Slender Origins

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Chapter 1:

(A car drives along an old dirt road.)
Emilia Text Box: Franklin Roosevelt once said "There is nothing to fear but fear itself". Obviously, he had never experienced what I have experienced. Fear is a natural part of life, it's true. But some things are meant to be feared more than others.
(The car arrives in front of a house. Emilia steps out.)
Emilia Text Box: My name is Emilia Winda. This is my story about my first encounter with the Slender Man.
(Emilia steps inside and starts looking around.)
Emilia: Alright, here we go.
Emilia Text Box: My college social studies class required us to write a report on a famous thing in our town. I've always been interested in the paranormal, so I decided to write my report on the mysterious disappearance of Simon Manning. Wanting to gather information, I journeyed to an abandoned house on the outskirts of town where he apparently lived during the last few weeks before he disappeared. Little did I know what I was getting myself into.
(The Slender Man symbol is all over the house.)
Emilia: This place is creepy. What does this symbol mean?
(Emilia walks into a room with pictures of Simon all over the walls.)
Emilia: This must be him.
(Emilia touches one of the pictures and it drops, shattering on the ground.)
Emilia: Oops.
(Emilia picks up the picture,)
Emilia: Maybe I can use this in the report. A visual aid or something.
(Emilia finds a book on a desk.)
Emilia: What's this?
(Emilia dusts off the book and it says it's the journal of Simon Manning.)
Emilia: Oh my god! This is perfect! I'm sure no one would mind if I took it..
(Emilia puts the book in her bag and walks out. A hand appears around a corner.)

(Emilia is driving home. Her phone rings, but she doesn't pick it up. It shows Julie on caller ID.)
Julie: Hey, Emilia. It's me, Julie. I know you're stressed out about this project, but try not to go too crazy over it. You know you have a tendency to...over obsess about paranormal stuff.
Emilia: I do not...
Julie: Anyway, call me back when you can, bye!
(Julia hangs up.)
Emilia Text Box: I still remember that phone call. I'll never forget it. She was right, though, about me over obsessing about stuff like that. And it would end up costing me.

(Emilia is now in her apartment. It's late, and she pours herself a cup of tea in her pyjamas. She turns around to see the journal on the kitchen table.)
Emilia: I thought I left that in my bag. I guess I should start reading it.
(Emilia picks up the journal and sits on a couch to read it.)
Emilia: June 5th, 1989...

(Simon Manning is writing something at his desk. He hears a knocking at the door, and gets up to open it. A doctor is outside.)
Simon: Doctor?
Doctor: Hello, Simon. Your blood tests came in. I'm sorry...but you have a rare and incurable terminal illness. We don't even have a name for it yet.
Simon: I see. How long have I got?
Doctor: I'd say until the end of the year.
Simon: I...I understand. Thank you.
(Simon closes the door and goes back to sit back at his desk. He angrily wipes everything off his desk. Later, he is sitting in an armchair. He pours himself a glass of Scotch and drinks it. He pulls out a pistol and puts it at his temple.)
Simon: Looks like I'm checking out early.
(Zalgo appears.)
Zalgo: Now, now, there's no need for that.
(Simon aims the gun at Zalgo.)
Simon: Who the hell are you?
Zalgo: Put down the gun, I mean no harm.
Simon: You have 10 seconds to explain yourself.
Zalgo: Oh, I've known you for a long time, and you've known me.
(Zalgo places a finger on the gun and pushes it down.)
Zalgo: I was at the beginning, and I'll be there at the end. I am the feeling that you're being watched when no one's around. I am the shadow that seems darker than all the others. I go by many names, but you may call me Zalgo.
Simon: You're the devil?
Zalgo: I've been called that. But I'm not Satan, or Death. Nor do I work for either of them. I rule over my own domain. I call it the Shadow Realm.
Simon: Why are you here?
Zalgo: I understand you have had problems as of late. I also see that you were just about to paint the walls red before I came here.
Simon: Yeah, I was. And if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to it.
(Simon puts the gun back to his head, but Zalgo pulls his arm down.)
Zalgo: Oh, come now. I can help you.
Simon: What?
Zalgo: You have an earthly disease. I am not of this earth. And I've cured worse before. Unless you want to go back to take the cowards way out, I suggest you take me up on this.
Simon: I don't make deals with demons.
Zalgo: Do you have another choice?
(Simon looks at the floor, then back at Zalgo.)
Simon: Fine. What's the price?
Zalgo: You're a gambling man I assume?
Simon: Not really. But whatever you want of mine, you can have it. Just as long as you help me out first.
Zalgo: I see. I will name my price later. For now, take this.
(Zalgo produces a vial of a black liquid. Simon takes it.)
Zalgo: Drink it, and you'll make a full recovery.
(Simon drinks it. He winces.)
Simon: Ugh... What was that?
Zalgo: A miracle cure. Lets just leave it at that. And now I shall take my leave. Just remember; my price will be named later, and when I name it, you cannot back out. I held my side of the deal. Now it's your turn.
(Zalgo disappears into the shadows. Simon blinks and slumps down in his chair.)
Simon: What have I gotten myself into?

