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"I hope you haven't forgotten about your engagement with Sophia that is going to take place in two months."

Great! Here I was anticipating facing murderous rage from Richard for calling off the engagement with his daughter. But now, what I assume is that he isn't even aware of what happened between Sophia and me. I shouldn't have expected any better from Sophia. What Richard just stated is well noted by everyone who had been close enough to Sophia, I wouldn't deny it. But how could she do this? At least I expected her to have the audacity to tell her father about what we have agreed to do.

I tighten my grip on the glass, not knowing how else to control my anger.

"I would have never approved this marriage," Richard states in a bored tone. " I would never want my baby girl to be involved in all this shit that I do." He then says, giving me a sad smile. "You know how stubborn she is. Her love for you has overshadowed my doting for her." His eyes turn glassy as he attempts to hide his tears. I know how much Richard adores his daughter. She is the most precious possession that he has.

"Anyway, Sophia is coming. She will be here anytime." He says, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand and composing himself back to normal.

Just as he completes the sentence, I hear the door behind me open. And from the big smile on Richard's face, I suppose its Sophia. She enters the room carrying her usual confident aura and walks over to the place where we are sitting. She never fails to look beautiful. I glance at her. She is wearing a black pencil skirt along with a green blouse. Her wavy black hair cascading over her shoulder, complimenting her tan skin perfectly. Her resemblance to her father is highly perceptible. No doubt that she has inherited those striking features from him. Richard stands up with welcoming arms for his daughter as she makes her way to him and hugs him. I look away feeling not to intrude on their little father-daughter reunion moment.

After parting away from the hug, Sophia says " How have you been, dad? I haven't seen you in a while?"

"I am doing good Sophia, You know our work right? sometimes it gets too hard to spare time for our family considering the type of shit we are in." He lets out a small laugh. " How are you, baby?"

"How do I look like?" she shrugs arching an eyebrow playfully at her father.

"You look totally stunning, my darling," Richard says with a genuine smile on his face.

After a moment she turns towards me and asks with suspicion to her father. " What were you guys up to?" Finally, she acknowledged my presence. For a moment I thought that they both forgot that I was present here too.

"Oh, nothing serious. just having a little chit chat with my future son-in-law." Richard tells her with a shrug. Seriously? I mentally roll my eyes at his statement.

"Okay, then I'll let you kids have your time. I have some work to look after, I'll see you guys later." Richard gently kisses Sophia on her cheek and nodding at me he walks towards the door leaving me alone with Sophia. Shit! This is the last thing that I want now, to have a conversation with Sophia. Fuck my life.

Sophia turns her gaze towards me with a sincere smile. "Hey, Chris how are you doing?"

"Cut the crap Sophia, why didn't you tell Richard?" I ask her agitatedly coming straight to the point as soon as Richard goes out of vision.

"What are you talking about?" She says furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. Oh so now she is trying to act innocent. Fucking unbelievable!

" About us calling off the engagement."

"Oh, that...." she lets out a nervous chuckle and says, " I thought we could just sort out things between us." She looks at me with her fake pleading eyes. "We don't have to cancel the engagement."

"Fucking no...There isn't anything left to be sorted out between us." I stand from my seat and walk towards the window trying to put as much as the distance between us. I am literally feeling suffocated by her presence. but she doesn't let that happens, she follows me and stands right in front of me.

"Please Chris, don't do this to me. I am sorry, You know how much I love you." desperation evident in her eyes as she reaches out to touch my cheek. But I take a step back not allowing her to do it.

"I don't buy that bullshit, Sophia."

She turns dejected from my action as she looks away towards the window fighting back the tears that threaten to fall from her eyes. she stutters " I am so sorry Chris... I don't know...You...Everything was fine between us," I cut her off before she finishes the sentence.

"Yes, everything was fine between us until you decided to fuck a tapster at some random beach party." I spat at her angrily.

Hurt flashes over her face giving me the image that my words have done enough damage to her. She refuses to meet my gaze out of embarrassment. " I have told you so many times that I regret it. I am sorry Chris, I was drunk that day....and I...I was really not in my senses." She tries to prove her innocence.

"That still doesn't justify your doing." I scoff at her.

The defeat on her face becomes visible as she fails with her all attempts to convince me to believe her. She looks away for a moment and then again when she meets my gaze, she seems different. The hurt that was present on her face a few seconds ago was now replaced with annoyance. I see her demeanor change, her blue eyes appear to be stony as she glares at me with anger.

"You always try to blame me. But have you ever realized your mistake?" She snaps at me.

I look back at her questioningly. What is she talking about?

"You made me feel guilty for what I did but you never tried to understand the reason that led me to do that."

I stare at her blankly not understanding what she was trying to imply.

"We were so happy Chris, don't you remember?" her eyes gleam with hope. she begins to speak hastily as if knowing that I wouldn't give her time for an explanation "We had our perfect life, we were meant to be the ideal couple. Everything was so good before that accident..." she trails it off.

I snap my eyes back to her in astonishment.

"I know that it wasn't easy for you but...You started acting indifferent to me. You were always lost in your thoughts. You changed so much. You would never tell me anything, I know how hard it was for you...but Chris I started feeling left out." She states hesitantly with pain in her eyes.

"I had my needs Christopher, and you started ignoring me. you couldn't give me the time that I wanted or more like needed." taking a deep breath she continues "That's why I got carried away at that beach party." She tells me in a small voice.

"So you just ruined our relationship because you couldn't keep your sexual frustration in check?" I shoot a dirty glare at her.

Silence took over the room after that. Sophia didn't try to defend herself as she stares blankly out of the window. part of me feels bad for talking to her like this. But I just couldn't let go of what she has done to me. she fucking slept behind my back and that too with a bartender. I need some time to forget everything and forgive her. one thing is for sure that I am not going to get back with her. If she can do this once giving me this excuse, then surely she can find many other lame reasons to cheat on me. I don't trust her now.

