Are You Serious? (Abraham van Brunt x fem!Mills reader)

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"You weren't kidding," you breathed out in awe. In the room in front of you, bound by heavy chains, was a headless man. You turned to your sister, Abbie, with your jaw nearly on the floor. "You really weren't kidding." Abbie shook her head. Abbie had told you about the Headless Horseman, but of course you hadn't believed her. Who would?


"Listen to me, Y/N," Abbie begged and you rolled your eyes. "Abbie, come on. A man with no head is searching for his skull in order to jumpstart the Apocalypse? And he's willing to hurt anyone and anything in his path? Abbie, I think you've been a cop too long. You're starting to see the things that go bump in the night." You arched a brow. "You don't believe me? Alright," she said, taking your hand and pulling you from the safety of your work. Abbie lead you to the Masonic cell underground.

*end flashback*

"I told you because we need a favor." You glanced back at the headless man. Abbie's friend Ichabod was in there along with your other sister Jenny, Abbie's boss Frank, and a redhead woman you'd never seen before. "We need you to watch him." You whipped your head back around to gape at Abbie. "Sorry, what?"

"We have a lead about the how to kill the monster the Horseman brought out, but we aren't comfortable leaving him alone for very long. This could take a few days. We need you to watch him. Katrina will give you the necklace she's wearing so you can see him." You cocked your head to the side. "See him?" Abbie nodded. "Her necklace has some sort of spell on it. She can see his face. If we go in there, we can too."

All this information was almost too much. You weren't prepared to handle this kind of thing. You sank down into the chair and stared up at Abbie. She crouched down. "Hey, it'll be okay. He doesn't need to eat or anything. You don't even have to talk to him. You just have to make sure he doesn't somehow manage to get out." You looked at her and saw the hope in her eyes. You nodded. "Okay."

Abbie gave you a soft smile. "Come on." You stood and followed Abbie into the cell. Jenny saw you first and gave you hug. The two of you had always been close. After all, it wasn't your fault she kept ending up in the mental hospital. "Welcome, Miss Mills. I wish we were seeing each other under different circumstances," Ichabod told you sadly and you smiled. "That's okay."

Your eyes dared to travel to the man chained up. Your breath caught in your throat. Just like Abbie had said, you could see him now and dang it all if he wasn't absolutely gorgeous. A firm jaw and beautiful bluish eyes. He stared back at you with a look of disinterest. His expression was a cross between anger, heartbreak, and boredom. "Y/N agreed to keep an eye on him."

The group left that day, after Katrina handed you her enchanted necklace. You felt an odd warmth when you placed it around your neck. The first few hours were boring. The horseman couldn't do anything but stand, sit, or kneel and you knew you couldn't leave for longer than it took to get food. Then, an idea struck you. After checking his chains, you left him to grab something for supper.

He was still there when you returned. Smiling to yourself, you opened the door to the cell. The smell from the fast food bags wafted through the cells. The horseman glanced at you over his shoulder. You walked further into the room, set down a blanket and sat across from him. Then, you undid the chains around his chest and arms so he could sit properly. His feet were still chained. "What are you doing?" You looked up at him with a smile. "Well, I'm bored out of my mind and decided we needed a kind of picnic."

"I don't need to eat." You shrugged. "So? It's better than standing around here bored to death. No pun intended." He stared at you in disbelief for a moment and you stared right back, daring him to let go a little. His brow furrowed and he sat down. You smiled again and handed him one of the bags. He took it gingerly and opened it. "So, Horseman of Death, you have a real name?" He blinked in surprise. "Abraham van Brunt."

That became your normal. Every day, you'd eat dinner with Abraham and talk to each other. Well, it was mostly you talking, him listening unless you asked him specific questions. It was a saving grace when Abbie and the others were gone longer than they thought. To your surprise, you and Abraham got along famously.

"Wait, so you chose this because your heart was broken? By your fiancée and your best friend and you lost a duel to Ichabod?" He nodded. He had started opening up to you. You guessed he really just needed someone to understand him and to talk to him. You reached over and rested a hand on his. "I'm sorry that happened to you. I understand heartbreak, but I think you went about it all wrong. You should have given yourself a chance to fall in love again. You could have lived a real life and met someone else."

Abraham didn't reply. Instead, he glanced down at the hand that was resting on his. You could practically see the gears turning in his head. You sighed and moved your hand. Abraham caught it, holding you in place. "Please don't go," he said, looking up at you again. "You're right. I should have let them be happy. But it's too late now."

"No it isn't. You can stop. Let us help you." Abraham shook his head and turned his face away from you. "I don't think you can. It's been too long." You frowned seeing him so broken. With your free hand, you carefully reached over and cupped his cheek. His eyes widened as he turned back to you. "It's never too late to go back, Abraham." Before you could talk yourself out of it, you leaned over and kissed his other cheek.

Someone cleared their throat and you jumped away from Abraham. Abbie was standing there, arms crossed over her chest. You felt your face heat up. Without saying a word, Abbie walked toward Abraham who stood up. She still said nothing as she chained him up again and grabbed your wrist, pulling you from the room. You glanced back at Abraham who was looking at you with a mixture of regret and adoration.

"Are you serious?" Abbie finally snapped when you were out of the room. You looked down at your feet. You were thankful it was only Abbie and not the others as well. You'd never hear the end of it. "Abbie-" you started but she cut you off. "He's the enemy, Y/N!" You snapped your head up to look at her. "No he isn't! Abraham is just...heartbroken. He can change. He can stop."

"Oh my god. You love him," she whispered and your jaw dropped. "Wh-What? No." She gave you a look. The one that said she knew you were lying. You closed your mouth. You couldn't love Abraham, could you? You looked through the glass and found Abraham still looking at you. You fought back a smile. Maybe you did love him and, if your sisters and the others would give him a chance, maybe there was hope for the two of you.    

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