Episode 6: Shizu & Yuzuriha

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((Note: It was a tough choice between Karin & Yuzuriha, but I believe that choice would be okay. Let's do this!!))

Kirby POV
I am on Ranga as I am seeing Rimuru practice his transformation.

Me: Watch now, Ragna.

Ranga: I shall!

Rimuru: Rimuru, transform!

Rimuru then transformed into the Tempest Star Wolf.

Rimuru: And now... Black Lightning!

Rimuru then use Black Lightning on the rock, causing it to break as the wave is coming to us. Rimuru then turn back to himself.

Me: Wow.

Rimuru: I thought we'd try out the new skills we just learned, but we'll have to be careful we use it. It could be too powerful.

Ranga: Black Lightning... Both of you never cease to amaze, Master!

I then put Rimuru on Ranga's back as we then head to somewhere.

Rimuru: Ah... Everything's so peaceful.

Me: It sure is from where I used to be.

Ranga then end up at the cliff.

Rimuru: Uh-huh. Looks like they're doing great.

Me(Narrated): A few weeks have passed since Rimuru & Kirby returned from Dwargon with Kaijin & the other dwarves. There's the blacksmith, Kaijin, with expert smithing skills... The oldest of the three brothers, Garm, an aromr smith... The middle brother, Dord, whose craftmanship is the finest among all dwarves... & the youngest brother, Myrd, whose skills with his hands an expert in architecure & the arts. With their guidance, Rimuru, Kirby, & the Goblins were well on their way to building a new village.

Rimuru: Hey, Kirby.

Me: Yeah, Rimuru?

Rimuru: When we first came back from Dwargon, I was a little surprised to see what had happened...

Me: Yeah. 500 Goblins & 300 Waddle Dees. We have named them, & spent three days sleeping.

Rimuru: I wasn't sure how It'd work out, but it's starting to look like they'll all be able to live here. Good job, Kaijin!

Me: Hey, look.

I then pointed at Gobta as he is showing the new goblins as he is bringing out his wolf partner.

Rimuru: Whoa! He summoned one!

Even I was surprised that he summoned the shadow wolf.

Me: Wait! Gobta is teaching the newbies how to summon a Tempest Wolf?!

Rimuru: Never knew Gobta had it in him...

Gobta: That won't work. You've gotta be more like, "Unnnngh"...& then, "Pop!" Like that!

Me: He's not the greatest teacher, though.

Rigurd: Great Rimuru & Great Kirby!

Rimuru: Rigurd...

Rigurd, the Goblin King, is running towards us.

Rimuru: Is something up?

Rigurd: Yes, sir! We received a message from Rigur & the security team. It seems they've discovered suspicious beings in the forest.

Me: Must be monsters. Should I go there?

Rigurd: No, humans.

Rimuru & Me: Humans?

Rigurd: They may be scouts from some nations hoping to expand its dominion.

I then looked at Rimuru.

Rimuru: Hmm...

Me: Should we check it out?

Rimuru: Yes.

Ranga then run towards the place where Rigur then spotted the humans. We then not only the humans, but see something: Giant ants.

Me: Rimuru, let me try one of my abilities.

Rimuru: Sure.

I then use my Beam ability as I am wearing a jester's hat with two branches and white rim. One amber with small white stars and one solid red. Both branches have white pompoms on the end. I also wields a golden wand with small, blue, spherical crystals in its circular rim, and a large, blue, spherical crystal on its top.

Me: Wave Beam!

I fires an energy blast straight forward, and is pushed back a bit due to recoil. This blast penetrates the Giant Ant that about to attack the girl, but not terrain.

Rimuru: Wow.

Me: I guess my abilities output must have been strong like your Black Lightning, Rimuru.

Rimuru: Yeah. We better not used it.

Me: ...or at least find way to control the power.

I then heard a few weapons unsheathed as the dust cleared up to see the five humans.

The humans: Two slimes?

Rimuru: Yeah. Got a problem with slimes?