(Simon wakes up and walks to the bathroom. His face is not exposed. Finally, he looks at himself in the mirror and sees his eyes are completely gone.)
Simon: What the hell...
(Simon examines himself closer.)
Simon: What the hell!?
(Simon falls back on the ground. Zalgo appears behind him.)
Zalgo: Hello again, Simon.
Simon: You...
Zalgo: I see you've noticed that I've named my price.
Simon: What the hell did you need my eyes for?!
Zalgo: I didn't take your eyes, I got rid of them. You're going to work for me now. Haven't you questioned how you can still see? You are transforming, Simon.
Simon: Into what?
Zalgo: A being I created. You see, a long time ago, I thought to myself, why should I gather lost souls myself when I could get someone else to do it for me? And thus I created what you are going to become; the Slender Man.
(Simon lunges at Zalgo to attack him, but Zalgo grabs him by the face.)
Zalgo: Nice try. You really think you could hurt me? Foolish mortal.
(Zalgo drops Simon.)
Simon: Please...I don't care if I die anymore. I just don't want this.
Zalgo: I told you there's no reversing this. I'm sorry Simon, but this is your destiny. Oh, you'll get used to it. The rest of the transformations will happen gradually, but a new one will occur each day.
(Zalgo disappears. Simon slumps onto the ground.)

Chapter 2:

(Emilia is searching on the computer for information on the Slender Man and Zalgo.)
Emilia Text Box: At first I simply thought that Simon was hallucinating due to his illness. I would later find out that this was not the case. I searched all over for information on Simon, Zalgo and the Slender Man, but I couldn't find a thing. I got so desperate I even put out an ad in the paper. That might have been one of the biggest mistakes of my life.
(Julie and Derrick drive up to Emilia's apartment building.)
Julie: Well, here we are.
Derrick: I still can't believe Emmy put an ad in the paper. Especially for something like this.
Julie: Well you know how she is. Once she finds something she's interested in, it's hard to get her away from it.
Derrick: Yeah, I guess...
(They start walking upstairs.)
Julie: By the way, Derrick, how have you and Emilia been doing, relationship wise?
Derrick: Well, we haven't gone on a date or done anything together for about three months, but that was before her report was assigned. But other than that, we're doing okay.
Julie: Well, she's lucky to have you, and you should remind her.
Derrick: Thanks.
(Julie knocks on Emilia's door. Emilia answers.)
Emilia: Oh, hey guys. What are you doing here?
Julie: We just came in to check on you. We saw the ad in the paper.
Emilia: saw that...Well, it was hard to find information on the subject.
Derrick: How long have you been looking?
Emilia: Well...I think it's been three weeks since the project was assigned.
Julie: Have you slept at all since then?
Emilia: Yeah... I think I nodded off for a couple hours the other day...
Derrick: We're just a little worried about you.
Emilia: I appreciate your concern, but seriously, I'm fine.
(Emilia's phone rings.)
Emilia: Hold that thought.
(Emilia picks up the phone. Masky is on the other line.)
Emilia: Hello?
Masky: I'm looking for miss Emilia Winda. I have some information you might be interested in.
Emilia: Really? Like what?
Masky: I can't tell you over the phone, but perhaps we could arrange a meet up?
Emilia: Yeah, of course, where?
Masky: If you're free today, we could meet up at 907 West Street.
Emilia: Sure, but can I ask you your name?
Masky: I'd prefer to remain anonymous. Call me Masky. Meet me in 10 minutes.
(Masky hangs up.)
Derrick: Who was that?
Emilia: Someone responded to the ad! He wants to meet up in 10 minutes at 907 West street.
Julie: Do you need a ride?
Emilia: No, but maybe you should tag along, just in case this gets a little...difficult.
Julie: Yeah, sure. Lets go.

