Chapter Two

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"May, we've all been trying to contact you. Where have you been?"

It was the frightened voice of her old rival Drew who had called her through her phone. May sighed as she listened to Drew rant about how he nearly reported her missing. She slapped herself on the forehead. Pinching her nose, she had only just realised that she had forgotten to ring Drew to let him know she got to Johto safe. Drew and Harley had reached Unova last week. May didn't fancy going there because the didn't do pokemon contests.

When May told them that she wanted to go back to Johto, the guys seemed to have a look of shock, although Harley seemed to have a sigh of relief. She never understood what Harley's problem with her was; as her as she knew, there was never any problems between them.

At the same time she loved travelling on her own. She felt that she had received a ticket of freedom. She could go to places without needing permission or having age limits. May felt that she was getting stronger everyday. She could handle challenges such as climbing onto the top of Mt. Silver.

"I went to Mt. Silver," May replied, forcing herself to speak. "It was freezing out there."

"Harley and I told you not to bother," Drew reminded her.

"It was amazing," May muttered. "It had waterfalls in the cave and by the time I reached the top it was covered in snow."

"Are you in Silver Town's pokemon centre?"


"You sound exhausted," Drew commented on the low and groggy tone in May's voice. "You should get to bed. I'll hang up..."

"Wait," May called. "Before you go? Do you know any trains that go to Hazakura?"

"I've never heard of it," Drew replied. "I'm sorry... Try the train station in Saffron City. They go everywhere."

"Okay, thanks a lot."

"Sorry I couldn't help you..."

"It's okay." May yawned and put her feet up on the sofa. "Good night. I'll send you a message in the morning."

She hung up and switched her phone off.

May wanted to close her eyes and fall into her dreams to reach Ash. Her eyes were closed, but darkness instead of dreams. May thought to herself, at least it was better than nightmares. Ever since she left Mt. Silver, the frost of Dahlia and Ash's body haunted her. She wanted to call for help, but she didn't want to take a dead body down from the mountain. She didn't even want to think about the fact that Ash was going to die unless she captures meloetta.

Dahlia's made as complicated as she could. May doesn't know where Hazakura is, nor does she know what a meloetta looks like. It's a rare and legendary pokemon, and that was all she knew. She was planning on heading to the nearest train station. If she couldn't find a train for Hazakura, then she'd follow Drew's suggestion and head for Saffron City.

She wasn't going to bother to research Hazakura, there was bound to be something about meloetta there. Two hours trying to sleep. Nothing. She was starting to think that sleep would waste time. Ash needed her to survive. May needed him to live. She shot up and rubbed her eyes. She the centre and proceeded to the train station. The next train for Hazakura was arriving in two hours. May sighed and rested her head against a lamppost inside the station. What was she going to do for the next two hours? Sleep and miss the train?

It was a good thing she didn't go to Saffron City. May overheard an old couple saying the station had been closed due to investigations. A man and a boy who seemed to be quite upper class satbeside her. The boy was dressed in blue whilst the man was wearing a long to hat. They had both mentioned attacks from a creature known as Tortress. May pretended to be asleep as she listened to the conversation in greater detail.

"What's a Tortress, Professor?"

"My boy, a Tortress is one of the most deadliest creatures of all time: it kills anything that touches it."

"Then how come nobody's died yet?"

"I think that is a puzzle that you can solve yourself!"

"Oh I get it professor!" the boy's voice said with enthusiasm. "It's because no one's directly touched it."

"Excellent Luke!" the professor exclaimed. "When we see Sister Binkini, she might be able to tell me a bit more about Tortress."

May's eyelids fell shut. Her body imploded onto the floor. She tried to slide back up on the lamppost but was knocked down by the slippery edges. She could feel Pikachu's small hands behind her back, trying to help. He even tried to shock her back for energy. The fatigue won. The last thing she could hear was Pikachu crying for help.

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