Adventurer #2: Uh, no...

Adventurer #1: I just never knew slimes could talk.

Me: We are rare.

Female adventurer: I can't believe it.

Rimuru is giving the one that lost the mask back to her.

Rimuru: Here, miss, This is yours, isn't it? My friend is sorry about that. You weren't hurt, were you?

The girl then grabbed her mask back as I am surprised about the girl's face. Then I looked at the other in purple.

Rimuru(Telepathy): Kirby... we met them sooner than I expected...

Female Adventurer #2: Both of you saved me. Thank you.

Me(Telepathy): The one I'm destined to be with.

We then take them to our village. It wasn't for a few minutes that there is a problem. Rigurd, Rimuru, & I then went to Rigur.

Rimuru: What are those four up to?

Rigurd: Well...

We then heard them arguing about the food.

Me: What happened?

Rigurd: I'm sorry... They said they were starving, so I gave them food.

Rimuru: Hey, that's great! Helping those in need is a good thing!

Rigurd: Yes, sir! Thank you very much! I hope to dedicate myself to doing just that!

Rimuru: Good, good.

Rigur: Great Rimuru, Great Kirby, go on in.

Rigur then moved the curtains for us to enter & see three of them eating fast.

Me(Telepathy): Rimuru, aren't they the ones we saw in the cave?

Rimuru(Telepathy): Oh, right. Those guys.

I then look at the two with mask are eating the meat, which impressed me.

Rigurd: Guests, I fear we have little to offer, but are you comfortable here? Allow me to make introductions. These two are our masters, the great Rimuru, & the great Kirby!

Trio: Master?

Me: Got a problem with that?

Adventurer #1: Uh, no...

Female Adventurer: We knew both of you are no ordinary slimes, but we had no idea...

Me(Mind): That threw them for a loop.

Me(Telepathy): Rimuru, we need to show them we're harmless.

Rimuru(Telepathy): Yup.

Rimuru: Nice to meet you! I'm Rimuru the slime! He's Kirby the creature! We're not bad slime & creature!

The two in the mask then snorted at Rimuru's joke. One of the adventurers then bowed their head.

Adventurer #1: We apologize. We never expected to be saved by two monsters, but we do appreciate it.

Female adventurer #1: Oh, & thanks for the meat! It's delicious!

Adventurer #2: Th-Thanks for your help. I didn't expect to find Goblins in building a village here.

Me: It's ok. What brings you all the way out here?

Kaval: I'm Kaval. For what's it worth, I'm the leader of this party. This is...

Eren: I'm Eren!

Gido: Hello. I'm Gido. Nice to meet you.

Kaval: And these two are the temporary members who just happened to be going the same way as us.

Shizu: Shizu.

Yuzuriha: Yuzuriha.

Kirby: Anything else?

Kaval: We're here at the request of the Guild master in the Kingdom of Blumund.

Me(Narrated): Kaval told us about their plans, as if he'd never learned to suspect anyone. A Guild master in Blumund, one of the nations bordering the Great Forest of Jura, asked them to investigate the area.

Rimuru: I see.

Rimuru(Telepathy): Kirby, it looks like Veldora's absence is having a greater effect than I realized. People are coming to check out not just the cave, but all the surrounding area.

Rimuru: As you can see, we're in the middle of building our village, but, well... does the Guild have some problem with that?

Kaval: I don't think so. Right?

Eren: Yeah. It's nothing the Guild has any say in. What about the country, though?

Gido: I have no idea, myself.

Rimuru: I see. Well, I get it now. You should stay here tonight, & get some good rest.

The group: Thank you!

Rimuru: Treat them well.

Rigurd & Rigur: Yes, sir.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Beam Kirby.

3rd POV
Shizu & Yuzuriha are looking at the sun setting. Rimuru & Kirby are walking towards the two.

Rimuru: Do you two have a minute?

Shizu & Yuzuriha then looked back to Rimuru & Kirby joining them.

