Talk: HyunChan

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"...five, six, seven...?" Chan stopped doing the headcount, confused. Seven? How are they only seven, is he missing someone? Oh. As if something clicked in his mind, he faced Felix. "Where's Jinie, Lix? Isn't he ready yet?"

"U-Uhm, Hyung, he's resting right now." The younger australian answered, flashing a soft and half smile. "On their room," Felix added, pointing at the door of Seungmin and Hyunjin's room.

Ah, Chan thought when their current situation finally processed in his mind, reminding him once again. Felix was about to step outside their dorm when Chan called his attention and said, "I'm gonna talk to him for a bit. You guys can go now, I'll go alone just give me...about a minute or so."

When Felix nodded his head and did a thumbs up, Chan chuckled and ruffled Felix's fluffy hair before turning his heels away from the younger australian. He carefully made his way to where Seungmin and Hyunjin's sharing a room, opening it slowly, popping his head inside to check what the younger is doing, making sure not to startle his boyfriend.

He saw Hyunjin giggling, his hands which are holding his phone doing a scrolling down motion again and again. He must be reading something on his phone again.

"Hey, baby." Chan called the younger's attention.

Hyunjin's head snapped up almost instantly, eyes landing on the leader. His smile widened as Chan finally stepped inside the room with a soft smile on his lips. Hyunjin can see the fondness in how the elder looked at him, causing the younger to crack into fits of giggles.

"Hyung, why are you still here?" Hyunjin asked, throwing the phone aside gently as he wrapped his arms around Chan's waist and rested his head on the elder's chest when the elder sat on his bed. Chan adjusted himself so he's sitting comfortably, wrapped his arms around Hyunjin's shoulder and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Want to talk to you for a bit," Chan smiled.

"Eh? Aren't you guys going to practice? Please go now, hyung. I'll be fine." Hyunjin gave him a smile to assure his boyfriend and hoped that it's gonna work.

He can't help but to feel envious towards the other members. He wanted to perform, too, but the agency was being shitty and kept him inside instead of dealing with the issue properly. But it's for his own good, too, as what Chan said.

"Are you wandering on twitter again? Don't wander too much, Jinie, you might not like it there." Chan warned him for the nth time about not spending so much time on twitter and he knew exactly why.

"Just reading some safe fan tweets, hyung, don't worry too much." He emphasizes the 'safe' as he pat the elder's hard stomach.

"Will you be fine here alone?"

Hyunjin nodded at the question, not wanting this moment to last. But he has to let his boyfriend go eventually so he is slightly swift and untangled himself from the older. He stared at Chan for a bit and smiled, saying, "Can you get me some chocolates when you guys get back?"

"Of course, Princess, anything else?" The leader asked.

Hyunjin can feel the heat traveling up to his cheeks, as he answered the elder's question.

"Kiss me, Chanie."

Chan smiled like an idiot, his hands traveling to Hyunjin's cheeks as he caressed it softly, before connecting their lips. Chan slid his other hand inside the younger's shirt, feeling the soft skin against his skin, as he pressed onto Hyunjin's hips every now and then, softly. The other one which is on Hyunjin's cheek sneaks around to the back of the younger's neck as Chan deepens the kiss.

It happened for almost a minute that left Hyunjin gasping for air but for some reason, couldn't ask Chan to stop to let him breathe properly. Chan bit the blonde's bottom lip before pulling away, admiring the bruise that forms on Hyunjin's lips that he caused.

Hyunjin was panting, cheeks hot and ready to explode. He used both his hands to fan his face as little 'oh gods' left his lips, causing Chan to chuckle at the younger's cuteness.

"Anything else?" He asked again, his other hands not leaving Hyunjin's hips as he started caressing the skin again.

"I love you," Hyunjin mumbled.

Chan's heart flutters at the words. They always say those three words and know exactly how much they love each other, but hearing it from the younger still creates feelings and still has an impact on his heart. He is that whipped.

"I love you too, babe." Chan sighed and slowly got up from where he's sitting. "I'll be back later before you know it, okay?"

Hyunjin nodded and didn't forget to tell Chan to be careful, especially during practice. "Chanie, please be careful especially during practice and tell the others, too."

"I will, baby. Thank you," Chan smiled and gave him one last peck on the lips, finally leaving the room without looking back again.

Chan's eyes landed on the wristwatch he's wearing and saw that it has already been more than 15 minutes since the other members left. They must be waiting for him already, or they probably started practicing already. The leader shook his head, smiling. So much for talking, he thought.


I did not intend this to be long. Oh well, hope you enjoyed it!

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