Episode 11: Gabiru is Here!

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((Note: Must... Save... Money... Let's do this!))

3rd POV
Rimuru(Narrated): It's been a few days since Benimaru & his comrades joined us.

Garm is laughing at the silk.

Garm: This stuff sure is nice.

Myrd agreed.

Dord: So this is silk cloth, Shuna?

Shuna: Yes, the Hellmoth cocoon It's made from are full of magicules, so it's very sturdy.

Garm: I see. So it should give us some good protection.

???: That's amazing!

The group then looked at Shion carrying Rimuru while having Kirby on her back.

Rimuru: You can already wave silk?

Shuna: Great Rimuru! Great Kirby!

Garm: Hiya.

Dord: Hey there.

Myrd agree.

Rimuru(Mind): He still won't talk!

Shuna: You came to see us, Great Rimuru & Great Kirby!

Shuna then hugged Rimuru, making him blushed.

Rimuru: Y-Yeah. How're things going?

Shuna: Great. The weaving loom Sir Kaijin made for me is very easy to use

Rimuru: Yeah? Glad to hear it. We're counting on you to make clothes for everyone.

Shuna: Of course! Leave it to me!

Shion: Now then, let us go, Great Rimuru & Great Kirby. Our lunch will get cold.

Shuna: Shion... Is your secretarial work going well?

Shion: Of course, Princess Shuna.

Rimuru(Narrated): Shion declared herself our secretary. She kinda looks like one, so I accepted. Now, she's both our secretary & Kirby's bodyguard. Kirby did tried to protest the bodyguard, but Shion gave him the puppy eyes & he easily submitted.

Shuna then tried to grabbed Rimuru as she shows her aura with a smile.

Shuna: I wouldn't mind taking care of Great Rimuru & Great Kirby myself.

Shion: Oh, no, Princess. There's no need for that. I will take good care of them.

Rimuru(Mind): These two seem to have a rivalry going on...

They pulled on Rimuru.

Shuna: I think I'll take care of Great Rimuru & Great Kirby, after all.

Shion: No, as their secretary, I'll do that.

There is sparks flying between the two Ogres.

Shuna: Great Rimuru & Great Kirby, would both of you prefer to have me or Shion serving you?

Rimuru: W-Well... You need to be weaving silk, right? Maybe we'll have you help out in your spare time...

Kirby(Telepathy): What the heck are you asking for?!

Shuna is smiling.

Shuna: Very well! You're asking for my help, then?

Rimuru: E-Exactly! I'm counting on you!

Kirby(Mind): Seriously, what the heck are you asking for?!

Shion: Well, then please leave Great Rimuru & Great Kirby to me.

Shion then wrapped back Rimuru. They then headed to the office where Benimaru, Hakurou, Souei are there.

Benimaru: Oh, hello, Great Rimuru.

Souei then bowed his head.

Hakurou: Have both of you come to eat?

Rimuru: Yeah. Shion said she cooked us a meal.

The men panicked as Kirby then looked at their faces. Shion then places both of them at their chairs.

Rimuru: Want to join us, guys?

Benimaru: Oh, I'm not really hungry...

Hakurou: Yes, we'll just have tea.

Souei: I will...

Souei then used Body Double.

Rimuru(Mind): Oh, he can use the Body Double skill now?

Soueis: ...go out & scout the surrounding area! Great Kirby, the Ninja ability should be ready soon.

Kirby: U-Uh, okay...

The Soueis then left. Kirby then looked at Benimaru looking the other way.

Shion: I'll bring it out, then.

Rimuru: Oh... Sure.

Shion then leave, causing Rimuru & Kirby to go into their human form.

Kirby(Telepathy): Hey, Rimuru...

Rimuru(Telepathy): I know. I wonder why the guys reacted that way...

Kirby(Telepathy): I have a feeling the second I saw their faces. It's because, even though Shion looks really capable, it's going to end up being that Kitchen Nightmare trope.

Rimuru(Telepathy): That trope?

Shion then open the door.

Shion: I've returned!

Shion then put two trays of her cooking as it looks like a nightmare.

Shion: Please, help yourself.