(They arrive at an abandoned wear house.)
Emilia: This is the place.
Julie: I don't know about this...
Derrick: Yeah, this seems a bit sketchy.
Emilia: Just stay out here, and if I'm not back in 5 minutes, come get me.
(Emilia leaves the car and goes inside the wear house. There is a single table in the middle of the room with a chair on either side. Masky is sitting in the one facing Emilia.)
Masky: You must be Emilia.
Emilia: And you must be Masky.
Masky: Correct. Have a seat.
(Emilia sits down.)
Emilia: So, what do you know about the Slender Man?
Masky: I have these.
(Masky pulls out three pictures.)
Emilia: What's this?
Masky: This is a picture of a wood carving made by a man named Hans Freckenberg in the 1540s. It's called Der Grossman.
Emilia: Is that the name of the thing the knight is fighting?
Masky: Possibly, but my sources have reason to believe that this is the Slender Man.
Emilia: Really?! That's what he looks like?
Masky: Well, possibly. Here's another picture. This one was posted on an online forum in 2009.
(Masky passes Emilia another picture.)
Emilia: I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary.
Masky: Look here.
(Masky points at something hidden among the trees in the picture.)
Emilia: Oh, I see it now. Is that the Slender Man?
Masky: Yes. As you can see, he looks different than he does in the previous picture.
Emilia: Yeah...he has a suit and tie in this one.
Masky: I have one final picture to show you. I'm unsure when this was discovered or drawn.
(Masky shows a drawing of something that looks like the Slender Man, but in different clothing.)
Masky: This is the Tall Man, a character from Romanian folklore. He was a...bogeyman of sorts.
Emilia: What does all this have to do with anything?
Masky: Well, all these pictures and more are from different points in history, leading me to believe that the Slender Man exists as a ageless entity throughout time.
Emilia: That can't be right. I have Simon Manning's journal at home. He says that Zalgo turned him into the Slender Man in 1989.
Masky: Simon Manning...I believe the name popped up in my research one time or another. But if what you say is correct, perhaps Zalgo simply chooses a new Slender Man every so often.
Emilia: That makes sense. By the way, why did you want to be anonymous?
Masky: In my line of work, anyone could be watching or listening.
Emilia: I get it. Do you have any more information?
Masky: Not that I can tell you now, but perhaps we could arrange future meetings?
Emilia: Sure. But I should go, my friends might get worried.
Masky: Of course. I have your number, I'll call you.
Emilia: Thank you for the information.
Masky: Any time.
(Emilia leaves and steps back into the car.)
Julie: So how'd it go?
Emilia: Pretty good. He gave me some good information.
Derrick: Who is this guy anyway?
Emilia: I don't know. He calls himself Masky, probably because he wears a mask all the time.
Derrick: A mask? Emmy, are you sure about this guy?
Emilia: I told you to stop calling me that. It makes me feel like a little kid.
Derrick: Sorry.
Julie: So, where too now?
Emilia: I'm gonna go back home. I have even more writing to do now.

(Emilia is tiredly typing at the computer. She looks to the side and sees the journal on her desk.)
Emilia: Huh. I could have sworn I left it on my nightstand.
(Emilia picks up the journal and goes over to her bed.)
Emilia: I guess I should go to bed soon. Maybe just a few more entries...
(Emilia lies down on the bed and starts reading.)
Emilia: August 4th, 1989...

