73. Genesis

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Sheldon was a villain. I would be insane not to try and find every piece of information about him I could possibly get my hands on.

When it was the first week of his return, I spent countless hours digging up old information and other stuff relevant to him. The origin of his disappearance was the goal of my research but I wasn't finding what I wanted. I just didn't think it was useful until he brought up his old mentor after I bought all those cookies for him.

The day he had escaped the facility he was kept in, there were reports of an explosion and a man was found with a serious burn on his leg. I didn't know the description of the man but it was too close of a coincidence especially since it was the day that Sheldon fell off the face of the earth for years. If my bets are right, that man was most likely Sheldon's old mentor.

"What are you doing?" Rudra asked me.

I was hunched over the school's cubicle desk with papers spread around me and I attempted to organize them into a neat pile.

"Hero paperwork," I sighed. "I have to get this submitted asap if I want to continue with your current investigation."

Rudra had his arms crossed and leaned against the wall of the desk. "Is it still related to the fake bank robbery mission?"

"Maybe." My arms covered the paperwork protectively.

"Hm? What does that say?" Rudra lifted my arm up and I yanked it back. He took the chance to read over the paper and pointed to one part of the document. "Sheldon? You're doing a team up with Sheldon? Why?"

"He's way more unhappy about it than me so don't talk about it with him."

Rudra was about to pick up the paper and I slapped his hand away.

"Nu uh, I spent way too much time on that. No way I'm letting you mess it up."

"I'm kind of jealous," Rudra gave a sad smile. "I want to join your secret mission."

"Trust me, you don't want to get involved in the world of heroes and villains. Especially the ones with powers. It's just a headache."

"How did this happen anyways? Did he ask you?"

My nose scrunched up at the thought. "Do you think he would ask me?"

"Right, right. So, you asked him and he was willing to join?"

"Rudra, I can't give you all the details." My fingers twisted the ends of my hair. "But I did have to convince him. That's all I have to say."

Rudra pulled away from the desk cubicle and leaned backwards. "I don't think you want to tell me because of legalities, I think you're just ashamed of what you did."

I froze and he pursed his lips while his eyes went wide.

"Haresa, what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything," I said quickly.

"Haresa." Rudra's voice lowered and his stare told me that I was being warned.

"Maybe I gathered information when he enrolled here and found some information he wanted and would only give it to him if he did the team up."

"Holy shit, you stalked him."

"I didn't stalk him! I used my detective skills like any good hero. Most heroes are detectives, you know."

"Oh my god, you're trying to justify it." Rudra seemed to be trying to keep in his laugh and I threw my hands up.

"If I stalked him, I would be following his every move!"

Rudra gave me a stare.

"This is my soon-to-be-boyfriend, Haresa," he said.

"Which is why if he wants the information I have, he'll be a good villain and do his job, like how I'm just doing my job." I shoved the documents into a folder and stood up.

"I'll try and convince him that you're not a stalker but I really think you should look into it," he said jokingly and I gave him a small shove.

"Oh, ha," I said. "If your butt needs to be saved anytime soon, don't expect me to do anything."

"I won't because I'm sure Sheldon will take me into his strong arms and destroy anyone who dares to hurt his beloved." Rudra swooned dramatically and I rolled my eyes.

Rudra and Sheldon as a couple was never not going to be weird to me.

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