On the Brink (Ichabod Crane x fem!reader)

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When Ichabod first met you, he didn't realize just how important you would become to him. You had wiggled your way into his life and fixed his heart when he thought it beyond repair. Ichabod loved you. He knew it, but he didn't realize how much until you were nearly taken from him.

You were helping Ichabod and Abbie with another demon problem when it happened. Ichabod hadn't gotten to you fast enough. The demon had sent a creature after you. It was something none of you had seen before. You had no idea how to handle it and decided that some reconnaissance was in order. You, Jenny, and Joe were assigned there while Abbie and Ichabod stayed behind to research what it was you were dealing with. Ichabod had no way of knowing that it was the biggest mistake he would ever make.

When Jenny and Joe had come in carrying your limp body, Ichabod felt every vein in his body freeze. He simply stared at you as the two lowered you onto the couch in the living room. "We need to get her to the hospital." Ichabod couldn't move. It was as if his heart was being ripped out of his chest.

"What happened?" Abbie asked. "We got separated and she was attacked. We have to go!" Abbie nodded and called for an ambulance. "Crane?" Ichabod barely heard Jenny's voice. He was finally able to move and he immediately went to your side. He felt for a pulse and found a very weak one. At least you were alive. "Y/N? My darling, I need you to wake," he whispered as he grabbed one of your hands in his. His free hand brushed a strand of hair from your face.

Abbie returned. "It'll be faster if we take her. Come on." Ichabod scooped you up in his arms. He carried you out to Abbie's car and slipped into the back seat with you. He wasn't going to let you go until he had to. He even argued with the nurses at the hospital. It wasn't until the doctor came in that Ichabod left your side for a second. As soon as the doctor was done, Ichabod was right next to you again.

When your eyes finally opened, you were greeted by the ugly white ceiling and knew exactly where you were. You let out a little groan, alerting Ichabod to the fact that you were awake. "Y/N! Thank God. I thought I lost you." You did your best to smile at him through the pain. You hissed as you tried to sit up. "You mustn't move, Y/N. You nearly died."

"Demonic knives will do that to you," you replied sarcastically. "While I appreciate your wit, I do not find it appropriate right now." You looked over at him and saw the distress in the sparkling blue eyes you'd come to adore. Carefully, you reached over and took his hand in yours. "Ichabod...I'm alright." Tears sprang up in his eyes. He covered your joined hands with his other one and brought your hand to his lips.

"I don't know what I would have done if you had died. I don't think I could bear to lose anyone else that I love." You smiled. "I love you too, Ichabod." Ichabod opened his mouth to say something else, but the door opened and the doctor came in. "Hello, Miss Y/L/N. Good to see you're awake. You gave us quite the scare. Your fiancé was really worried." You glanced at Ichabod, but didn't say anything.

When the doctor left, you arched a brow at Ichabod. "Fiancé, huh?" Ichabod blushed and looked down sheepishly. "They said family only. I couldn't simply wait outside until you woke up," he explained quickly, nearly rambling. "Ichabod!" you cried softly, catching his attention, "I'm not mad. I didn't know we were at that stage in our relationship," you teased. Ichabod chuckled lightly.

*time skip*

You were so glad to get out of the hospital. You had been there for far too long in your opinion. Luckily for you, you had a very willing boyfriend. He sat with you every day until they released you. Then, he stayed with you at your home., waiting on you hand and foot.

"Ichabod, sit down," you encouraged one day. Ichabod shook his head. "No. There is still so much to do." The man had been slaving away in the house all day on something. You had no idea what. He hadn't let you up off the couch except to go to the bathroom since you got home from the hospital. He learned how to cook for you and made sure you didn't want for anything. It was sweet, but slightly annoying.

"What could be more important that sitting and cuddling with me?" you asked with playful pout. Ichabod stopped and looked at you. Laughing, he came over to sit with you. You immediately snuggled into him and fell asleep, as you always did. It was still strange for Ichabod, but he'd gotten used to it. He sighed happily and fell asleep too.

When you woke up, Ichabod was still asleep, his jacket thrown on the back of the couch. You smiled and kissed his cheek. Then, you shivered. You grabbed his jacket and covered yourself with it. When you felt something hit your leg, your brows furrowed. You stuck your hand in the pocket and pulled out what was inside.

You felt your heart pick up at the sight of the velvet box. When you opened it, you had to bite back a loud gasp. Nestled safely inside was a beautiful ring. You didn't want to jump to conclusions, but if that meant what you thought it meant, you were beyond ecstatic.

"You weren't supposed to see that yet," Ichabod's voice, thick with sleep, said from behind you. He sat up and helped you carefully. "Ichabod..." you trailed off with tears in your eyes. "When I told the doctor I was your fiancé, I was not exactly lying. I was speaking a hope of mine. I wish to marry you, if you'll have me." He started rambling again so you stopped him with a kiss. "Yes," you whispered. Ichabod beamed and slid the cool metal on your finger.  

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