Chapter 18 - Po's heartache

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Po's pov

I...I didn't understand why would Tinky-Winky take the shot for him....Dark he cared enough to die for me.... then that pink haired witch ran to me and said, Red-Sparkle please this isn't you... I said, I neglected all of you just like the bunch of you neglected me.... she said surprisingly, neglected you? Red I loved you...& so do they....Red I never told you this were a joy in my heart....I felt like you and I will be this way....until our parents took you away from me....for years I thought you were dead....our parents regretted sending you away.... I said, that's lie.... she said, NO its not.... then Laa-Laa came in between us and said, Po...please...there's a reason why we didn't wanna tell you....we were trying to protect you... I said, YOU CALL NOT TELLING ME AND BEING HARSH PROTECTING ME?! Then she said as she grabbed my shoulders, Po look at me....we didn't mean to be mean to you...we were just broken....Shadowtubby was using you...I know it's hard to believe's true he did it to make his newborns powerful...*then turns to Tinky-Winky* look at Tinky-Winky is this what you wanted? I felt my heart coming to a stop as I became regretful and concern....I turn back into myself.... I said as I cried, oh...what have I done? mind was clouded with hatred.... I cried as I fell down to my knees....but then I heard Dipsy said, EVERYONE HE'S STILL ALIVE!!! HURRY LETS GET BAKC TO THE BASE!!! They ran but I stayed but Laa-Laa came back to me with Walton.... she stared at me and said, Po? *I responded a sad yes*....listen to me...I know the truth hurts and all but....listen no matter who you are or where your will always be our sister Po...I love you and I forgive you..... I smiled sadly and small as they said it....we ran out but I don't think Shadowtubby is done with us yet.....

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