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I wake up the next morning and discover to be hugging my favorite pillow on my comfortable bed. Checking on the wall clock, I find that it is 8:30 in the morning. I dip my head back into my pillow and groan. urghhhh...... I don't want to get up. Suddenly I remember what happened last night. wait... how did I get back on the bed? Did Christopher put me back on my bed? was he even here or I was just dreaming?

I guess it was a stupid dream. I have been obsessing about him showing up so much that all I see is him everywhere. Stupid Nicole. As I am thinking about being extremely delusional I see my bathroom door open, clearing all my doubts Christopher steps out of it in his all godly appearance. I almost choke looking at the sight in front of me. He looks absolutely sexy with nothing but a towel draped around his waist dangerously low, showing his perfectly ripped v-cut. water dripping from his hair, with a few bangs falling over his forehead. I look at his toned body, he doesn't have a bulky body like some wrestler but has the perfect amount of muscles to make him the hottest man I have ever seen. from his six-pack abs, it is evident that he works out every day. The tiny droplets glistening on his chest are making things even worse.

He smirks at me noticing me gawking at him shamelessly. I almost look like shit now with my hair probably resembling a nest. this is so not fair while he stands there looking like a Greek god and I on the other hand lying here not even close to a fucking wild chipmunk. I have to get out of this bed before he notices my morning ugly face more.

"From the look on your face, I can surely say that you haven't got some in a long time," he tells me pointing towards his sculptured body.

What the fuck? what did he just say? how did he even dare to mention my non-existent sex life like that? Fuck! He thinks that I didn't have sex in a long time. funny thing is he doesn't even know that I am a virgin.

before I can say anything he walks out of the bathroom and turns around exactly in front of my bed where I am still laying.

"what the...." without letting me finish my sentence he drops his towel displaying his perfect taut ass for me. I look at his back in pure shock and then realizing what I have been looking at I bring my hands hastily to cover my face. but still, I can see him from in between the fingers.

"Stop pretending that you are not watching me Cole." He turns his head a little to look at me. my face turns bright red from embarrassment. shit! how did he know? he wears his boxer briefs and turns around to face me.

removing my hands from the face I ask him. "Why the fuck you did that?" my voice coming out with a mixture of shock, anger, and mostly embarrassment.

"You were enjoying the view earlier so I thought why not might as well give you a good show." he winks at me wearing his jeans now.

Asshole! Is he crazy or what? I almost had a mini heart attack watching him like this, honestly speaking I have never seen a man ass in real before, except for when my baby brother was born. And that too as perfect as of Christopher, it's not like I am fantasizing about it, just stating the facts.

if this is how he is going to behave while staying here then we need to have a serious talk. I can't tolerate this. his creepy behavior can lead to some really awkward sexual thing and I can't lose my shit like this. Hell no! I couldn't let something inappropriate to happen in my room and that too with Christopher. Fuck! I am already thinking of jumping his bones right now. why does he have to look so deliciously sexy all the time?

But before saying anything to him I must first look presentable. I can't talk to him looking like a wild ass woman. so I hurriedly get out of my bed without even giving him a glance and go into the bathroom shutting the door behind me with a loud bang. he must be thinking that I have gone insane, anyway I don't care. I do my morning routine, brushing teeth and stuff, and finally combing my hair I check myself in the mirror. Now you are looking like a fucking human being Nicole. Finally, I am ready to have a serious discussion with Christopher.

when I get out of the bathroom I see him running his hand through his hair in front of the mirror. seriously? how many times does he look at himself in a mirror? I roll my eyes. he is such a girl.

I clear my throat and say "Christopher we need to talk."

"I am listening." He doesn't even look at me. Jerk.

"You can't stay here." I blurt out already wanting this conversation to be over.

He diverts his gaze from the mirror, turning around he gives me a pointed look. I gulp not knowing what else to do. then his lips curve into a mischievous smile and his eyes turn into smoldering grey. Oh no, I know that look. Fuck! this isn't going to be good. Nicole, why do you always get yourself into such situations? he arches an eyebrow at me, taking slow steps in my direction like a predator. I move back, with each step his smile becomes more dangerous.

with having no more space behind me, I hit the wall beside the bathroom. he gets closer to me standing right in front of me. fuck! I can smell him. he smells like chocolate in close up. That's weird. Why Chocolate? wouldn't that tarnish his I-so-fucking-rule-this-world mafia lord image?

"I guess my persuasion skills weren't up to the mark for convincing you." He says looking straight in my eyes.

"I...You..." I stutter unable to form a coherent sentence. get a grip, Nicole! I try to come up with something but his proximity doesn't let me concentrate properly. I look into his mesmerizing grey eyes and forget everything. taking advantage of my current state he slides a hand around my waist sending shivers through my body. I don't protest, rather to my surprise I move forward giving him more access to hold me, taking it as a cue of approval he pulls me closer to him leaving no distance between us.