(Simon is sitting in his armchair. His eyes are still gone, and now he has no hair, and sharp teeth. He is also much taller and skinnier. There's a knock on the door and he puts on sunglasses and a scarf and goes to open it. A mailman is outside.)
Simon: What?
Mailman: Package, sir.
(Simon signs for the package and picks it up.)
Mailman: Are you alright sir?
Simon: Fine. Go away.
(Simon slams the door and opens the package. It's a jack in the box.)
Simon: What? Who'd send me this?
(Simon turns the crank. Nothing comes out when the box opens.)
Simon: Huh. Damn thing's broken.
(Laughing jack taps him on the shoulder.)
Laughing Jack: Boo.
(Simon falls back on the floor.)
Laughing Jack: Aw, did I scare you?
Simon: What the hell...
Laughing Jack: Call me Jack. Laughing Jack that is. My card.
(Laughing Jack hands Simon a Joker playing card with his face on it.)
Simon: Very funny. I assume Zalgo sent you?
Laughing Jack: That he did. He told me to help you adjust to your recent transformation. I see you've gotten a little taller.
Simon: Yeah, I also got a lot thinner, partially due to my inability to digest solid food.
Laughing Jack: Oh yeah. Big Z forgot to mention that. That's not the point though. Being the Slender Man, you have some cool new abilities now.
Simon: Like what?
Laughing Jack: Like this.
(Laughing jack extends his arm and grabs a bottle from a far away table. He hands it to Simon.)
Laughing Jack: Now you try.
Simon: How am I supposed to do that?
Laughing Jack: Just try to put the bottle on the table. You'll see.
(Simon moves his arm foreword and it slowly extends to the table.)
Laughing Jack: Didn't I tell ya?
Simon: Amazing.
Laughing Jack: And that ain't all. Check this out.
(Laughing Jack disappears and appears behind Simon.)
Simon: How did you...
Laughing Jack: Teleportation, my friend. Try it. Find a place in this room you want to be, and focus on it. Easy.
(Simon disappears and appears behind the table.)
Simon: Weird. But I like it.
Laughing Jack: Glad to hear it. This isn't all you can do either. The more transformations you go through, the more powers you'll get. Lucky you, you're almost done.
Simon: Like what? Can you show me?
Laughing Jack: Nah, these powers are exclusive to you. You'll figure them out when the time comes. Until then, I gotta go. Zalgo's gonna want me back quickly.
(Laughing Jack disappears. Simon looks in the mirror. He focuses a little harder and small tendrils sprout out of his back. He smiles.)
Simon: I think I'm beginning to like this.

Chapter 3:

(Emilia is at another meeting with Masky.)
Emilia: This has all been amazing information, but is there anything you can tell me about Laughing Jack?
Masky: Yes, actually. I have reason to believe that Laughing Jack was created by Zalgo as another way to collect souls.
Emilia: The journal described him as a black and white clown, but he was doing a bunch of weird stuff, like teleporting and I think at one point he could stretch his limbs.
Masky: It's possible that Laughing Jack my have been a...Slender Man Prototype, or perhaps meant as an assistant to the Slender Man.
Emilia: Yeah, that might be it. I've also been wondering, I've seen this symbol everywhere.
(Emilia shows Masky a the symbol drawn on a piece of paper.)
Emilia: What does it mean?
Masky: I've seen this before. I'm still not sure what it means myself.
(Emilia's phone rings. It's a text from Julie that says "We need to talk."
Emilia: Well, I gotta go, but thanks again.
Masky: Any time.
(Emilia leaves the room and picks up her phone, dialling Julie's number. Julie picks up.)
Julie: Hello?
Emilia: Hey, it's Emilia. What did you mean by "we need to talk"?
Julie: Just come back to your apartment. Me and Derrick are already here.
Emilia: How did you get in?
Julie: You left your door unlocked.
Emilia: What's this about?
Julie: We'll talk when you get back.
(Julie hangs up.)
Emilia: Dammit, Julie.
(Emilia gets into her car and drives off.)