Rimuru(Mind) & Kirby(Mind): She' not capable at all!

We then hear Benimaru's stomach growling.

Rimuru(Mind): "Not hungry," my ass! They ran away because they knew she couldn't cook!

Shion: Great Rimuru, Great Kirby, help yourself.

Rimuru(Mind): Hey, you! Look at me! How dare you just casually sip that tea?!

Kirby(Mind): The old geezer's totally erased his presence!

Rimuru(Mind): Hey!

Shion: Go on, Great Rimuru & Great Kirby.

Benimaru(Mind): Forgive me, Great Rimuru & Great Kirby.

Hakurou(Mind): Consider this training.

Kirby(Telepathy): What training?

Gobta: Whew, I'm starved!

Gobta & Gobzo entered the room. Kirby is feeling the pressure.

Shion: Please, before it gets cold.

Kirby: Itadakimasu!

Rimuru & Benimaru then looked at Kirby as he is eating the whole thing from the bowl. He then felt... nothing...

Benimaru: Great Kirby...

Rimuru: Little brother...?

Kirby looked up as he is now wearing a red, yellow, and black striped crown resembling a coral snake, with a skull-shaped gem at the crest, surrounding a bubbling vortex of a bluish-purple poisonous liquid.

Great Sage: Analysis. The poison from Shion's cooking grants you the Poison ability.

Kirby: I feel like I cheated Death's Dinner...

Rimuru then grabbed his spoon.

Kirby: ...and not in a good way.

Rimuru then unwrapped it as he is scared to eat it.

Rimuru: H-Here I go, then.

Shion: Yes!

Rimuru(Telepathy): Well, hey, it's not like it's poison. I won't die or-

Rimuru grabbed a spoonful & saw something even alive.

Rimuru(Mind): Okay, relax, it looks like it's possessed but it's just my imagination! Right, it's just... that!

Kirby(Mind): I can't tell Rimuru that I saw that too.

Great Sage: A simulacrum. The tendency to see a face in anything with three distinctly visible points.

Rimuru(Mind) & Kirby(Mind): Uh, I don't need that explanation right now.

The food then Groan. Rimuru is sweating with the pressure.

Rimuru(Mind): Help me, Great Sage!

Great Sage: Answer. If you close your & insert the spoon at an angle from the right, you will not die.

Rimuru(Mind): I don't really get it, but okay!

Instead of aiming his mouth, Rimuru put the spoonful into another...

???: Mrgh!

Rimuru: "Mrgh"?

Rimuru then peek to see Gobta taking the spoonful in his mouth.

Kirby: Is he...?

Gobta felt the painful in his mouth as he is rolling on the ground. He then passed out on the ground.

Shion: Oh, dear.

Kirby: Shion...

Shion: Y-Yes?!

Kirby: Next you make food to serves to someone else, get Benimaru's approval first.

Benimaru(Telepathy): That's just cruel, Great Kirby!

Kirby(Telepathy): You're her supervisor. Consider this punishment.

Rimuru(Mind): We need Benimaru to do a good job so we don't suffer any more losses like Gobta.

Kirby then put a tarp over Gobta's face.

Kirby(Narrated): Gabiru the Lizardman continued to earn the cooperation of other nearby Goblin villages. Granted, it wasn't so much Gabiru's persuasion as it was the Goblins willingly capitulating in fear of the Orc invasion.

Kirby POV
I then went to Wayfel & saw that he, Kaijin, & Kurobe talking about flame.

Wayfel: Really?

Kaijin: You just decide the best heat level for tempering by instinct?

Kurobe: Sure do. I can tell from the color of the flame.

Kaijin: We always measure it...

Kurobe: I measure it the second time around, too.

Wayfel: Right, if the outside's cold, it won't be pliable.

Me(Narrated): Kurobe, Kaijin, & Wayfel hit it off immediately. They've been talking about this technical stuff for two hours now.

Kurobe: Oh, I can tell you what the best dirt is.

Me(Narrated): I came to check in on them & the new hats, but I couldn't find the right moment to excuse myself, so here I am.

Kaijin: Right?

Kurobe: Isn't forging fascinating?

