44. Not So Present

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The presentation was lousy but I had more pressing issues to tend to.

It had been a few days but I was finally able to finish the first stages of my plan. I leaned back into my seat and sipped on the juice box that the cafeteria provided. At least this school gave me free food.

I found myself finding the routine of heading to school and sitting there for many hours not as annoying as when I originally started attending. Home wasn't exactly somewhere I was excited to come back to anymore though.

"Sheldon, I didn't think you came so early."

Rudra was too cheery for the morning but a smile managed to crack on my face. He seemed to have shrugged off his jacket and had it draped over one arm.

"I came for free breakfast." I lifted up the bagel in my hand to show him.

"Oh yeah, I hate eating breakfast at home since I need time for the taste of toothpaste to go away. The breakfast program is a godsend." He looked over to the cafeteria's lunch line and had even gone onto his toes to get a better view. "Oh! They've got cream cheese today. I don't have to eat just fruit today."

"Why? You don't like the other options?"

He scoffed. "I've got standards, so yes."

I raised an eyebrow at his comment. He responded by ignoring my look and plopping his bag and jacket next to me.

"Watch this for me while I get food. Thanks, bye!"

He scurried over to the counters and I watched while I took another bite of my bagel.

This school had some decent people at least.

"You're here early," Haresa remarked dryly.

They didn't only sound tired but they looked tired as they had dark bags under their eyes. They somehow managed to tie their short hair into a ponytail. The hair tie wasn't holding together well as frizzy strands of hair would hang loosely in front of their face and they tried to shove it behind their ear with little luck.

"You know the saying. Evil doesn't sleep or something of that nature." I mumbled and took another bite of bagel. "What the hell are you doing here anyway?"

They scrunched up their nose and looked away. "I go to school here?"

"You know what I mean, hare."

They pointed at the stuff on the seat next to me before sitting down across from me. "Rudra told me that he left his stuff there."

I made a disgruntled noise of understanding as it seems that the two seem almost connected at the hip at school.

"Oh, goody. I get to have my morning ruined." I waved my bagel in the air in an unenthusiastic celebration.

"Hey, I wasn't the one flirting with your friend." Haresa raised their hands in defence.

I began to cough. What was it with me choking on food lately?

"Are you alright?" They asked.

I waved my hand and swallowed. "You really don't have to be so concerned with me, hare."

They seemed to look uncertain and their mouth formed into a straight line. "If you say so."

"And flirting? What the hell do you mean by flirting?" I emphasized the last word with disbelief.

"You haven't noticed?"

"What do you mean?!" My voice was raising the more I talked.

"Rudra is throwing himself at you. I'm sure he likes you."

Holy shit, that explained so much.

I sat there processing what Haresa just said while going through all the interactions Rudra and I had.

"Hey, you good there Sheldon?" Rudra asked.

I looked up to see Rudra standing there with his own makeshift bagel sandwich. I quickly shoved the rest of the bagel into my mouth with wide eyes.

"Uh gob tuh guh doh a fing," I choked out.

"What?" Rudra's smile quickly flipped into one of confusion.

I grabbed my bag and bolted out of the cafeteria, ignoring Rudra and Haresa's calls.

Note to self. Avoid the talks in the morning.

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