(Emilia walks into her apartment. Derrick and Julie are already there.)
Emilia: What is this, some kind of intervention?
Julie: Kind of, yes. We've noticed that you've gotten completely obsessed with your project.
Derrick: Yeah, even more than you usually are.
Emilia: Okay, okay, I know I've gotten a little caught up in this, but I can assure you, I'm perfectly fine.
Julie: No, you're not. The only time you go outside is to meet up with that creepy mask guy. Look at how pale you are!
Emilia: I've noticed that...
Derrick: Every time I've seen you, you look completely exhausted. It's like you just don't sleep anymore.
Emilia: I skip a few nights...
Julie: You've been working on this project for a full month. You must be finished by now, right?
Emilia: I'm almost done. But I guess you're right, I've been spending way too much of my time focusing on this. Tonight, I'm going to have a good night's sleep, and tomorrow, I'm going to finish the project and forget about the Slender Man, Simon, Zalgo, Laughing Jack, and everything else.
Julie: Thank you. We're just worried about you.
Derrick: We don't want you to think we're treating you like a little kid.
Emilia: I get it. You're right, I get really obsessed with stuff, and this project pretty much took over my life.
Julie: Okay, I think this has been a success. We should go.
(Julie leaves, but Derrick stands in the doorway.)
Derrick: Uh...Emilia?
Emilia: Yeah?
Derrick: If you, uh, want to hang out later...just, you know, call me.
Emilia: I'm probably gonna be busy tonight. I know we haven't done much in a while, but...
Derrick: It's fine, I get it. Give me a call when you're free.
(Derrick leaves. Emilia yawns and goes to her bedroom. She sees the journal on her bed.)
Emilia: I'll finish it tonight.
(Emilia lies down on her bed and starts reading.)
Emilia: November 17th, 1989...

(Simon has now fully transformed into the Slender Man. He is standing in the forest with Zalgo and Laughing Jack.)
Zalgo: So, Simon, how have you been adapting to your new form?
Slender Man: I like it. But I don't go by Simon anymore.
Zalgo: Ah, right. Slender Man. Now, I have a mission for you.
Slender Man: And what is it?
Zalgo: Just kill. Kill who you must, kill and spread fear as much as you can or want, and never stop. All the souls will go to me in the Shadow Realm. Do you think you can handle that?
Slender Man: As you wish, master.
(They hear a rustling nearby. A person comes through the clearing and sees them. The Slender Man shoots three tentacles out of his back and stabs the guy in the mouth and eyes.)
Laughing Jack: Damn!
Zalgo: Ah, you're first kill. You've learned well.
Slender Man: Thank you, master.
Laughing Jack: By the way, by now you've probably guessed you can change you're form, but not your face.
Slender Man: Yes, I noticed.
Laughing Jack: I got something for that.
(Laughing Jack pulls out a mask with black markings on it.)
Laughing Jack: It ain't much, but it's less suspicious than what you got going on.
Slender Man: I already have an idea for it.

(Emilia is reading the journal on her bed.)
Emilia: Huh. That's where it stops? Well, I guess that's fine. Now I can finish my report...tomorrow...
(Emilia falls asleep.)

(Emilia is typing on the computer.)
Emilia: There, done. After a full month of writing and research, I'm finally done. Was that so hard?
(Emilia looks at her phone.)
Emilia: I think this calls for celebration.
(Emilia picks up her phone and calls Derrick.)
Derrick: Hey, Emmy-oh sorry, I forgot you don't like being called that.
Emilia: Actually for now it's fine. I just finished my report.
Derrick: Oh, that's great. I'll call Julie.
Emilia: Actually, I was kind of hoping that you and I could celebrate...alone.
Derrick: What do you mean?
Emilia: I think you can figure it out.
Derrick: want me to...oh! We haven't done that in a while.
Emilia: Well then we better make up for lost time.
Derrick: I'll be right over.
Emilia: See you then.
(Emilia hangs up. A few minutes later Derrick shows up. Emilia is now wearing a tank top.)
Emilia: There you are. What took you so long?
Derrick: I wanted the anticipation to build up.
(Emilia wraps her arms around Derrick's neck.)
Emilia: So should we adjourn to the bedroom now?
Derrick: I think so.
(Both of them get on the bed, but Emilia's phone rings. It's Julie.)
Emilia: Dammit, Julie. This is not the time.
Derrick: Just let it go to voicemail.
Emilia: Good plan.
(Emilia puts the phone on the nightstand.)

