the search

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"So wait, let me get this straight. A raccoon pissed off a wizard, a blue jay got his head cut off. A talking gumball machine was being flushed down a toilet, and a green guy was skinned alive." Your buddy John says. "What's wrong with that?" You ask, wearing your Halloween costume. "It's a cartoon John, it's not suppose to make sense." Max says, taking off his wig. "Fuckin hate this wig." "Why didn't you just dye your hair white? It would've fit the red coat." You say, eating your candy. You, max, John, and Don got done trick or treating. You all reached 19 and thought 'hey one last hurrah right?' Max went as vergil, John went as Dante, you went as F/N (favorite character) and Don went as lo Wang. (If you know, you know) "where is he? Don should've been back a long time ago." You say, getting a bit worried. "Well, he did say he was going home after we got done. What's the hurry?" Max asks. "What? I can't care for my fellow friend?" You pull your phone out as max and john eat popcorn watching tv. "It's so ridiculously stupid! Now it's a party bus that turns people old going forward. And when it goes backwards, they get younger. And why does that mummy driver sound like mark hamill?" Max facepalms groaning. "Hope don doesn't run into 'her'." "Who's her?"You ask outta curiosity. "Max Don't bring up that bullshit." "What's wrong, Scared?" You asks, chuckling. "Go ahead Max." Max stands, clearing his throat. "They say in the dead of night in the woods, there's a tall, lean, faceless, and BUSTY creature that lurks around. watching, waiting, looking at every move you make, listening to every footstep, every branch that breaks, she'll be there. Some say she takes them in a flash, others say she likes to play with her food. But in the end. Those who ever dare to enter those woods at night, never make it out alive ever again. They fade, into nothing but a memory. The last sound they will ever hear, is static. The, end. So whaddya think?" Max asks feeling satisfied. "That's a load of hogwash. How the fuck can she be watching you without having facial features? Y'know like eyes? Right Y/N?" jon asks looking at you. "Jon's got a point, How can you watch someone without having eyeballs? It sounds like a big ol load of hogwash." "I'm calling don." John pulls out his phone and dials dons phone.

Don's POV

"Why did I decide to take the woods as a shortcut to go home? What fucking bafoon am I?" I groan, dragging my candy on the ground. "My arm is tired, my feet are tired, I'm all sweaty from this costume, what else could go wrong tonight?!" My phone starts to vibrate and I answer it. "You got Wang." I say. "Uh, don? Is that you?" "Yeah yeah sorry, costume y'know. What's up?" "Well, me and the boys were getting worried about you man. Where are you?" John asks. " ayo we fucking got paydays!" You scream In the background excited. "In the woods. I thought this would be a good shortcut but uh, yeah it wasn't." I look around only to see trees and uh...piece of paper on one of the trees. "What the Hell?" I say in confusion. "What? What's up?" "I...see a piece of paper." I heard max gasp in the background. "That's how it starts...the pages." "Will you just put a sock in it max! Ok..try looking for a road, any road signs." I looked around but just nothing. I got curious and grabbed the paper. Weird thing was, I heard a huge drum out of nowhere. "What the-" I looked at the paper. "What's up?" John asks. "The paper says..'always watches no eyes' the hell does that mean?" "He's grabbed the first page, Don, you gotta collect 7 more to live. You even as so much as sneeze wrong and you're dead." Max says. "Tell max that slenderwoman bullshit isn't real! It's all just a myth. There is no tall, lean, creature!" "You forgot busty." F/N say In the background. I sigh and look for more pages. I started to look around some more while I heard shuffling in the background. "Just hang on Don, we're coming to get you." F/N says. "Just stay on the line with us."

No ones POV

Max, you, and john got into max car, driving off. It's past 12 so headlights was a huge necessary. "Don, what do you see now?" You ask. "Uh, oh I see another page!" Don grabs it. "Don't look or it takes you." "That's the second page. Only 6 more to go but I highly doubt-" "seriously max? Fucking serous dude?! Our friends life is on the line!" John lashes out. "Ok..but if we find the body.." "He'll be alive! He's gonna be ok.." You say much more worried now. "Max, if I make it out of this alive, it's your ass on a hot summer grill." Don says gritting his teeth. "I prefer my ass on top of a fire place." Max says smirking. Don looks at another tree. "Another page." Another drum. "God I fucking hate that drum..this one says 'no' just repeatedly. Huh?" Don says looking up seeing a figure in the distance. He sees static then the figure disappears. "Oh dear God...I..I think I saw the slenderwoman!"

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