Chapter 6 - scared half to death/SilverBell

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ShadowTubbys pov

I needed to get that princess I still remembered when I talking to noo-noo <flashback>I said in my usual tone, obviously should've left Po alive.... noo-noo said, why should I let her live... I said, because sir she has something within her that can make our newborns stronger....... interested noo-noo said, you don't say...but that still doesn't explain why you wanted her to be your bride...but...since I heard you say make the newborns strong.....tell me Shadowtubby.... I explained to him, you see sir...once I make her my bride....I'll not only make her mine...but I'll take advantage of what's inside of her heart...her heart is a power cell to us....and once we get that power cell...our newborns will be even more stronger, more faster, and more deadly than before.....she will be my bride of darkness.....and once that happens we'll have teletubby land...even more better.... amused and now more interested noo-noo said, that's an idea I shoulda gotten....Shadowtubby....I shoulda let that Po alive..... I said, you never know....but here's the most seems that Po is actually the 2'nd lost Princess of Teletubbyland Princess Red-Sparkle.... noo-noo said, the sister of Princess Pink-Rose?....*Shadowtubby nodded*...they say Princess Red-Sparkle is a princess beyond light and darkness....those idiots were stupid enough know forget I say you were going to tell me the bad news.... I said,'s nots seems that some of the teletubbies are immune to the infected custards....*noo-noo was about to say something but Shadowtubby said calmly*..but I'm sure it's just a wives tale.... noo-noo said, yeah that's a relief...I better get outta here.... we parted as I walked off knowing one goal....I'll make Po....A.K.A. Princess Red Sparkle all mine....but I'll try to get a hands on approach.....

Tinky-Winkys pov

I came down with a case of depression. It's been about a week since Pink-Rose saw me and yet we walked to a burnt-village I was able to recognize....something took hold of me when I recognized that it was once my real home.... Rose said, I'm sorry Tinky-Winky but this is the only way to my place.... I said to her, I kn..know...but I was...born here before it burned down.... but I know one own parents are dead... we stopped at a burning building and stayed there about a week....I hate myself....if I haven't eaten that blasted custard we wouldn't be in this mess...speaking of that....I haven't eaten in a week because I didn't deserve to live...since the monster in me can't stop killing and hurting people....I knew Laa-Laa was the only one left and that white-head whoever he is....if I do that again....they'll be hurt...I felt so scared of hurting everyone else.... Pink-Rose came in with some bread because she knew I didn't eat in a week....she stared at me and said, Tinky-Winky you need to eat something....starving yourself isn't gonna solve anything..... I replied, I know but...if I die so will the monster in me... Rose sat next to me and said, look....I don't know if you knew this's not just the infected custard that made you that's the blood of your father that made you this way..... I was shocked as she said that..... I whispered, wh..what makes you say that? Rose replied, well....your father Zippy-Tippy was a real murderer.....he slaughtered day when he was causing a bloody massacre....he met your mom....she changed his world.....they soon settled in this village and got engaged....but then as faith would have it they had you....but your father was worried that you may end up the same way as he is....I know I been in this village when I saw you I knew right away who you were.... my grandmother was there watching you from a far when you were born.... well I began to wish I haven't been born....but how was I supposed to know that? birthplace, my real-home, my father, my mother but all I had left was my big brother Dipsy and my little sisters Laa-Laa and Po....but now I destroyed it...I miss my siblings.

Original pov

(Flashback <Some Years ago>)

A woman watched as Rainy-Daisy was giving birth to her child....Zippy-Tippy held her hand as she was pushing her child out...though worried his child might get his killing side...he was looking forward to seeing his newborn baby boy or girl..... the doctor said, you got this Rainy one more push.... as the baby finally came....the baby cried in the doctors arms....he had violet hair like his mother and has his fathers skin color....the doctors said gently as she gave her baby who was bundled up in a bright purple blanket, congratulations you two have a healthy and happy baby boy......they smiled at their newborn son.....they see the baby crying and cooing at the same time as Rainy-Daisy sang to him, na na....Tinkle-Winkle....Tinkle-Winkle.... *the baby calm down as he heard his mom singing as he opened his eyes which revealed bright purple eyes like Rainy-Daisy's.... Zippy-Tippy said, I think he likes that.... Rainy-Daisy said, I agree....but I don't know what to name him... Zippy-Tippy thought and then whispered happily, how about we name him....Tinky-Winky.... Rainy-Daisy smiled and said, I think that's a perfect name for our baby....*she turns to her baby boy who gave them a small smile*...hi there Tinky-Winky.... the woman smiled as she watches a family of three.....

(<Flashback ends>)

Tinky-Winkys pov

I....don't understand....why me.....what would I do?....I can't even....think straight.... but Rose was telling the must be I'm half killer?.....but why didn't I attack my big brother or my sisters until that night?....Dipsy....Po....I'm so guys....have changed my ruined it....I just wish Rose would really help me like she said she would.... Rose said, hey you okay? I replied sadly, no....

Dipsy's pov

I was practicing to shoot like any other day....but on this particular day...I saw someone who has changed my life....a soldier with silver hair and beautiful sparkling eyes came in....whoa...she was ssooo cool.... so amazing.... she sees me and said, hey.... I said nervously, oh uhh....hey.... she practice with me.... when we took a minute break.... I introduced myself, I...I'm Dipsy....What's your name?.... she respond with a smile, I'm SilverBell.... wow what a pretty name.... but as soon as she left I went back to practice.....but something crossed my mind....I thought, I wonder why Laa-Laa was spending most of her time with Walton.......  but then I remembered that they were in love.... both Laa-Laa and Walton are in love with each other..... who woulda guest....

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