(Emilia wakes up.)
Emilia Text Box: To be brutally honest, that might have been the best sex of my life. But I shouldn't get too far into that. This is about where all my mistakes caught up with me.
(Emilia looks at the clock. It says 3:21 am.)
Emilia: Wow...I wonder what Julie was calling about.
(Emilia looks at the phone. It says she has 5 messages.)
Emilia: Huh...weird.
(Message number 1.)
Julie: Hey Emilia, it's me. Just checking up on you. My guess is you're done with the report by now. Give me a call back when you can.
(Message number 2.)
Julie: Hey, me again. The power just went out in my house. Luckily my cell still works. Is your power out too? Call me back.
(Message number 3.)
Julie: Okay, this is freaky. I just heard my door open and close, but I can't see anything. Maybe it's just the wind-oh my god!
(Message number 4.)
Julie: Emilia, It's him! He's in my house! I'm hiding under the bed right now, but I don't think he can hear me-
(Cut off by screams. Message number 5.)
Masky: Hello, Emilia. Why don't you pay Julie a visit?
(Emilia drops the phone in shock. She throws on some clothes and wakes up Derrick.)
Derrick: Ugh...what is it?
Emilia: I think Julie's in danger. Get some clothes on, we're heading out.
Derrick: What?
Emilia: I'll explain on the way.
(Emilia throws a pile of his clothes at him.)
Emilia: Get dressed, we gotta go.

(Derrick and Emilia drive towards Julie's house.)
Derrick: So why did you have to wake me up again?
Emilia: I told you, I think Julie's in danger. She left some weird messages on my phone right before know...
Derrick: Weird how?
Emilia: Weird as in I heard her scream and hit the floor.
Derrick: Okay, this isn't good.
(Derrick and Emilia step out of Emilia's car and into Julie's house.)
Emilia: Julie? Julie!?
(They walk into the bedroom and see Julie under the covers.)
Emilia: Julie? Are you okay?
(Emilia pulls back the covers a bit and sees Julie covered in blood with her throat slit.)
Emilia: Oh my god!
Derrick: Holy crap.
(Emilia sees a note in Julie's mouth. All that's written on it as a scribbled picture of the Slender Man.)
Emilia: Masky.
Derrick: What?
Emilia: It was Masky. He was on the phone, and he left this note.
Derrick: I knew that guy was shady. Should I call the police?
Emilia: Y-yeah.
(Emilia nods. Derrick calls 911 while Emilia cries over Julie's corpse. Within minutes, policemen show up.)
Policeman: And you say you walked into the house and saw this girl after hearing phone messages?
Emilia: Yes, that's exactly what happened.
Policeman: Well, our forensics team definitely suspects murder.
Derrick: It was murder, we're sure of it.
Policeman: Alright. Don't worry. We will find your friends killer.
(The policemen drive off.)
Emilia: No they won't.
Derrick: What?
Emilia: They aren't going to find Masky. I will.
Derrick: What?!
Emilia: I'm going to find Masky, and I'm going to kill the bastard.
Derrick: Are you insane?
Emilia: Maybe. But right now, I really don't care.
Derrick: I'm sorry, but I can't let you do this.
Emilia: I'm sorry, but you don't have a choice in the matter.
Derrick: Fine. Where do you think he'd be?
Emilia: I know exactly where he would be.