Me: Yeah...

Rigurd: Is Great Kirby here?

I then turned around to see Rigurd & Rimuru on his left shoulder.

Me: Rigurd, what's up?

Rigurd: Great Kirby, an envoy of the Lizardmen has arrived.

I then hop on Rigurd's right shoulder as we then headed to see the Lizardmen.

???: Great Rimuru. Great Kirby.

We then see Benimaru, Shion, & Hakurou.

Benimaru: Would you mind if we accompanied you? We want to know what the Lizardmen are up to.

Rimuru: Of course.

Me(Mind): Now then... Are we dealing with friend or foe here?

3rd POV
Rimuru, Kirby, Rigurd, Benimaru, Shion, Hakurou are now meeting with the Lizardmen.

Rimuru: Which one's the envoy?

The Lizardmen are slamming their staff on the ground. The group then moved to see another Lizardman approaching. He wore a wear armor that consists of a cape, baggy pants, and furry neck warmer.

Rimuru(Mind): That's a rather dramatic entry...

The Lizardman then hold his fist, stopping the March.

Lizardman: Huh!

The Lizardman then jumped off of his ride & landed in front of the group.

Gabiru: I am Gabiru of the Lizardmen. You will all serve under me. Consider this a great honor!

Lizardmen: Yes, Sir Gabiru! You're the best! So cool! You're on fire!

Kirby then fell off of Shion's back.

Rimuru: Kirby, Are you okay?

Kirby: Yeah. I just witness the worthless things.

Lizardman #1: Remember him well This is the man who will be the next chieftain of the Lizardmen! Bow down!

Everyone: Huh?

Rimuru(Mind): "You will serve under me"? "Consider it an honor"? Big shot! Who does he think he is? And...?

Shion is getting angry as she is squeezing Rimuru.

Rimuru: Shion-san, please stop! You're gonna make this slime way too slim!

Kirby, in his human form, grabbed Rimuru from her arms. Shion then realized what she has done.

Shion: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Rigurd: Ahem. Forgive me... You called yourself Gabiru, yes? This request to serve you is rather sudden...

Gabiru: Good grief. Must I spell it out for you? You've heard the news, have you not?

Rigurd: What news?

Gabiru: The news that those Orc pigs are invading the Great Forest of Jura.

Rimuru is now in Shion's arm & Kirby is now on her back.

Kirby(Mind): Oh?

Gabiru: Which is why it would best suit you to become my men. I, Gabiru, will protect you weaklings from the threat of the Orcs! Weaklings! Weaklings. Weaklings?

Gabiru then saw Shion's chest.

Gabiru: Wow...

Kirby then wears a partially yellow hat with a white rim. It has two black eyes, small wings on both sides, and a curved silver blade on the top in the middle. Gabiru & the others are huddling.

Gabiru: I don't see any Goblins.

Lizardman #2: What?

Lizardman #1: This was supposed to be a Goblin village.

Lizardman #3: In fact, I don't see anyone weak around here...

Kirby(Mind): Well, if Orcs are invading, I guess forming a united front with the Lizardmen is one option... But I'm not sure I want him watching my back. He seems pretty stupid.

Rimuru(Mind): "What one should really fear is not a competent enemy, but an incompetent ally." Didn't Napoleon say that?

Gabiru: Ahem! I've heard that there are those among you who have tamed Direwolves. I will make those of you who have officers in my army. Bring them to me.

Shion then started back getting angry.

Rimuru(Telepathy): Kirby... Shion's getting pissed again!

Benimaru(Mind): Can I kill him?

Kirby(Mind): Sure!

Benimaru is approaching Gabiru.

Kirby(Mind): Wait, no! No! No!

Kirby: Um... We didn't exactly tame the Direwolves. We made them our allies, & Rimuru & I are the ones who did that.

Gabiru: Two slimes did that? Please don't make such jokes.

Kirby: Hey, Ranga.

Ranga: Yes, Master!

Ranga then came out of Shion's shadow & landed in front them.

Kirby: He says he wants to talk to you. Hear him out.

Ranga: As you wish.

Ranga then used the skills Menace to intimidating the Lizardmen.