Not wanting to make her feel any worse, I let go of my anger and move closer to her. placing a hand on her shoulder I say "I know that I wasn't at my best behavior after that accident." I sigh and give her a sad smile. "I wasn't ignoring you, Sophia. I just needed some space to process everything that has happened. I needed time to heal."

Three years ago I met with a nearly fatal accident in Spain. I got to know that I was there for a business deal. While driving through the hill, my wheels got out of balance and the car fell off the cliff. I survived severe injuries including traumatic brain damage which led to an unfortunate memory loss. I was also in a coma for about four months. So basically whatever I stated now wasn't known to me, because I remembered nothing after I woke up from the coma. everything that I know was told to me by Richard, his men, and Sophia. I don't even remember a single event of my life before that and it really pisses me off. What Sophia said was true. After coming back from the hospital, I used to be lost in my thoughts. I never tried to interact with other people. I would spend the whole day locked in my room trying to memorize what my fucking life used to be. Depression took over me as I couldn't get to know my original fucking identity. I was completely messed up at that time. I wouldn't eat, sleep or do anything properly. I struggled a lot but I couldn't remember who I was in real. I was so lost and frustrated that at one point, I tried to end my life but then Richard came and convinced me. he promised me to help me get back to my past life. At first, I didn't believe him, I was hesitant with the things that he introduced me with. however eventually with time, I got accustomed to everything, I finally realized what my life was and where I belonged to. Sophia too helped me to remember our relationship by showing me our pictures together. However, I didn't recognize her but still, I accepted the fact that she was my girlfriend. With everyone's help, I resumed my work in the gang and here I find myself standing in front of Sophia as soon to be the next mafia leader after her dad. I must admit that I owe a great debt of gratitude to her father. Richard saved my fucking life and I would be always grateful to him.

I look at her and say "Sorry Sophia but we can't be together." With a baffled expression she opens her mouth trying to say something but nothing comes out.

"I expect your father gets to know about this as early as possible." With that, I progress towards the door not sparing her another glance. Hoping that she would understand and respect my decision, I leave the room.


I Stare blankly at the bookshelf in front of me as my thoughts waver back to the only person who has been occupying my mind all this time. From the moment Christopher stepped foot in my life again, he hasn't left my wild imaginations for a second. To say that I was thinking about him would be an understatement. I had been obsessing about him all the time. He dropped me to my clinic this morning even after I kept pestering him not to, because I don't think I would be able to keep in check my sanity when I am with him. Damn! My life literally sucks.

"Not able to find anything good to read Nikki?"

I snap my head back to the source of the voice nearly breaking my neck in the process. Emily stands in front of me placing her hands on her hips.

"Mmmmm...Yes....No" I stutter a little. I turn around and run my fingers over the books pretending to be looking for one. Emily comes and stands beside me checking me in an interrogative way.

"Are you good Nikki? You look a little disoriented," she asks with a concerned expression on her face.

"Yes, I am fine Emily," I give her a reassuring smile.

She looks unsatisfied with my answer but she doesn't stress on it. I am grateful for that because otherwise, I wouldn't be able to answer her questions. I don't want anyone to know about Christopher, especially my friends.

After a moment she looks at me. "I was thinking about going on for shopping this Friday, I don't know many people here. You are the only one close to me here so would you like to join?" She says expectantly.

"Oh my god! Why not?.... Anyway, I feel like I have been wearing this same dress every Wednesday. I am practically running out of clothes now. I need to fill my closet with new stuff." I smile at her. I haven't been to shopping in a while and This would also be a good distraction from the whole Christopher thing.

"it's a deal then." She claps in excitement and jumps over me for a hug. We then scream in joy like school girls as we continue to squeeze each other. As we are having our little girls' moment I see Sam getting in the store.

"Why are you guys crying like a fucking hyena?" He asks with a nearly bewildered face.

We both look at him and roll our eyes at his declaration.

"And how does a hyena cry?" I ask him sarcastically.

"Just the way you guys were crying a few seconds ago." He waggles his eyebrow playfully earning another eye roll from me.

"So what were you two chiming about?" He asks making himself comfortable on Emily's chair.

"It's an all-girls thing...duh." I pout telling him.

"Oh let me guess." He pretends to be thinking for a moment and then says " I know, you were discussing the ways that you can use to get a strip show from me." He winks at us. " But sorry ladies, I have my weekend booked now, Maybe you can take an appointment for next week," he tells in a deadly serious tone.

"Shut up Sam!"

"Okay, guys now don't get started with your toddler fight." Emily interrupts in between. " I and Nikki are planning to go shopping this Friday."

"Oh great!" Sam's eyes gleam with enthusiasm. "Mind if I tag along?"

"NO...." I scream immediately getting both of their attention back on me.

"It's going to be our ladies' day out and you are not included in it." I shake my head in disapproval.

"Maybe I can wear a wig or might as well borrow some sexy ladies outfit from you. Then I'll for sure fit in your group." He chuckles at me only to get a deadly glare in return.

He looks with his puppy dog eyes towards Emily telling her to help him in convincing me.

Taking cue of his pleading Emily turns towards me and says " Come on Nikki, He won't be a bother to us. Together we can have a good time."

I look at Sam who is still looking at me with his puppy dog eyes and look back to Emily who is smiling at me hopefully. Then with a sigh, I say. " Fine."

Sam jumps out of his chair in exhilaration. "I'll pick you guys up on Friday then. He looks at me and squeals in happiness. "IT'S GOING TO BE FUN!!!".

I look at him with a wide smile and repeat. "Yes...It's going to be fun."


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