Chapter 2

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???'s P.O.V
So this is (Y/n). I love her cute little face! Pulling the knife down I pointed at Papyrus. "And this is Papyrus," I told her. (Y/n) gave me a confused look but shook it off anyway. "So what is your name?" She asked pointing at me.

"I am Sans," I replied with a smile.


I nodded my head hoping she'd be a lot nicer cellmate than the last.

Author's P.O.V
You say back down on your bed and stuffed your Swiss Army knife back into your boot. Then rubbed your eyes. 'I doubt I'll sleep tonight much less any night' You thought laying your head back on the pillow. Sans also decided to climb up on your bed sleep there. So you allowed it.


As you opened your eyes to the somewhat bright fairly dimmed sunlight Sans was not to be seen. But you assumed he was doing other things. Like talking to Papyrus. Who was he? Not existing or just an imaginary friend of Sans' mind. You sat up still pondering. But to your dismay there Sans was sitting in front of /his/ doctor. Who seemed to be putting band-aids all over his face.

You'd have to admit it was kind of adorable. His bright smile towards the colorful inanimate objects. Along with his childlike behavior. What was it about a skeleton that made you feel something more than stress? At that point, you just sighed and leaned against a wall. Hands in your short, blue jean, pockets.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V
Heh, what a goofball. I blow some of my (h/l), (h/c) hair out of my eyes. "Oh hello (Y/n)!" Sans told me, being a cheerful being. No, I didn't just see him as some filthy monster as others do. What I see Sans as is something more.

"Hi," I replied in the most monotone voice I could muster. The doctor waved me over. I'm guessing so I can help out. So I did. From that experience onwards we bonded a little more. Just a little though.

For me, I don't really handle interactions that well. But maybe he'll end up teaching me something. Or I will teach him something. It just depends. Oh well, I'll never know!

To be continued ||Word count 386 words||
Created by the newest Golden_Swords admin ~Destruction

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