Panwink forever(50)

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4 years later...

Lai Guanlin

"Baby, look I found my old phone!!!" I jumped in glee, while showing my Jihoon our memory keeper.

"Does it still work?" He moved closer to me. We were sitting in our couch, it's because we decided it's time to live in.

"I don't know, wait let me charge it?" I stood up, to engrossed with the phone I'm holding.

"Yah! Guanlinie~ don't ignore me just because of that phone." I still didn't looked at him, but I was smirking. I just love teasing my baby.

"Guanlinieee!!! Lai Guanlin, you btch!" I quickly turned around when I heard that.

"Baby!? What did you just say?" I acted angry, it's still part of my teasing. He looked guilty, but a little bit not, he's too naughty sometimes.

"Guanlin? You btch? Hehehe..." Jihoon quickly ran away from me.

"Aahh~! So you want to play this game again?" I smirked, I swear Jihoon loves my smirks. He actually blushed right now.

"What are you talking about? Huh? I can't hear you Guanlin?" I laughed. Through the years we've been together, he learned to tease back. At the first time he did in real life, I kind of didn't know what to do after.

I ran to him as fast as I could. Having these long legs helped, cause I quickly caught him.

"Guanlinie! Let go of me you tall hooman!!" I was back hugging him, and he kept on wriggling from my arms.

"Jihoonie~! Don't you love me anymore?" I asked, pouting. He carefully turned his face to mine.

"Of course Guanlinie! I love you so much, my love is 100 times many than yours!" I frowned.

"What? No! I love you so much, it's 200 percent of my soul." Jihoon suddenly did his aegyo 'kku-kku-kka-kka'. My heart, my heart! It's retiring!!

"Okay, okay you win. But seriously baby, I love you and I will forever take care of you. Then never get tired." Jihoon smiled shyly. He really gets shy when I say this words to him.

"I love you too, Guanlin. Thank you for being with me, since then." I kissed him in the lips, cause why not? Suddenly my old phone beeps.

"Your phone knows when to stop." I nervously chuckled. Then ran to my phone to check it.

"Oh! It's you from 4 years ago." Jihoon was right beside me when I said that.

"What? You never read it?" He looks so red I don't know why. I opened his message.

From 4 years ago...


Park Jihoon:
Hi Guanlinie baby! Today, I love you more than before. You proved me wrong and regain my trust. You proved me that you love me unconditionally. Saranghae neomu, neomu, neomu! For tonight's show, you really shined the best for me. That's why you won in the Show Winner! Yah! Get here quickly, I'll give you your reward! ;)❤

Seen just now

"What.. Why didn't I read this before? I could've gotten my reward!" I pouted at Jihoon, who was still red. He read it with me.

"I swear I waited for your reply again. It's a good thing you showed up in my dorm the next day, but never talked about getting rewards... Sooo, yeah it's expired." I sulked.

"Are you sure it expired already? Aren't you the reward?" I walked closer to Jihoon.

"N—No I'm not the reward hahaha!" I was about to kiss him again, when the doorbell rang.

"Who keeps on bugging our moment?" I sighed and walk to get the door.


"SEONHO? JINYOUNG?" I am really surprised.

"What? Why's Jinyoung with Seonho?" I heard Jihoon said from behind me.

"I don't know. Are you guys... Dating?" I point out.

"What? No!" They said in unison.

"Can't we visit our friends?" Jinyoung said. Seonho nodded pointing at Jinyoung.

"Look I brought you lovers chicken. I'd like to be the godfather of your children okay?" I flinched at the word children. It's a good thing Jihoon didn't notice.

"Oh! Thank you Seonho, how kind of you to bring us chicken. Someone here is too lazy to cook." Jihoon said eyeing me. I put my hands up in surrender.

"What? We just started unpacking our stuffs." I hugged him from the side. "Don't be grumpy okay?"

"Hey hey! Don't flirt infront of my face here. Have some respect!" Jinyoung said shoving us and entering our house.

"Heh, I'm with him. Now let me in you two." I motioned for Seonho to come inside now. That hoe really!

"Yah Guanlin! Where's your plates here?" I almost facepalmed. Jihoon broke from our hug and followed the two in the kitchen, while I searched for the magical kitchen utensils.

