51. Owe

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"Rudra, you hormone-driven boy! You owe me!"

"Owe you?" Rudra guffawed. "You're the one that's forcing yourself to come along on my date."

We sat in the GSA clubroom waiting for the rest of the club members to file in. Sheldon had opted not to accompany us to the clubroom as he needed to use the school computers. I wonder if it was related to his search for a new home.

I slapped the back of his head. "You're the one that begged me to lend you money."

"I'm not the one that has a job!"

"Don't act like I'm rich. Most of the money I'm supposed to get will be accessible when I turn eighteen," I said. My cheeks were slightly puffed in annoyance. "The money I'm lending you is from my saved-up allowance."

"What? You get an allowance? I have to beg my parents for money and I don't want to do it again this time." Rudra sunk into his chair with his arms crossed. "Plus, they'll question why I need it and I really don't want to explain."

I was about to reply but our conversation was quickly interrupted by Rudra's own squeal of excitement. Sheldon had walked through the door and Rudra had poured all his attention into the villain, leaving me behind.

Rudra definitely owed me.

"What's going on?" Sheldon eyed the television screen.

The television showed the title screen for Mulan and I had forgotten that he wasn't here last week to choose the film.

"Last week we picked Mulan for movie day," Rudra said with a smile.

"What were the other options?" Sheldon plopped into the seat beside my friend.

"The Little Mermaid," I said.

"What? Seriously? Ursula is iconic. I don't understand why you guys didn't pick that." Sheldon adjusted the glasses on his face. "Villainy has been deeply ingrained with queerness. She was modelled after a drag queen."

"Well, queerness also has been in heroism too." I felt my nose twitch and he raised an eyebrow at my comment. "Ariel had to learn how to be a girl. She had to learn what gender was and if that isn't queer, then I don't know what is."

"Ariel? Queer?" His stare told me everything. He probably thought I was exaggerating. "Girl who sacrifices her life for a boy is queer?"

"Who said she was a girl? She could've been nonbinary. She never learnt the human constructs of gender."

Before Sheldon could retort, Rudra held his hands in front of our faces. "Enough, you two. We're watching Mulan today. We can argue about fish films another time."

"Whatever. It's probably going to be another princess movie where oh-so-innocent miss whats-her-face has love at first sight with some prince." Sheldon slunk back into his chair with a disgruntled sigh.

"Mulan isn't a princess," I said.

"What? Are you going to argue she's gay too?" He shot back.


"Alright, is everyone ready to watch Mulan?" Mr. Dunson asked which interrupted the argument I was having with Sheldon.

I took a deep breath and turned to the teacher with a plastered smile. "Yes, sir!"

I heard Sheldon muttering to Rudra about how just because I bought him food didn't mean that he had to like me but I ignored it.

If he was going to be like that then I won't help him with his villain performances anymore. I also won't let him get closer with Rudra so easily too.

I moved my chair to be wedged between the two boys and Rudra let out a yelp of disapproval. Sheldon just rolled his eyes at the act and only shifted his chair away from me.

Rudra leaned in towards me and I mirrored the gesture. He was probably going to tell me to sit farther away, wasn't he?

"Could you try getting along with Sheldon?" He whispered. "I don't want the two of you to be at each other's throats all the time especially since we'll be together more often now."

"I have been trying." At least, I feel like I was. I helped him out with his sponsorship.

"I know you work together... well, against each other but I want to keep things normal-ish?"

I pursed my lips before letting out a small sigh. "Fine."

"Thanks, you're the best."

Rudra leaned back into his seat and placed his hand on Sheldon's. Sheldon looked caught off guard and swatted Rudra's hand away. Judging from how red his cheeks were, he probably wasn't used to it. The two began to talk about whatever soon-to-be-boyfriends do and I put my attention back on the screen.

The movie continued as normal. I was half paying attention since I had watched the film too many times to count at this point but I heard someone shift loudly in their seat. I looked to the side to see Sheldon was on the edge of his seat, eyes wide in fixation and I glanced back to the screen.

Mulan was singing into her reflection.

I felt a mug smile start to form but I internalized it so no one else could see.

"I told you Mulan was gay," I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

His eyes met mine briefly and there was a flash of uncertainty on his face before he went back to watching the film. "I suppose so."

I could see Rudra's smile and he took the interaction as a sign of us getting along.

He really owes me.

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