2. A Day Out

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 "What's your favorite season?" Sarah asked her friend, Maya. Both girls were lying on the grass, soaking up the sun. Their classmates were all scattered around the garden. It was a rare treat because their homeroom teacher had decided to do an impromptu field trip to the park nearby. It meant that they got to skip the rest of the classes for that day.

"It's spring, of course," Maya said as if that should have been understood. "Look how pretty the flowers are."

"Mine too." Sarah smiled. "Today is a fine day."

"What are you two talking about?" Sarosh said, plopping down beside them. "We're supposed to be studying the plants, not lying around talking. What if Miss Janet sees you? You'll be in trouble."

"Look," Sarah pointed to their teacher, "she's talking on the phone, enjoying the sun just as much as we are. I don't think she'll mind. I bet she orchestrated this outing to enjoy the weather."

"That's because she trusts us to do what we are told," Sarosh said, "And we are supposed to be collecting wildflowers, write down their names, and guess what families they belong to. She said to find at least three different ones."

"That's easy," Sarah said, "there are wildflowers everywhere. Pick any three and be done with it. I, for one, don't feel like studying botany at the moment."

"I'm with Sarah," Maya agreed. "Who studies on a day like today? This is the first day of spring. Live a little."

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