"Here btches. Use your eyes not your mouth." I said scowling. Seonho just glared at me.

"OKAY! Let's eat, goodness I'm so hungry I can finish this all." Jihoon said then started eating. Jinyoung clicked his tongue.

"Tsk tsk! Jihoon you pig." Jihoon threw his chopsticks at Jinyoung. By the way it was silver and it really hurts getting hit by it.

We enjoyed our meal together. And when finally they left by noon.

"Wew, it's good they finally left! I'm so tired." I said and layed down next to Jihoon. I looked at him, surprised to see he was sleeping already.

I smiled at the sight. Jihoon's so cute, when he sleeps his mouth opens. I kissed his forehead before sleeping.

The next day when I woke up Jihoon wasn't beside me anymore. I get up quickly and searched for him, only to see him topless. Wtf, wtf, wtf. He has no abs, lol I know but he's Jihoon!

"B-baby! Good morning, why are you up this early?" I asked trying to cover my eyes, but I couldn't help to peek a little. Hehehe.

"Get up Guanlinie! We're going somewhere." I nodded and then went inside the bathroom real fast. Jihoon is such a tease.

Right after we ate breakfast, that I cooked.(a/n: We both know they don't know how to XD) Jihoon took the car keys and drove us to somewhere.

"Where are we going baby?" I asked looking outside the car. He turned the player on.

"Secret!" He said smiling. Why do I feel nervous.

"Where where where?" I asked him for the ninth time. I'm this stubborn with Jihoon. He secretly loves and hate it.

"I said secret now shut up, before I push you outside this moving vehicle." I went silent then nodded. All throughout the drive I fell asleep.

"Guanlinie~ wake up! We're here." I felt a slight tap in my cheeks. Jihoon was the first one I saw when I opened my eyes.

"Oh wow, so beautiful." I smirked, Jihoon backed away from my face and blushed.

"Shut it Guanlin. Let's go." I looked outside to see the sign.

"Holy Angels Orphanage? What are we doing here Jihoon?" I asked but he was already talking to a nun. Oh my gosh don't tell me...

"JIHOON YOU HAVE A LONG LOST BROTHER?" I went by his side. We were already inside the orphanage.

"Shhh, Guanlin there are babies here and they're still sleeping. And no, I don't have a long lost brother." He held my hands as we followed the nun. The nun showed us to the playground. Everyone was playing except one.

"Hey look Jihoon. That girl over there is lonely." I pointed at the lonely child. She looked happy already just watching the other children play.

"I'll talk to her?" I asker Jihoon. He gladly agreed and left me to play with the other children.

"Hey, little girl." I walked up to the cute little girl on the staircase. She smiled when she saw me.

"Why aren't you playing with them?" She pointed at her left eye.

"Blind." She said and it broke my heart. I crouch at the same level as her.

"What's your name then?" She acted like she was thinking, how cute.

"My name is... Grace." She smiled shyly at me, it shown her two toothless front teeth. She's so cute, I hold my hand up to highfive her. She understood what I wanted to do and highfived me.

"Hi Grace, my name is Guanlin. Isn't it great? Our names starts with letter G." She giggled making her ponytails move. I felt a hand in my shoulder, I looked up to see Jihoon smiling.

"Guanlinie, how do you like it here? I see you're friends with her now." I introduced Grace to Jihoon, they immediately click together. They look so cute together it warms my heart.

"Baby, do you think we can adopt her?" I asked Jihoon, his eyes widen a bit.

"Really? I mean, of course why not?" I kissed his cheeks and jumped in glee.

"Yes yes!!! Thank you baby! We're going to have a daughter now!" We both jump in joy, looking like fools.

A week later after arranging the papers...

"Welcome home Grace!"

The three of us stood infront of our house. Like the family, I always dreamed of with Jihoon.

The End


I'd love to end this story here because they deserve a happy ending and a family. Panwink, my heart is breaking just because of ending this. Thank you to all of you who supported this until the end. Saranghae, gomawo😻😿

If you loved this story, I'll shamelessly promote my other story, Daniel and the Beast(Ongniel)🌹😽

Advance merry christmas and happy new year guys!!!🎆🎁🎄.

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