(Emilia drives up the wear house where her and Masky met up.)
Emilia: You wait here.
(Emilia takes a flashlight and a gun out of the glove compartment.)
Derrick: Where the hell did you get that?!
Emilia: The gun store. Where do you think?
Derrick: Yeah, that was kind of a stupid question.
(Emilia exits the car and shines the flashlight around.)
Emilia: Where are you dammit?
(Derrick steps outside.)
Derrick: Look, just put the gun down. He's obviously not here-
(Derrick is cut off by Masky stabbing him in the back. Emilia spins around and fires a few times at Masky, but misses. Masky runs off.)
Emilia: Oh my god, Derrick, you idiot! I told you to wait in the car!
Derrick: I hindsight...this was really stupid.
Emilia: You're gonna be fine. Just keep pressure on the wound, I'm gonna call the ambulances.
(Emilia calls 911.)
Operator: 911, what's your emergency?
Emilia: My boyfriend just got stabbed!
Operator: Okay, calm down miss. What's your location?
Emilia: We're right in front of 907 West street.
Operator: I'm sending an ambulance now. Are you able to stay with him until it comes?
(Emilia looks over to where Masky ran off. She picks up the gun again.)
Emilia: Unfortunately, no.
Operator: Okay, just put him in a safe place, we'll find him.
Emilia: Thank you so much.
(Emilia hangs up and goes back to Derrick.)
Emilia: Derrick, you're gonna be fine. The ambulance is on it's way okay?
Derrick: Okay...I think he missed the vital spots so...I should be fine.
(Emilia puts Derrick in her car.)
Emilia: Just...please don't die.
Derrick: I'll try not to.
(Emilia goes back and draws her gun again. She runs in the direction Masky ran in, and eventually finds herself in a forest.)
Emilia: Alright you masked freak. Where the hell are you?
(She sees Masky and chases him to a dead end.)
Masky: You idiot.
Emilia: It's best not to insult someone after you've killed their best friend, stabbed their boyfriend, and they're pointing a loaded gun at you.
Masky: Even after the last entry and the note, you couldn't piece it together. When I found you, I thought you were one of the smart ones. I guess I was wrong.
(Emilia lowers her gun as her eyes widen.)
Emilia: My god. You're him aren't you? You're the Slender Man?
(Masky throws his head back and laughs.)
Masky: No, you stupid girl! I'm not the Slender Man. I am his proxy. His vessel. His servant.
Emilia: told me everything about the Slender Man. Why would you just give away all that information?
Masky: There's something I didn't tell you about the Slender Man. He thrives on fear. So I have been spreading the Slender Man's story, and in doing so, spreading fear. When I found your ad in the paper, I took as the perfect opportunity. But now...
(Masky pulls out a knife.)
Masky: I don't need you anymore.
(Emilia backs up against a tree.)
Emilia: W-what are you doing with that?
Masky: Summoning him.
(Emilia's eyes widen and dilate as Masky slices open his arm and paints the symbol on the ground in blood. The Slender Man climbs his way out of some trees. He stands behind Masky.)
Masky: I suggest you run.
(Masky disappears.)

Chapter 4:

(Emilia is standing in front of the Slender Man.)
Emilia Text Box: Have you ever felt true fear? The feeling you get when the last spark of hope in your mind goes out? That glaring thought that nothing short of a miracle is going to prevent the outcome? Because that's nothing compared to the fear you feel when staring into the blank, empty face of the Slender Man. It's like staring at a portal into hell itself. Needless to say, I was scared.
(The Slender Man reaches out to Emilia with his tendrils. Emilia snaps out of her shock, drops the gun and runs. The Slender Man teleports in front of her at each turn. Eventually, they come to a small clearing with no possible exits. Emilia turns around to face the Slender Man and hangs her head.)
Emilia: I...I'm sorry, okay?
(Emilia curls up against a tree and cries.)
Emilia: I'm sorry. Please, if you let me go I'll tell everybody about you. I' something about you on the internet...just please...let me go...please...
(Emilia breaks into sobs. The Slender Man just watches and reaches out to her.)

