The inside

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You are currently going into the Slender mansion, hope you enjoy!         -Gk45

You walked into the big Mansion, inside there was a Tv, but then you saw a the Smile dog, you had to run away before you would get your arm bite off. You sprinted out, but before you could get out, A Creepypasta with a hoodie pulled you back a drew a knife. You were trapped, he raised his knife but his knife all the sudden went flying, and Hoodie got kicked to the side. Some other Creepypasta's heard the commotion and ran down to see us for a fight, Eric was always ready and in fighting mode. Jeff the killer, he threw his kitchen knife at Eric, but Eric was Mysterious when fighting and sliced the kitchen knife half. You just pulled a W/c (weapon of choice) out of Eric's belt and fought with him. You were not skilled but, you saw a knife to use, you looked for a quick contraption to distract the Creepypasta's. You threw a knife at a Pineapple, the Pineapple got cut in half and it triggered the knife drawer to fling open, then there were knifes going everywhere. You and Eric slowly exited the Mansion and ran as far as you could go, "Hey that was awesome what you did!" Eric exclaimed, you just gave him a quick bright and happy smile, he smiled back. "It was actually not what I had to planned" You said still huffing, he still looked proud of you. "It looks like your fighting skill went up" He exclaimed,

"yeah but we need to focus on what we need to do" You said looking down now. He nodded, and remembering they need to save your brother, "okay let's get some rest" He said smiling, you both drifted off to sleep, before your parents figured out you were gone. Eric woke up early to decide if they were to go to school or find your brother....

A. Go to school   B. Find your brother 

If you choose A then turn to page 15

If you choose B then turn to page 17

(word count 357)

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