Benimaru: Wait, was he always that big?

Kirby: That's his true size. This size works better for intimidating people, you know?

Ranga: My master has ordered me to hear what you have to say. So speak. I'm listening.

Gabiru: Are you the leader of the Direwolves?

Rimuru & Kirby just noticed this.

Rimuru(Mind): Wow... The other guys are cowering in fear, but this guy seems to have some guts.

Kirby(Mind): Still seems stupid, though.

Gabiru: Your beautiful fur, your keen eyes... You truly have a majestic presence. However... It is a bit disappointing to know that your master is two slimes!

Rimuru(Mind) & Kirby(Mind): What?!

Ranga is a bit mad.

Gabiru: It seems you've been deceived. Very well. What these slimes has done to you is unforgivable... so I shall defeat him for you!

Lizardman #2: Sir Gabiru, you're awesome!

Lizardman #3: Show 'em what you're made of, Sir Gabiru!

Lizardman #1: The peerless Gabiru!

Lizardman #3: Say it!

Lizardmen: Gabiru! Gabiru! Gabiru! Gabiru!

Gabiru is posing.

Ranga: A mere lizard dares to insult my master?!

Rimuru(Mind): Uh-oh. He's dead.

Kirby(Mind): I knew I should knock that lizard out.

Gobta is skipping along as Ranga is about to end Gabiru.

Gobta: Hey, what're you guys doing?

Rigurd: Gobta!

Rimuru: You're still alive?

Gobta: Hey, that's kinda mean. Of course I'm alive!

Great Sage: Notice. It appears that, in order to counteract Shion's cooking, he has gained the Poison Resistance Skill.

Rimuru: Oh... Like Kirby. Even I don't have Poison Resistance. I'm impressed.

Gobta: Really?

Ranga: Good timing.

Ranga went behind Gobta & grabbed his clothes with his teeth.

Gobta: Huh?

Ranga then put Gobta in front of Gabiru with his lance...

Gobta: What the heck is going on?!

Ranga: Lizard, if you can defeat this one, I will consider your offer.

Gobta: Why me?!

Kirby: Yeah, why Gobta...?

Ranga(Mind): Wow, Ranga! He's being so calm about this!

Kirby(Mind): Oh. If you fought him, you would kill him.

Gabiru: Fine by me. Having one of your subordinates fight saves you the shame of losing. Wouldn't both of you agree, Slimes?

Kirby: Rimuru, Gobta isn't gonna win.

Rimuru: Gobta, don't you dare hold back! Get him!

Gobta: Jeez, why the heck am I doing this?

Rimuru: If you win, I'll have Kurobe make a special weapon just for you!

Gobta: Really? That motivates me a little!

Rimuru: And if you lose, you have to eat Shion's cooking!

Gobta is extremely motivated, why the group have a shocked look on their face.

Gobta: Anything but that!

Shion is getting angry.

Shion: For some reason, this conversation makes me very unhappy.

Shion is squeezing Rimuru.

Rimuru(Telepathy): Help me, Kirby!

Kirby(Telepathy): Sorry, Rimuru.

Gabiru then get ready.

Lizardmen: Sir Gabiru!

Gabiru: Are you ready?

Gobta roared.

Ranga: Then begin!

Ranga then howl to signal the battle. The Lizardmen is chanting Gabiru.

Gabiru: We Lizardman, descendants of the great Dragons, could never lose to a mere Hobgoblin...

Gobta then threw the spear at Gabiru, causing him to dodged. The miss did stop the chant.

Gabiru: How dare you?!

Gabiru then attacked but missed, because Gobta is gone.

Gabiru: Impossible! He dissappe-

Gobta came from Gabiru's shadow & kick him behind the head. Gabiru is down. The Lizardmen, Rimuru, even Kirby, couldn't believe.

Rimuru(Mind): I can't believe what I'm seeing! Is Gobta actually using Shadow Movement?

Ranga: That's that. The fight is over! The winner is Gobta!

Benimaru: Yes!

Rigurd: Well done!

Shion: All right!

Gobta is being toss by Rigurd & Ranga.

