Episode 13: The Great Clash

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((Note: The battle is now here. Let's do this!))

3rd POV
Rimuru, Kirby, & The Goblins are heading out on the Tempest Wolves under the full moon.

Rimuru(Narrated): We're on our way to the marshlands to sign a treaty with the Lizardmen chieftain & fight the Orc army. The ones accompanying us are Benimaru, Shion, Hakurou, Billy, & Souei, who's out scouting. There's also Ranga...& our Goblin riders. Oh, & we've left Rigurd & the rest to watch the village. The plan is that they'll flee immediately if we lose.

Souei(Telepathy): Great Rimuru, Great Kirby, a moment?

Rimuru(Telepathy): What's up, Souei?

Souei(Telepathy): I've come across two groups currently engaged in battle. One of them is a personal guard to the Lizardman chieftain. They appear to be fighting a high-ranking Orc. What action shall I take?

Kirby(Telepathy): Well, I mean... We have to help them, don't we? Can you win?

Souei(Telepathy): A simple task.

Rimuru(Mind): He didn't even hesitate! So being a Hattie makes him skilled, too?

Kirby(Telepathy): Do it. We'll be there soon.

Souei(Telepathy): Understood.

Kirby: Assume battle formation. We're going to meet Souei!

The group: Sir!

Kirby: Ranga!

Ranga: As you command!

Ranga then push it speed to meet with Souei. They did made it, only for the Orcs to be dead.

Gobta: Er,, what? It's already over?

Benimaru: He should've left some for us...

Rimuru(Mind): Oh, boy. That Souei really is skilled.

Kirby is looking at Souei holding the Guard Captain. she was a green anthropomorphic lizard with violet hair, light armor, and a yellow scarf.

Kirby: How's she?

Souei: She is gravely injured.

Kirby: I see.

Kirby then wears A head mirror with a blue band, purple glasses and a white lab coat. He then brought out a beaker with green potion.

Kirby: This should heal her.

Souei then open her mouth as Kirby then pour the potion. She then cough a bit.

Kirby: Don't worry. It's healing potion.

Kirby then finished pouring the potion. Her body then started to heal.

Chieftain: M-My wound... I thought it was fatal. Wh-Who are you?

Kirby: I'm Kirby Tempest. My brother over there is Rimuru Tempest.

She heard of the names & bow down.

Chieftain: I must ask a favor of you! Please save my father, the Lizardman chieftain, & my brother Gabiru!

Kirby: Wait. You're Gabiru's sister?

Chieftain: I am.

Rimuru: What happened?

Chieftain: My brother led a rebellion & imprisoned the chieftain.

Rimuru & Kirby are shocked to hear this.

Chieftain: I believe he intends to repel the Orc army on his own, but he has underestimated the Orc Lord. If we take no action, the Lizardmen will surely be exterminated. My father helped me escape during a lapse in the guard's attention. I am aware that this is a selfish request, after we broke our promise to wait for you, but I implore mercy from you who serve such a powerful majin! Please... Please!

Shion then put her hand on the Chieftain & raise her head.

Shion: Well said, indeed! That you recognize our leaders Rimuru's & Kirby's greatness means you have potential!

Rimuru: H-Hey, Shion...

Shion: Come now, stand up...

Shion & the Chieftain then stand up.

Shion: I'm certain the Lizardmen can be saved, just as you hoped!

Rimuru(Mind): Whoa, whoa...

Chieftain: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Kirby(Mind): The way she just accepts work for me on her own... She's definitely a secretary.

Rimuru: What choice do we have? We'll be fighting the Orc Lord, either way. So, um... You're the chieftain's daughter, you say?

Chieftain's daughter: Y-Yes, sir!

The daughter then got on one knee.

Chieftain's daughter: I am at both of your command.

Rimuru: Go ahead, Kirby.

Kirby: Ok. Then I'll acknowledge you as a representative of the chieftain. Do you object to forging an alliance right here & now?

Chieftain: No not at all!

Kirby: Then it's settled. The alliance is complete.

Chieftain: Thank you so much.

Kirby: Souei, can you use Shadow Movement to get to the chieftain from here?

Souei: Of course.

Rimuru(Telepathy): Kirby, I so envy his skills...

Kirby(Telepathy): Calm down, Rimuru.

Kirby: I'm ordering the rescue of three Lizardman chieftain.

Souei: Understood.

Souei then used shadow movement to save them.

Chieftain: You have my gratitude.

Rimuru: The rest of us will continue our March!

The group: Sir!

Kirby POV
Rimuru: Kirby, do you think you can recon a bit to see what is going on?

Me: Sure.

Ranga: Want me to come with you, Master?

Me: Not really, but I need you to stay put.

I then pull out a Warp Star. I then place it on the ground & it grew my size.

Me: With the Warp Star, I'll be back before you know it.

I then got on it, it then takes off to the skies. I then thought about it & looked at the readers.

Me: I know, I know. But let's be honest Kirby Air Ride is first game the writer played.

((Note: Don't break the fourth wall. & he is right.))

I then find out that from back there to the spot I am seeing. Gabiru's group is being surrounded by the orcs. I do see a bigger Orc.

Me: It doesn't looked like the Orc Lord, but he won't survive.

I then turn around to go back to the group. I then see the group & landed.

Rimuru: Anything?

Me: They're surrounded, for starters, but surprisingly, they are holding their ground. I did spot a powerful Orc there.

Benimaru: Could it be the Orc Lord?

Me: Not really. Might be a general instead.

Rimuru: So we need to hurry & save them.

I then got on Ranga.

Me: Let's go!

The group then headed to the battlefield as quickly as possible. Rimuru looked at me as he & I sprouts our wings & takes it to the skies.

Rimuru: You said, "You loves Kirby games." When does it have battle strategy?

Me: Okay, okay! I played games other than Kirby! Sue Me! But I want to see how strong they got after we name them, the Kijins especially.

Rimuru: There is a phrase, "Appearance can be deceiving."

Me: Well, we are "the pot that called the kettle black."

Rimuru: That's true.

There is an blue fiery explosions as the group arrived. After a little while, there was a big explosions as Rimuru & I saw it in the air.

Rimuru: Wow...

Me: I know...

During that, I am watching around to see if I can find the Orc Lord.

Rimuru(Telepathy): H-Huh?!

I then looked at Rimuru as he is looking up. I also look up to see a multiple tornadoes & black lighting.

Rimuru(Telepathy): What is this?

Great Sage: Answer. This is the individual Ranga's wide-range attack, Death Storm.

Me(Telepathy): Oh... I see.

The Death Storm then killed the General. We then heard a howl from Ranga. We then see the Kijin does there work as well, like Benimaru burning the Orc, Hakurou quick slicing them, & Shion then let a giant swing, causing the Orc to be caught in the wave.

Shion: Great Rimuru! Great Kirby!

Rimuru: Y-Yeah...

Me(Telepathy): Rimuru...

Rimuru(Telepathy): Yeah...?

Me(Telepathy): Let's not pissed her off.

Rimuru(Telepathy): Agreed. But anyway... That overwhelming Orc army is shrinking before our eyes. I guess those Kijin really are a major asset. Man, I hope they'll still want to be friends after this war's over.

Me(Telepathy): I wonder how things are going for Souei.

Rimuru(Telepathy): Little Bro, I found the Orc Lord! It looks like he is not alone.

I then looked at where Rimuru is looking & I do see the Orc Lord, along with Box Boxer & Super Blade Knight. We then put on the mask.

Rimuru & I: We're going to put an end to you.


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