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I was sleeping in my bed late into the night when I started to have a nightmare .
In the mystical dream land
Gun shots ring out threw my ears . Loud barks and snaps near me I'm terrified . The forest was engulfed with flames high above the trees  making my vision go dull from the smoke and flames . Suddenly I see a hunter come out of the flaming forest with a gun . My eyes try to identify the creature coming out of the woods and once I see it's a hunter I start running away but my legs quickly give out under me and I fall to the ground dirt getting into my muzzle and nose . The hunter crouches down over me and points the gun at my head and shots as I scream into the black silent night .
Back to the real world
I wake up and scream panting hard staring at the ground . I look around and see I'm only in my room . Soon I heard multiple feet running down the hallway towards my door so I hid under my bed and wrapped my tail around me whimpering softly . Then my brothers burst threw the door .
Offender : Dusk ?!
Trendy : where are you ?! We heard a scream !!
I keep hidden under my bed but I see there panicking then I see Jeff come into my room .
Jeff : what the hell are you all doing ?
Slender : we heard Dusk scream !
He nods .
Jeff : her window is open could someone have come in here ?
Splendor runs out the window and runs around the house screaming for me . I could hear the fear and worry in his voice  but I'm paralyzed with fear I can't move out from under my bed as I see the rest of my brothers run downstairs and outside while Jeff follows . I stay under my bed thinking .
Dusk thinking :  stupid hunter.........stupid hunter........ stupid hunter stupid fucking hunter !!!!!
Rage boils inside of me as I think of the hunter and I make sure that there telepathy can't reach me as I keep hiding under the bed. I can hear Splendor crying outside still. I can hear them walking inside as I back up against the wall under the bed. I let out a soft whimper , about a minute after that I hear Splendor come back into my room and sniff the air. I see one of his tentacles go under the bed and lift it up seeing my shaking whimpering form I can see all the worry, terror , and sadness on his face. He frowns at me and grabs me with one of his tentacles and brings me to his chest as I turn into human form and I wrap my arms around his neck and he rubs my back softly as he bends down on his knees holding me so very close.
Splendor : shhh it's alright..... What got you so scared baby sister ?
I whimper a couple things , the word nightmare and hunter somewhere in there. I feel him nod as he rests his head on top of mine . I silently cry into the crook of his neck as he tries to calm me down. I soon notice the other run up the stairs except Jeff who was probably back in bed . They all run in and hug us asking questions every which ways.
Slender: Where were you we called for you ?!
Trendy : are you hurt in any way ???
Offender : why are you crying ?
I feel Splendor stand to his full length and motion for the other to follow him as he heads downstairs to the couch and sits down with me between his legs as he strokes my hair . Slender and Trendy sat beside Splendor and me while Offender stood in front of us .
Dusk : I-I had a bad d-d-d-dream ...... About a-a hunter ......h-h-he ......
Trendy shushes me with his tentacle and strokes the side of my head gently . Offender bends down and hugs me tightly as Slender wraps all his tentacles around my waist. I sigh stay still trying to calm down as much as possible . I stay in there embrace until I slowly fall asleep. They smile and Offender picks me up carrying me to my bed and putting me down each kissing my head . Suddenly Slender smells something around my pillow.
Slender : nightmare powder......
Splendor : why would that be on her pillow ?
Trendy : well someone would have had to put it there
Slender : but no one else has been here except us her and.........
Offender : Jeff
They all slowly walk to his room and see him sleeping .
Slender : Jeff get up now
Jeff : ugh ....... Why I was ..... Sleeping
Trendy gets up close to him.
Trendy : did you put nightmare powder on our baby sisters pillow to make her have nightmares ?
Jeff:...... Ohh !! That's what that was I lost some so that's where it went !
Offender , Splendor, Trendy , and Slender start growling and each slowly walk towards him tentacles out with rage .
In the morning
I wake up and walk downstairs and see my brothers .
Dusk : hey guys !
I smile and nuzzle each of them being back in my wolf form .
Slender : hello Dusk
Dusk : hey where's Jeff ?
Offender and Trendy snicker as I look at them confused.
Offender : let's just say the little brat is ......on a healing spree
Dusk: healing spree ?
They all snicker and I sigh knowing exactly what they mean .
With Jeff
He's curled up in his bed with a bleeding nose , broken shoulder , two black eyes , ripped out hair , bruises everywhere , a broken foot , two broken legs , and cuts everywhere else.

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