Sleepy Head

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I got bored and saw some cute fanart on Tumblr and so here we are.

They'd been traveling for two months, only taking short breaks for younger whelps during the night and camping during the day if they had too.

They'd already lost five trolls from the lack of a heartstone, and Jim didn't want to lose anymore. But with another month or two until they even reached New Jersey, Jim wasn't too hopeful.

On cool night in Spencer, Indiana, the trolls had made good distance as midnight arrived. Jim was hopeful they'd be be able to get a few more miles in before dawn.

Claire was walking ahead of him, her movement sluggish.

"Claire?" Jim asked his girlfriend.

"Hmm?" she responded after a moment.

"Are you ok?" he asked, she seemed tired.

She stared at him blankly for a moment. "M'fine," she replied, having finally processed what he said. "Justa bit tired."

Jim smiled and let out a small chuckle. He scooped her up by the waist and set her on his shoulders, his smile turning to a grin as she let out a sound of protest.

"Jim," she scolded, her hands catching his horns so she wouldn't fall off.

"Get some sleep, Claire," he said, his tone stern but sweet.

"But, Jim-" she started, but he cut her off.

"I don't want you passing out and slowing us down," he interrupted. "Besides, it's not like I can't carry you. Honestly, you weigh like 83 pounds."

"I weigh 97 pounds," she corrected, yawning. "And you're not supposed to guess a woman's weight."

"Too bad," Jim said, but he received no response. Claire had already set her arms onto his head, her chin following soon after. He could hear her soft, relaxed breathing as she fell asleep, her chest rising and falling rhythmically against the back of his head.

"Night, Claire," he said softly, a smile falling into place on his lips.

Also, I don't live in Spencer, IN, but I do live in Indiana

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