Chapter 8 - the shocking truth

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Po's pov

I ran to the forest....deeper and deeper I went....Until I fell I knelt down red hair was down.....I cried, I don't know who I am anymore..... but then a familiar voice said from behind, do we have here? I turn to see a dark haired boy..... I recognized him and said, wait a minute.....your that boy from the night before...... he said to me as he walked towards me, my oh recognize me.....I'm terribly sorry to say.....but we already have met before..... I said, w..we have? He said, yes we have....Po..... I recalled that I was walking to the lake and I saw a dark haired boy cross my path.....I saw him for a second....then disappeared..... I said, wait a minute I recalled I walked paths with someone that was you? He nodded while grinning..... he said as he kneeled down, my dear...why are you so sad.....what's wrong? can tell me.... I told him, everyone is not the same anymore....nobody wants to tell me what's going on with me.....they can't even bare to tell the truth about me either....where I'm from or who I really am.....I feel so alone... he said, but your not dear.....I know the truth about so many....I can tell you the truth... I decided to let him tell me....

Shadow-Tubbys pov

I told her everything about who she is and where she's from.....I know everything about her....I knew she was Princess Red the time I explained everything to her she was horrified & shocked to hear everything about her.... she cried and stared at me and said, wh..why did they do this to me?...I don't know why....but I feel so.....*sniffs*...unloved.... she cried as I sat down beside her.....well I had to win her trust by making sure that I'm someone I can trust...... I said as I helped her up, there's no need to cry my dear Po....cause I for one know how you feel.... she said, I bet you do.....*turns to me*....what's your name? I said without hesitation, they call me....SHADOW-TUBBY!! *She was surprised*....but everybody calls me Dark.... she said, oh....I see.... she looked up to me and said, wh..what can I do? I said as I held my hand, I know what to do.....I'll help you....if you want.... she didn't hesitate she grabbed my hand and said, okay.....we walked....

Tinky-Winkys pov

I waited for Rose to return but she didn't come back.....she's so kind and all....but I'm still depressed...if only I knew....I wanted my life to be what it used to be.....I walked weakly.....because I didn't eat all day despite the bread she gave least until I saw her on her knees crying.... I walked towards her and said, Rose are you alright? She said with sad eyes, I'm terribly sorry....Tinky-Winky I need to tell you something.... I didn't hesitate I said, okay....tell me I won't tell anyone....

Pink-Roses pov

I took in a deep breath to tell Tinky-Winky that I was one outta the two princesses of Teletubby the time I explained it to him....he was surprised....he said, wh..what?....your a princess? I nodded as I said, yeah....I didn't wanna say anything because I know....

Tinky-Winkys pov

I never had experienced with anyone new but a princess?'s just....shocking....I wonder.....but then we saw two familiar figures walk by.... I said, Rose....I thought I saw someone... Rose said, don't worry I saw them think we should follow them? I nodded in agreement....we decided to follow the two....

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