Chapter 7

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I laid my head on Slappy's shoulder and sighed heavily. We had just finished having some "alone time" and were completely exhausted. "Hey, Slappy," I said, grabbing his attention. "Yes?" He asked.

"Do you think... maybe after we kill Stine, we can try and have a baby..?" Slappy looked at me in shock. This was a big question I was asking him. A very risky one as well. "I know it's very sudden, but after our little talk earlier, it just stuck to my mind," I said.

"I've always wanted to be a papa and have my own kid. But if you don't want the same, I'm okay with that." It was silent for a long time. My hands started to shake, fearing the absolute worst. Just then I felt a pair of lips peck my forehead. I looked up and saw Slappy looking down at me with a smile.

"Of course, Darling. I'll be honest, being a dad was never something on my bucket list, but it has always been a thought in my mind," Slappy said. "Really? For how long?" I asked. He chuckled softly.

"It's been a though ever since we got married. Ya know the old saying: After marriage comes the kids. I never really want to go down that path, but little thoughts of what our kid would be like often creeped into my mind."

I chuckled dryly. "Honestly, I had similar thoughts too. I always imagined a little girl who was fabulous and sarcastic like me, but with a sense of humor like you."

(A/N: A little preview of what my next goosebumps story will be about, so read closely)

"Really? I thought the same. She had your looks and sarcasm, but my humor and psychotic tendencies." I giggled, now imaging what our little girl would look and act like. "I can almost see her. Giggling, smiling, having the best life possible," I said.

"A life where she'll never be abandoned by her dads and never get turned into a monster," Slappy added. We both fell silent for a bit. I then sighed and smiled softly. "I wonder what we'll name her." "Grayson Jr.?" I laughed and shook my head.

"Absolutely not," I said while laughing. Slappy shrugged and said, "I'm out of ideas then." My laughing died down as a name popped into my head. "I like the name Roxanne actually." "Roxanne? How come?"

"It means bright star. And she'll most certainly be the star of our lives," I said. "Huh? I... actually like that name too," Slappy said. I giggled. I let out a sigh before looking out the window. "Maybe when all of this is our we can try for a baby."

"I think that'll be best. Our main goal right now should be to get rid of Stine." "Speaking of him, I wonder what's he doing in there," I wondered aloud. Suddenly, the school gates crashed opened, making me jump.

"Oh, Papa, there's no escaping from us," Slappy said. I growled under my breath. Yep, our baby will have to wait for the moment. Right now, Stine was our main priority. "Bring him to us." Out of the window, I could see our friends leaving the school and chasing after the bus.

The Haunted Car started itself up and drove after the bus. I quickly changed into my dress since I was still naked during our talk. I didn't need our friends or Stine seeing my body.

Slappy would probably take it as then checking me out. He gets jealous way too easily. I don't blame him. I mean have you see the blessing that my body is? Everybody that lays their eyes on me, immediately start to blush. And suddenly confess their long year love to me.

As we got closer, I couldn't help, but have a bad feeling about this. I mean, Stine wouldn't be that dumb to try and escape. Right? I then heard buzzing. I looked out the window and saw Mantis flying down to the bus. He tipped it over, causing it to crash onto its side.

The Haunted Car stopped a few feet away from it. I watched as Tenzin (the abominable snowman), Will, and Cody ran up to the bus. They jumped onto its side and looked into the door. "Come on, come on," Slappy said impatiently.

Will and Tenzin then pried the doors open. A big explosion happened, catching me off guard. I jumped in my seat as some of friends, at least the ones near the bus, exploded into ink. That's when I realized.

"We were fucking tricked," I said. I looked over at Slappy and saw him staring at the scene in shock. He wasn't expecting this either. His grip on the steering wheel tightened as an angry expression appeared on his face.

I slightly slide into my seat. I, along with our friends, wasn't a fan of Slappy getting angry. Usually when he got angry, he would lock himself in our room or take it out on me. Not physically or mentally, but absolutely sexually.

Some scars I had were actually from Slappy when we had what I called "Angry Wall Sex." Even though I knew he never meant it, it still left a bad taste in my mouth whenever I see him get angry.

Thankfully, our friends were reforming back to their physical forms. Will and Cody then appeared next to Slappy's window. "Holy fuck, that scared the crap out of me," Cody said. "Same here, Cod," I said with a joking smile.

Slappy, however, wasn't in the mood for jokes. "Follow the scent. Lead us to Stine!" Slappy ordered. Will and Cody nodded before howling at the moon and hurrying off.

I looked over at Slappy and saw he was still angry. So I laid his head on my chest and petted him softly. This always helped him calm down for some reason. I never knew why and never really asked him.

I heard his breathing calm down and his hand grasp mine. "Feeling better?" I asked. "Yeah, a little. Thanks Gray." "You're welcome, Chéri." I kissed his forehead as I continued to pet him. Suddenly, he jolted up.

"Say, Darling, you don't suppose there's one last friend we haven't let out yet?" Slappy said. I squinted my eyes before realizing his hint. I smirked before reaching into the back. I pulled out a book and said, "I have their book right here." "Perfect. Let's go get Stine..."

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