed. Her belly was huge, to say the least, and Willowleaf thought there had to be at least five kits in there. The Clan was nervous for the queen, for the bigger the litter, the higher the risk of complications. Featherfur had barely pulled through with four kits.

The sun had gone down, and Skypaw had decided to retire to her nest for the night. Ducking inside the apprentices' den, she curled up in her usual nest next to Rainpaw, and closed her eyes.


Skypaw tossed and turned. Sleep refused to come for her, and all she was able to do was watch the moonlight begin to seep into the den. Her paws itched to be running through the territory to meet Darkface.

She figured the ghostly warrior was already at the Gathering island, waiting for her and Willowleaf in the clearing. She hoped that he wouldn't get angry when they didn't show. Regret flooded her emotions. This was going to be a disaster from the start!

But it didn't have to be!

Skypaw was still beyond angry with the ThunderClan medicine cat. Darkface was her littermate, so what? He had done bad things in his life, but so has every cat. Her gut told her that he had legitimate information. She could tell by the way he acted in the forest.

Thinking quickly, Skypaw could see the moon high in the sky through the holes in the den wall. It was just about moonhigh. If she left now and sprinted all the way there, she could make it in time.

Willowleaf had distinctly told her not to go to the meeting, but Willowleaf wasn't her leader or her deputy. Skypaw knew that this would be worth it!

Ducking out of the apprentices' den, she briskly approached the gorse tunnel. Bumblefoot's eyes lit up with interest.

"Going late night hunting?" He asked, his head tilted slightly.

"Yeah," Skypaw meowed, thinking that was a good enough excuse. "I heard a bird in the trees. I think I can catch it. It's at least worth a shot, since we have so many mouths to feed."

Bumblefoot nodded in agreement. "Sunstar did say he wanted any prey seen or heard caught," He meowed. "Good luck!"

Skypaw gave her thanks as she ducked through the gorse tunnel. Immediately turning to the direction of the lake, she ran as quickly and quietly as her paws would take her.

Aw Skypaw, why you do dis?

What do you think Darkface's information is? Do you think it's worth the risk of running away from camp at night?

Will Willowleaf find out?

This is the third chapter I've written today. It's currently 1:38am, and I literally can't stop writing. I don't know if this is how it is for anyone else, but when I have an urge to write, I literally can't stop.

I find it so sad when I look through profiles on here and see that their owners have abandoned them. I knew so many good friends on here (I still do, don't get me wrong), but it still makes me upset when I see that people no longer have an interest in Warriors. It will happen to all of us someday, but it's still so depressing when we lose interest in things that we were once so passionate about. As humans, we're bound to grow and change, but still.

Because of this, I want to dedicate this chapter to my dear friend Holly (@Hollyleaf_). She has supported me from the very beginning. She is such a kind and helpful person, who encourages everyone and anyone. We hadn't talked in awhile due to my inactivity (as well as hers, I later found out) and I saw on her profile that she decided to leave her account because she just wasn't interested in Warriors anymore. I'm really, really upset to see her go, and I really wish that I could have spoken with her before it was too late. But here's to the one who has been nothing but help for two years, even though she will not see it.

We miss you, Holly!

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