(Final Chapter) Chapter 35 - Po's coronation/ a new begining

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Po's pov

Okay...today is Rose and mines coronation....but I'm still new at this whole princess thing...but I could give it a try...so without further ado...I went to my and my sisters bedroom and needed to find something to wear for my coronation thingy... that's when Rose came in and said, you okay Red? I replied, I needed to find something to wear for my coronation...but I don't know what...although...I... Rose walked to me and picked out an adorable red dress for me to wear...I wasn't thrilled but I can't complain...plus they told me to wear my hair up in a bun... Rose said to me as she giggled, sheesh sis...I know your still new to this whole thing but we'll do whatever we can... I said, yeah...I know... Rose then said as she walked out, I'll be right back sis... I said okay...*she walks out*...I feel a bit thin in this dress... then a maid coming in and said, umm...your highness I hate to bother you but... I said, no it's okay...you weren't bothering me...not at all... the maid smiled as she prepared to do my hair..

Rose's pov

Okay...this is gonna be the day...I am so happy to get my little sister back...although I am showing her the basics of being a princess...but she's working on it...in respect we're wearing matching dresses although mine is pink and hers is red... think that's why they call me Pink Rose and her Red Sparkle...it's just adorable... then one of the guards said, your highness it's time... I nodded and began to walk...I saw my sister with her hair up like mine... I asked her, you ready Red? She replied, I'm ready Pink... I took her hand as we headed to the coronation.

Normal pov

About 5 to 14 people were sitting at the coronation...as both girls were crowned....they stood and face the crowed as the priest said, by all that is in the light of teletubbyland...ladies and gentleman it is my honor to announce to the new rulers of teletubbyland.... Queen Pink-Rose of teletubbyland and Princess Red-Sparkle of teletubbyland... although Po still felt uncomfortable she still is working on being a princess...but Rose does whatever she could to support her... within a moment Po visits Dark as herself and ruling teletubbyland alongside her sister... during he coronation party... Po said to her sister, I...I think...I think I'm getting the hang of it.... Rose happily said, that's great to hear Red...*playfully* come on sis last one to the dance floor is gonna dance with me... she giggled as they made their way to the dance floor with the others..

Dipsy's pov


I had these nightmares almost every night...thinking they somehow nabbed Tinky-Winky right under my nose but one particular was very aweful...I walked into that organization without getting caught when I smelled something that smelled like a burnt corpse....but my eyes widened as I saw Tinky-Winky was gonna be burned alive...he was tied to a metal pole scared of what they might do.... I hear him scream and yelled in tears, PLEASE STOP LET ME GO I DON'T WANNA DIE PLE...OOMMPPHH!!!....*one member stuff a cloth in his mouth to keep him quiet then the other member....started the fire as he screamed in agony*...I yelled, NO LET HIM GO!!...GET AWAY FORM MY BROTHER!!!...*growing* DON'T YOU HURT HIM!!!...*then the Nightmare ended with a bang*...literally...

<Nightmare ended>

I woke up with a gasp knowing it was a nightmare....I saw Finely looking at me with concern and said, you okay?.... I answered softly, yeah I'm fine....I just don't know if I'm too late to save him or if there's some time left to find him before....you know who gets him.... Finely frowned and said, look Dips...we'll find him...I promise... I asked, do you think he's okay Finn? He nodded and said, I'm sure he's okay...and safe...besides this is only the beginning of the search... I smiled knowing he's right...this is the beginning of the search...though I missed my two little sisters...I miss Tinky-Winky as much as them... then Tipsy got up and said, it's almost daylight guys...want to?...Finn and I looked at each other than we turn to Tips and nodded... we got up and walked out to start the search again... in case your wondering...my two brothers and I were on our own...the search party that searched for him wasn't helping because they keep making a mistake (earlier: we were told that his belongings were found outside the base...which was all wrong to us... first a lock of purple hair was found but it wasn't his...I said, hey this isn't his...*calmly*...Tinkys hair is kind of a solid violet color...that is orchid color...the second was a pair of shoes...but I can say this these aren't his...far as I recall Tinky wasn't wearing any when he escaped....and finally a piece of his clothes but he never wore it since before all this...my brothers and I recalled that he didn't wear one....I was like man my brothers weren't joking they are no help at all* and the military was too busy for that matter...but all I know is this...all three of us know he's still out there and I can feel it...one day we will find him...

Tinky-Winkys pov

Can't say I remember anything...yet...but now a days I live with my aunt and cousins...though for Troy he's not thrilled as Auntie Bella and Minky is now...but I always run errands for Troy-Roy...in my opinion he's just playing lazy....but Minky and I handled all of it...I share a room with Troy-Roy still...my life is plain...but it's only the beginning...

Waltons pov

My life has been rebuild...although things didn't turn out as planned but it doesn't matter...all of our lives were entirely new...though we took a different path...me and Lane took one together...yeah we're pretty much dating and fighting together as one along side the military...but it's only the beginning...a brand new beginning...I smiled at Lane as I walked to her..

Laa-Laa pov

All I know is that now I am one outta two of the finest military officers like my parents before me...but it's not so bad...besides I'm not actually alone...I have Walton and he is on my side...just as much as I am on his...now I know...is that my life is extraordinary...Walton and I fight as one together along side the military...so anyway...I started going by Lane again...and I still work for the military....I saw Walton and we kissed for a second before going to our next mission hand in hand....but that is only a brand new beginning for both me and Walton...



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