Rigurd & Ranga: Bravo! Bravo!

Gobta: This is pretty high!

Ranga: Nice work, Gobta. I knew I saw promise in you.

Rigurd: Well done showing them what a Hobgoblin can do!

Shion: I misjudged you. I'll pretend I didn't hear that rude comment you made about me earlier.

Benimaru: Looks like he's gotten stronger since he fought us.

Hakurou: It appears he has talent that would be worth nurturing.

Rimuru(Mind): Is he actually some sort of prodigy? Also, did everyone just naturally believe Gobta would win?

Rimuru then looked to see where is Kirby. He then found him in his human form, sulking.

Rimuru(Telepathy): Are you okay, Kirby?

Kirby(Telepathy): I don't want to talk about it.

Rimuru(Telepathy): It's okay, Kirby. Let's pretend we expected this to happen.

Kirby(Telepathy): Fine.

Rimuru: Good job, Gobta. As promised, I'll have Kurobe make you a weapon.

Gobta: All right!

Kirby: As for all of you, Gobta has won this battle! If you want us to help you fight the Orcs, we'll consider it, but we won't serve you. Take him & leave for today.

The Lizardmen then picked up Gabiru.

Lizardman #2: W-We'll be back!

Lizardman #1: Indeed. This is not over!

Lizardman #3: We... We'll remember this!

The Lizardmen then left in the hurry.

Rimuru: Okay, then... I guess we'll have to plan where to go from here.

Kirby POV
We are in the office as Souei then report to us what he saw.

Souei: I saw 200,000 Orcs. The main army is moving north along the river. Based on the movement of this army & a detected force, I expect they will regroup in the marshland east of here.

Rigurd: In the Lizardmen's territory, you mean?

Souei then nodded.

Rimuru: Two hundred thousand, huh?

Me: That's a huge number even to be imagined. The problem is what the Orcs after?

Kaijin: Orcs are not very intelligent monsters. If there's something behind this invasion other than just instincts, we should suspect there's someone backing them.

Kurobe: Someone backing them?

Rimuru: Like a Demon Lord, perhaps? If that Gelmud guy who came to your village is involved in this...

Me: Rimuru, we don't have any proof of his involvement right now.

Benimaru: I don't know if a Demon Lord is involved, but...

Rimuru: But?

Benimaru: I think this makes it much more likely that an Orc Lord has appeared.

Rimuru: The unique monster that only appears once every few centuries?

Benimaru: Yes.

Me: I believe an Orc Lord might be leading that army.

Hobgoblin #1: I believe caution would be wiser than optimism in this case.

Souei sensed something.

Me: What is it?

Souei: One of the body doubles I had scouting the area has made an encounter.

Me: An encounter?

Souei: They request an audience with the both of you. How shall we respond?

Me: Who is the person?

Rimuru: Kirby & I already had our fill of Gabiru, so we'd rather not meet anyone weird.

Souei: I don't believe this one is... weird... But it is a highly unusual encounter. It's... a Dryad?

Most of the group gasped.

Rimuru: A Dryad?!

Me: Dryad?

Rigurd: Hasn't it been several decades since the last time a Dryad showed itself?

Me: A Dryad showed up several decades to seek our audience... Souei, send her here. We will listen to her request.

Souei: Sir.

There is a bright light in front of us coming from the table as a vine then wrapped around itself to bring forth a full-grown young woman with green hair and blue eyes along with well-defined facial features. She is an ethereal beauty whose body takes on a semi-transparent state. She wears a full-length aqua colored dress with white sleeves and goes barefoot. The Ogres are protecting us.

Treyni: Ruler of monsters, & all those who are loyal to him, forgive me for this unannounced visit. I am Treyni, a Dryad. It is a pleasure to meet you.

Rimuru: I'm Rimuru Tempest... um, Treyni-san.

Kirby: I'm Kirby Tempest, miss Treyni.

Rimuru: So, what brings you here?

Treyni: I have come to request a favor.

Me: A favor?

Treyni: Rimuru Tempest & Kirby Tempest, The Tempest Brothers, rulers of monsters, I would like the both of you to defeat the Orc Lord.


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