A Special Day for Ichabod (Ichabod Crane x reader)

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You knocked on the door of Abbie and Ichabod's home. Abbie opened the door and put her finger to her lips. "Is he still asleep?" you whispered. She nodded and closed the door behind you. "Great," you said, beaming. You walked into the kitchen and started unloading all your little treasures. Today was Ichabod's birthday and you were determined to make it a great day. You were going to cook breakfast for him and then have a little get together for dinner and presents that night.

"Abbie, can you start the eggs while I cook the bacon and muffins?" Abbie gave you a salute and got to work. There was silence except for your humming until Abbie asked, "So, when are you going to set up?" You put the muffins in the oven. "As soon as the two of you are gone for the day. I'll call Jenny and Joe for their help. Do you think music will wake him up?" Abbie shook her head. "He's still dead to the world for another 20 minutes at least," she said looking at her watch. She plugged her iPod into the speakers and turned it on while you finished breakfast.

The two of you were so into what you were doing that you hadn't noticed Ichabod come downstairs. "To what do we owe the pleasure of your company, Y/N?" You cast a smile over your shoulder at the tall, lanky man. "Good morning, Ichabod! I just wanted to have breakfast with you and Abbie this morning. The muffins should be coming out soon." Ichabod poured himself a cup of coffee as he smiled at you. You were one of the kindest people he had met since he awoke in Sleepy Hollow.

"It smells divine," Ichabod said. You pulled the muffins out as Abbie grabbed glasses for OJ. "Shall we?" you asked gesturing to the table. The three of you ate breakfast and Ichabod felt a happiness he hadn't felt in so long. It had been a while since he had been able to just have peace. "Muffin?" you asked him with another smile. He took one. "I shall never understand how you get so much...flavor into such a small vessel," he said after taking a bite. Abbie's phone rang and she gave you a look.

After a few minutes, Ichabod and Abbie left and you called Jenny. After you hung up, you began baking a cake from scratch using your mother's recipe. Jenny came through the door with Joe a few minutes later. "Alright, we're here. What do you need us to do?" You gave them instructions and continued what you were doing.

A couple hours later, Abbie sent you a text saying they were on the way back. "We've got about twenty minutes. Thanks for all your help, guys. We all need time to relax, and what day better than one of our birthdays?" You finished icing the cake and putting the gifts on the table just as the door opened. "Why must I go to the dining area? I wish to go to the kitchen," you heard Ichabod saying as his voice got closer. "Would you just go," Abbie's exasperated voice floated down the hall.

When Ichabod entered the dining room, he stopped short. "Happy Birthday, Ichabod," you said, grinning. "Y-you did this...for me?" You nodded and replied, "Jenny and Joe helped with setting up. Abbie kept you out of the house." You didn't get a chance to say more as he pulled you into a hug. Before you could hug back, he let go and straightened up. Brushing himself off, he said, "Forgive me. I lost myself for a moment." You chuckled and hugged him. "It's alright, Ichabod. For now, let's eat. Jenny just got back a few minutes ago with our favorite take out and I made a cake."

After dinner and cake, you took the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Ichabod followed. "Thank you, Y/N. It was very kind of you to remember my birthday. I was certain no one even knew it," he said handing you a plate to rinse. "You are very welcome, Ichabod. I love a good party. Besides, no one should be alone on their birthday." You gave his hand a small squeeze. "Come on, you still have to open your presents," you told him gleefully. You were extremely excited for Ichabod to open your gift.

Ichabod sat in his chair once again to open his gifts. Jenny, Joe and Abbie all gave him gifts to help him adapt to the modern world, but you chose to go a different direction. You bit your lip in anticipation of Ichabod opening your gift to him. "Y/N...this is...most incredible!" he exclaimed, "Shakespearean sonnets." You nodded, "First edition. I figured that you probably know them all by heart already, but it never hurts to have Shakespeare in your library." Without thinking, Ichabod once again had you in his arms, squeezing you gently. "Thank you, Y/N. This has been, without a doubt, the most wonderful birthday I have ever had."

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