Chapter 11

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Maddie went to the brothers and asked for permission to go out. Tugging on slender's coat, she looked up at him With big pleading eyes though, considering that they can't see her human self He likely didn't notice. "Slender? Can I go out with my friend Abby? We wish to go out for a walk."

She had been expecting him to say no however, apparently, he must've thought fresh air would do her some good, because he agreed to let her "Very well, but stay close to the House OK, If you see the edge of the forest, you've obviously gone too far. Got it lyn?."

Maddie Nods, understanding, And for once decides to listen, to see where it takes her. Running back over to abby She grins, "I got permission to go are you ready?"

abby was obviously quite confused, but also pretty happy "they actually gave you permission! I thought they would never let you leave! They are so protective over you! Though I suppose, if they ever found out who you are, they might change their tune, which is a bad thing, so let's try to make sure they don't find out OK."

Maddie rolled her eyes "that was already the plan Dumbo, I have four supernatural creatures in my house, three of which Are murdering monsters, do you really think I'm gonna let them figure it out that I'm not Lyn Not their sister?"

Abby snorted and chuckles "no but you can never be too safe, what if one of them finds out by accident?"

Maddie runs her fingers through her hair, Pulling out some tangles Causing her to wince in pain "Then I better pray to Whatever God actually exists that they're already attached to me by then, Perhaps I'll get lucky And They will still think of me as there sister"

"Best hope" Abby says, and then taking Maddie's hand, gently tugs her out of the house, the doors is closed behind them And the spare key is put underneath the mat, looking around to make sure they were not being watched Both girls then Made their way to the forest trail right outside the house. It's not normally busy since The trail belongs to their property, so it's a nice way to get some exercise when they have time.

as they walked down the trail, they came across the old pond reaching down Maddie picked up a skipping stone, The stone was flat at the very bottom, with a smooth flat top, getting into a ready position She flicked her hand and let go the stone skipped across the water once... Twice...Five times...Then plop, It sunk.

"Nice throw" Abby said With a chuckle, then she tossed her own, hers only skipped twice before it hit the water and sunk.

"Good try" Maddie says With a snicker, "you're pretty good at that."

Abby laughed "At what failing?" Maddie was highly amused, Then sighed "Abby, what do you think I should do?" She asked her friend, as though she had all the answers.

"I think..You should follow what your heart wants" Abby says with a smile, Maddie smiled "You always know what to say to make me feel better Abby"The girl says.

Abby scoffs "You could do that for yourself if you only Tried, Buuuut, I guess I don't mind doing it for you. You are my friend after all"

Maddie laughed " Thanks I appreciate it"

"no problem" Abby says in amusement To her friend "soooo Is there anything fun to do around here?" Abby asked feeling a little bit Bored "Not really unless you feel like going shopping, but to do that, we kind of need permission" Maddie says with a soft chuckle

Abby groans "Permission just to go shopping!" Maddie Snickers "Well, yeah. If you recall To the brothers, I look like a five-year-old do you really want to chance them looking for me all over again?"

Abby sighs "Suppose not, I'd rather not have four Inhuman creatures looking everywhere for you"

"Great then shall we go ask them?" Maddie Asked Grinning Running her fingers over the bottom of her shirt, It was looking a little bit big on her somehow Despite the fact that it has been literally three weeks since she had gotten it.

sighing abby nods "Yeah, sure i suppose let's go"

The two friends turn around to head back to the house, Only to realize it had gotten a lot darker without them Noticing. Pull out her phone Abby Checked the time. Somehow it had become 9 PM had they really walked that long without noticing? Now that They think about it The trees look different as well, Where are they?.

"ummm....A-abby? Where are we?" Maddie asked slightly Worried, wondering if they had gotten lost but that also doesn't explain the change in time.

"I-i Don't know, This doesn't look like the forest we were just in, Maybe if were careful we can just backtrack" As she says this Abby turned around, looking in the direction they had just came from.

Abby couldnt see the path they had just been walking, the tree's are also 20-30 feet tall with black bark and white leaves, the grass was also a bright white and came up to there ankles.

they were worried and confused but trying to find a way home they turned to the way they thought they came from and made therw way through the tree's heading in thar direction.

(To be continued)

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