(Emilia wakes up in a hospital wing. Derrick is beside her in another bed, and theres a big screen TV on the wall in front of them playing static.)
Derrick: Hey, there she is.
Emilia: Wha...what happened?
Derrick: After the ambulance found me I told them you ran into the woods. They found you passed out, nearly petrified from shock, curled up against a tree. They also found that mark carved into your arm. Sorry about the TV by the way, the cable here kind of sucks.
(Emilia looks at her arm and sees the symbol carved into her arm.)
Emilia: Derrick...the Slender Man is real. He attacked me in the forrest.
Derrick: What?
Emilia: After I found Masky, he summoned the Slender Man. He chased me around the forest. I stopped running after a while and just broke down, but I don't know why he didn't kill me.
Derrick: Maybe he got scared off by the EMTs.
Emilia: Maybe...
(Emilia sees the Slender Man in between static on the TV.)
Emilia: But maybe not.
(Emilia looks away from the TV.)
Emilia: So did the doctors say how long until we can leave?
Derrick: For you, tomorrow, but I'm gonna be in here another six weeks.
Emilia: Oh. He didn't hit anything vital when he stabbed you, right?
Derrick: Yeah, he grazed a lung, but luckily he missed my spinal cord.
Emilia: That's good to hear.
(Emilia looks back at the TV. The Slender Man is gone.)
Emilia: I think I have some stuff to take care of when I get back.

(Emilia is back at her apartment. She goes over to her desk and collects all her written research on the Slender Man in a box. She also unplugs a hard drive labeled "Slender Man" from the computer and puts it in the box. She takes the box outside along with the journal and puts them in a big pile. She lights a match, throws it on the pile, and the whole thing lights up.)
Emilia Text Box: I thought that was the end of it. I was wrong. Nobody ever saw Masky or the Slender Man again, but I did.
(Emilia and Derrick are at Julie's funeral. Derrick is in a wheelchair. Both are wearing formal black clothes. The grave reads "Julia Mathers, 1995-2014. Emilia bends down to put a white rose on the grave, and sees it start to turn black. She also sees the symbol engraved on the gravestone. She looks up and sees the Slender Man.)
Emilia Text Box: Julie's memorial was held a few weeks after that, the day that Derrick was released from the hospital. The Slender Man was there. He was there throughout most of my life after that day.
(Derrick and Emilia are watching TV, and sitting on her couch. Derrick pulls out a small box and opens it, revealing a ring. Emilia tears up and hugs him. She looks up and sees the Slender Man.)
Emilia Text Box: Derrick and I grew closer because of the incident, and he proposed to me the next year. We got married shortly after and moved to a new house a few towns over. The Slender Man never stopped. And he never will.


(5 years later, Emilia is typing at her computer. She has longer hair now, no headband, and a shirt similar to Julie's.)
Emilia Text Box: Well, there you have it. My story of the Slender Man. If only I could take back the last 6 years, I never would have gone into that damn house in the first place. I could have had an amazing and prosperous life, but the Slender Man took it away from me. And life is over. This will be the last thing I ever write. One last thing. If you ever encounter the Slender Man, show no fear.
(Emilia clicks the post button on the screen. She closes the laptop and looks outside. It's snowing, and the Slender Man is there, looking at her. She walks outside in a hoodie and scarf. She walks up to him.)
Emilia: It's been five years now. You've prevented me from having a normal life. You've tortured and tormented me. But I have one question...why me?
(The Slender Man says nothing.)
Emilia: You've killed millions of people. You could have just killed me. Why did you decide to torture me of all people?
(The Slender Man says nothing.)
Emilia: Answer me, you faceless bastard!
(The Slender Man says nothing.)
Emilia: Fine. I guess it doesn't matter anymore.
(Emilia pulls out her gun and puts it against her head. Her hand is visibly shaking, and she closes her eyes.)
Emilia: Never mind, I know why. Because I was the only one to seek you out. I did this to myself. I...I killed Julie.
(Tears start streaking down her face.)
Emilia: I killed Julie. My best friend is dead because of me. But it doesn't matter now.
(The Slender Man says nothing. Emilia opens her eyes. She smiles slightly.)
Emilia: Goodbye.
The End

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