Rimuru: There's something I'd like to ask you. Are you two, um, from Japa--

Shizu: Slime-san, that line you use was from a game, wasn't it?

Rimuru: Huh?

Kirby: It was?

Shizu then turn to Rimuru.

Shizu: "I'm not a bad slime."

Rimuru then looked at Shizu.

Shizu: I've never played it, but we heard about it from someone else from my country.

Rimuru: Yeah!

Rimuru(Mind): We've being held by so many women since we took these forms! One of the side perks, I guess!

Yuzuriha: Are both of you from Japan, too?

Rimuru: Yeah.

Kirby: Not me. I'm from USA. Although, I do understand Japanese.

Shizu: I see. I'm glad I met you.

Yuzuriha: So do I. How did both of you come here?

Rimuru: Actually, I was stabbed to death.

Kirby: I was shot in the back.

Shizu: Stabbed?

Yuzuriha: Shot?

Rimuru: And the next thing we knew, we had this magnificent form!

Yuzuriha: So both of you were reincarnated. That must've been hard.

Rimuru: Was it different for both of you?

Shizu: We're... a Summon.

Rimuru: A Summon?

Kirby(Telepathy): Veldora did talked about that.

Rimuru(Telepathy): Oh right. So... Shizu-san & Yuzuriha-san are weapons? & the curse... I'm curious...

Kirby(Telepathy): Let's not ask. It isn't the time for it.

Rimuru(Telepathy): Yeah.

Rimuru: So when were you summoned here?

Shizu: A long time ago. My town was burning, engulf in flames...

Rimuru: A war?

Shizu: Bombs fell from the sky...

Rimuru: The air raids...

Shizu: My mother & I fled together, but then...

Rimuru: What happened to her?

Shizu did not said anything.

Rimuru: I'm sorry.

Shizu: It's okay.

Rimuru: Hey, I know! I'll show you something fun!

Shizu: Something fun?

Rimuru: Great Sage, I'd like to use Thought Communication to show Shizu-san some of my memories.

Great Sage: Understood.

Rimuru: Here we go!

Shizu then started to see inside Rimuru. She then see his computer & his screen has an elf.

Shizu: An elf?

Rimuru: No, no! It's not... It's not like that!

Shizu: She was pretty.

Kirby: That is sad. Now I know why you love the elves.

Rimuru: Pretend you never saw that! Look at this one!

Rimuru then show Shizu the event after the bombing, like the Super Express Hikari.

Shizu: Wow... It's like the skyscrapers of New York that I saw on a picture postcard once.

Rimuru: After the war ended, peace came to Japan. The town & the economy all boomed.

Shizu: I see... I'm so glad. I wish I could have shown my mother this.

Rimuru: I want to make this world one where everyone can live in peace, too.

Shizu: That's wonderful. I hope it really happens.

Rimuru: We will! Me& Kirby! We're sure of it!

Shizu then giggled as Kirby & Yuzuriha is seeing this sight of bond, but Shizu is starting to have pain in her chest.

Yuzuriha: Shizu!

Kirby: Shizu!

Rimuru: Shizu-san?

Shizu: I'm sorry.

Rimuru: Are you okay?

Shizu: Yes, I think so.

Shizu then put her mask on as the three of them are worried.

Kaijin: Hey, Rimuru & Kirby. Got a minute? We'd like to talk to you about where to build a new house.

Kirby: Sure.

Kirby then got out of Yuzuriha's arms.

Rimuru: See you.

Kirby: Bye-bye.

((Note: Crap! That song is in my head.))

Rimuru & Kirby then headed to Kaijin.

Kaijin: Was I interrupted?

Rimuru: Shut up!

Kaijin: Now, don't be shy.

Rimuru: We're not!

Kaijin: But you're blushing.

Yuzuriha then went to Shizu as they both stared at the sunset.

Yuzuriha: It's trying to break free, isn't it?

Shizu: Yeah.

Shizu is reminded of that faithful day, being summoned & have the power of the flames inside her.


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