real nightmare

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Sleepy was in the hospital badly injured and unconscious. the glooms attached him and sleepy got injured.

Sleepy was fighting the glooms alone. "I'm not Letting you get away with this!" Sleepy said angrily. Hildy laughed "and what are you gonna do about it?" Hildy asked. Sleepy had a wand in his hand. He shot some magic at them and misses. Hildy laughed evilly and then shot sleepy knocking him into a wall. Already with multiple wounds sleepy weakly stood up. He shot again knocking out grim. Hildy got angry and shot strong magic at sleepy. Then sleepy collapsed unconscious.

[And that lead to now]

Sleepy laid motionless in the hospital bed. The heart rate monitor was beeping slowly. Rachel was sitting beside sleepy worried with all the rest of the 6d.Rachel sighed "oh sleepy," Rachel sadly said "my poor sleep berry." "Its OK Rachel," happy said trying to cheer Rachel up "I'm sure sleepy is find." "I know," Rachel said "its know how much I care about sleepy." Rachel held sleepy's hand. Dopey was on sneezys lap sleeping. "Yeah we know,"sneezy said " you care about sleepy a lot." Then Sleepy groaned "sleepy?" Rachel said nervously. Sleepy opened his eyes "r-rachel," sleepy said weakly "is that you?" "Yeah its me," Rachel said "are you OK?" "I-i think so," sleepy said "how am I'm I alive?"sleepy was confused,he was sure he was dead. " well the glooms hit you but apparently you survived." Rachel explained. She hugged sleepy "I'm so glad you're OK." Sleepy smiled and hugged back he was glad he was still alive too.

To be continued

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