Chapter I: The Hero and The Princess

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—A/N: this book will make most sense if you've seen the game. But reading without it is fine, just use your imagination.—

Your on a path in the woods. And at the end of that path is a cabin. And in the basement of that cabin is a princess. You're here to slay her. If you don't, it will be the end of the world.

*(Explore) The end of the world? What're you talking about?

*(Explore) Have you considered that maybe the only reason she's going to end the world is because she's locked up?

*(Explore) Killing a princess seems kind of bad though doesn't it?

*(Explore) Can't someone else do this?

*(Explore) Forget it. I'm not doing it.

*(Explore) Have you considered that maybe I'm okay with the world ending?

*(Explore) Do I get some sort of reward for doing this? (CHOSEN)

*Oh, okay. Thanks for telling me what to do.

*Sweet! I've always wanted to off a monarch. Viva la revolución!

*[Silently continue to the cabin.]

*[Turn around and leave.]


Yes, but you'll have to slay her before you get it.

[CHOICE(NONE)— (TAKING OFF THE ACTION...("Turn around and leave")...]

Seriously? You're just going to turn around and leave? Do you even know where your going?


*Okay, fine. You're persistent. I'll go to the cabin and I'll slay the Princess. Ugh!

*"Okay, fine. I'll go to the cabin and I'll talk to the Princess. Maybe I'll slay her. Maybe I won't. I guess we'll see."

*(Lie) Yes, I definitely know where I'm going.


*"The only thing that matters is where I'm not going. (The cabin. I am not going to the cabin.)"

*I'm actually pretty okay with the world ending. I relish the coming of a new dawn beyond our own. Gonna go walk in the opposite direction now!

*[Quietly continue down the path away from the cabin.]

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