"maybe I should try something more valiant." He says huskily leaning forward. I close my eyes automatically thinking that he is going to kiss me. and that's the time when my stupid stomach decides to growl like a fucking Godzilla. my eyes shot open and I find him looking at my stomach in astonishment. and then he bursts into laughter. Fuck! at this very moment, I want the ground to tear apart and swallow me. this is so fucking embarrassing! this is what happens when you skip your dinner at night and try to get a goodnight's sleep. Girls please never do that otherwise in the morning you would be embarrassing yourself in front of some hot piece of an arrogant jerk. right now I would be probably looking like a bright red tomato. from the moment I have met Christopher all I have done is to find different ways to embarrass myself. Great Nicole!

"I mistook your hunger to be for something else," he says controlling his laughter.

loosening his grip around me, he lets me go "it seems like you are undoubtedly hungry." after a long pause he adds waggling his eyebrows "for food." moving away from me, he sits on the bed and says " but I can take care of that too. do you have some edible stuff in your refrigerator?"

I cross my arms over my chest, suddenly feeling cold from his loss of contact and shoot an irritated glare at him "What do you mean by edible stuff? I am not a fucking zebra that would eat grass. my kitchen is always stuffed with necessary supplies." I tell him proudly.

"fine, you freshen up in 15 mins and get your cute ass down, I'll see what I can do," he says casually standing up and walking towards the door.

"but Becky..." he cuts me off in the middle before I can finish my sentence.

"don't worry, your friend isn't home." he winks at me one more time before exiting the room.

how does he know that Becky isn't home? did he kidnap her too? and did he just say that he is going to make breakfast for me? What the fuck is going on?

Anyway, I am really hungry and also I don't want to be late for the clinic so without thinking any further I get into the bathroom for a nice shower. I put on a sky blue sundress, applying a little mascara I look into the mirror. you are ready for work Nicole.

When I get to the kitchen I find Christopher standing in front of the stove. I can smell omelets. Is he making an omelet? He is still shirtless and I can see his muscles flexing out as he flips the pan. fuck! can I lick that back?

He turns around and catches me staring at him. He looks at me taking in my outfit and then flashes one of his cocky smirks. I clear my throat and walk past him to one of the kitchen cabinets and grab a packet of potato chips from it. I walk back still not paying attention to him and sit at the dining table. tearing the packet I stuff some chips into my mouth. Christopher makes his way to the dining table holding two plates and sits next to me. He glances at me weirdly.

"Don't..look at me...with that ...expression," I say with a mouthful of chips.

"What expression?" he asks playfully.

" With that Bitch-you-have-a fat-ass-coz-you-eat-a-lot-of-shitty-junk expression." I say stuffing some more chips.

He chuckles hearing it and shrugs" I wasn't thinking that. in fact, I find your ass really cute."

I choke on my chips as a blush creeps through my neck. I look up and notice him watching me intently. after a moment he slides a plate towards me.

"eat," he tells me in a serious tone.

What? did he just command me to eat? why would he do that? Fuck! now I am getting total Christian grey vibes from him. why is he so weird?  Okay, guys so I have discovered so many things about this mysterious hot guy that I can put it in points.

1. That he is a psychotic criminal. 2. That he is a pathetic stalker considering how lame his excuse was to convince me to let him stay.
3. That he miserably failed to try seducing me in the morning.
4. That now he is sitting in front of me commanding me to eat looking like a fucking dominant.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I know what's coming next. The whole BDSM thing, fuck! I should have known this. what am I supposed to do now? Nicole, you have nowhere to escape now. I shouldn't have let him stay here. As I am mentally cursing myself to be so stupid I see Christopher waving his hand in front of me.

"Cole, what happened? you just zoned out, is everything okay?" he asks looking concerned.

"Yeah...I am fine." I tell him trying to look confident. suddenly my phone beeps on the table and I see a text from Becky. I click on it and read.

Sorry Nikki, I couldn't get home last night, hope you weren't worried about me. I wanted to inform you earlier but I was caught up in my work. I am at my parents' house in Portland and I would be staying here for some days. I'll let you know when I'll be back till then you can have fun at our house bitch!😉😆

PS: don't plan to start a Brothel until I come.🤣😘

Great! this bitch turned me down when I need her the most. why on earth she would decide to leave me like this? and that too when Christopher is here. she was my only hope. I thought she would save me from this. but I guess I have to deal with this shit myself.

"Who is it?" Christopher raises an eyebrow asking me.

"it's none of your business." I snap at him putting the phone back on the table.

he rolls his eyes and says "fine, hurry up and finish your food. I'd be dropping you at your clinic."

The fork drops from my hand hearing that. I find him smirking while I look at him with wide eyes. What? Why? no way, I can walk to my clinic myself. doesn't he have anything productive than this to do? Bravo Becky! Now I am stuck up with this hot jerk for god knows how long. What do I do now? And I don't even know when is Becky going to return. Please god, help me!

What you have gotten yourself into Nicole?


Sorry for a short chapter. I'd make it up to you in  the next one.

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