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Almost a week has passed since Nicole started living with me, and since that night, I haven't been able to talk with her properly. I have distinctly noticed that her behavior has changed a lot after the night we watched that movie together. I don't know why, but whenever it seems like I am getting closer to her, she pushes me and pretends to keep her guards up. And that's what she has been doing for the past few days, ignoring me like a fucking plague. I don't know what the hell is wrong with her.

I know how badly she wants all of this to end. I know she wants to get rid of me as soon as possible and go back to living her normal life, but that doesn't mean she would ignore me all the fucking time while she is living with me. It is starting to piss me up. I don't know why is she torturing me like this. I just couldn't keep up with her mood swings.

It is clear to me that she is trying hard to stay away from me, and I am damn aware of what she feels. She feels the same for me what I indeed feel for her, but she is just afraid to admit it. I have seen it in her eyes clearly. I have seen the burning desire that I hold for her reflecting in her own eyes. She wants me just as badly as I want her and it's visible that she is failing miserably in fighting against that feeling.

I can't take her teasing anymore. My cock stirs awake every time I see her ass in that pajama shorts, and it takes everything in me to control myself from pinning her and taking her right against the wall. Fucking hell!

I don't know why, but every single thing that she does turns me on, even if she doesn't intend it to be sexual. Don't get me wrong. What can I do? I guess, I am a fucking goner.

As much as she tries to deny that she doesn't care about me, her gestures tend to speak otherwise. The way she makes breakfast for me in the morning even though knowing that she can leave it to me. The way she waits on the couch at night till I come and then go to her room to sleep. The way she keeps glancing at me, thinking that I am not aware of her gaze, while I drive her to the clinic. Sometimes I even see her shadow outside my room, but I never find her knocking or entering in. It seems as if she is trying to restrain herself from doing that.

And over top of everything, I have started to hate that guy Sam more than before because in the past few days it seems like they have grown even closer. It seems like they have been spending a lot of time together now. I am unable to understand if Nicole is doing it on purpose or not, but whenever I try to talk with her, she seems to be talking over her phone or texting. She keeps saying that it's Sam and every time when I see her smiling, looking at the text from him; I feel like punching the crap out of that bastard.

Why is she doing this to me? I know she is purposely forcing herself to be with other men so that she can forget me. She wants to forget what she craves for and I know what exactly it is. She wants me and only me. I know what kind of effect I have on her. I am sure one day she will realize it and I will be the one to make her believe that.

Every time when I think about her, it feels like this awkwardness or more like the sexual frustration will eat me up. I have to let this out somewhere or I'd go crazy. I guess I need to get laid, but I can't bring myself to be with another woman, I only want to have Nicole. Fuck! It would have been okay for me if she would have snapped at me with her words, but this silent treatment is fucking irritating me. It feels like I would explode any second thinking about her indifference towards me.

I am thankful to Richard for telling me that I have to meet Peter Smith today. At least this would distract me from the whole Nicole thing. I need to divert my thoughts from Nicole and concentrate on my work. But I plan to confront her later, I can't let her ignore me the entire time she is staying with me.

I walk into the office of Smith industries. The building looks magnificent and resembles absolute elegance. I enter the building and walk to the desk. The sound of my footsteps is the only thing echoing in the lobby. As I reach there, the lady behind the desk greets me.

"How may I help you, sir?" She asks me with a smile.

"I have an appointment with Mr. Peter Smith, look for the name John Williams," I tell her, trying to sound professional. Yeah guys, that's my fake name.

"Okay sir, let me just confirm once." She dials a number. After getting the approval from the other side, she nods at me.

"Yes sir, Mr. Smith is in his cabin. Take the elevator to the right. His cabin is on the 4th floor." She tells me in an extremely sweet voice. I guess that's how receptionists are taught to speak.

"Thank you." I murmur to her and make my way towards the elevator. I look at my shining shoes. I am wearing a navy blue suit, attempting to look like a professional. I don't usually wear suits, except for some rare occasions. I mostly prefer jackets because they go well with my personality.

I was wearing my usual clothes earlier, but when I went to see Max, I changed into this suit. I went to meet him to know if he got anything on Nicole's attackers. I have told him to find out about them the day when we shifted to the new place. Max told me that he still has got no information about it. He said it would be difficult to find that out because people in this business tend to erase everything when they don't succeed in their plan. I agree with him completely.

That's true because that's how we people work. We would never leave a trace behind us as a clue when something goes wrong to let people find us. Now I regret not noting the car number that day. However, it would have been difficult anyway, as the car sped away within seconds. If I would have noted that it would have been easier for us to find. But anyway, I do trust Max and I have full faith in him that he will find it out. After all, he has helped me always, even though he can be a little annoying sometimes, but still he is my best friend. I know he would help me. I have grown closer to him even more since the accident. I can not forget that he was the one who found out where Nicole was, and I am fucking thankful to him for it.

The elevator moves up and halts on the 4th floor. I step out and walk towards the only cabin appearing on the floor. When I reach near it, I see Peter's secretary sitting in the section outside his office.

"I am John Williams and I have an appointment with Mr. Peter Smith," I tell her monotonously.

She nods and smiles at me before making a call on her phone. After a moment, she informs me.

"You may go in. Mr. Smith is waiting for you." She says.

Saying a quick thank you to her, I step towards Peter's cabin. Entering the office, I see an enormous mahogany table resting at the center. I see the perfect combination of grey and white in everything that is situated in the office, giving it a perfect classy touch. Scanning the room, my eyes settle when I see the back frame of a man talking on the phone looking out of the glass pane. Inkling my arrival in the room, he turns around. Finishing his talk on the phone, Peter directs a subtle smile at me.

"It's a pleasure to have you here, Christopher. Have a seat." He says, signaling towards the seat and walking back to his chair behind the desk.

"I am honored to hear that," I smirk at him and sit down on the chair in front of him.

He looks amused by my response. Laughing a bit, he says. "Richard has always been a good friend of my father. I used to hear a lot about your organization or, I can say, gang." He says with a smirk. "But we never really got a chance to work with you."

"Then you should surely take advantage of this opportunity you are getting now," I tell him, leaning back on the chair. "In fact, I have heard a lot about your company too. If I am not wrong, Smith industries are ranking to be the second on the list of top imports and exports."

He studies me for a moment, and a strange gleam appears in his eyes. "You seem to be a smart guy, Christopher."

"Sure I am," I say arrogantly.

He lets out a small chuckle, in the brief moment I look around, and when I turn back, I see him with a serious face. "Okay, shall we start with the business now?"

I nod at him, straightening myself.

"So Christopher, we need a small help from you," He says in a calm yet dangerous tone. "But remember, it wouldn't be one-sided. We will return you the favor."

"What do you want from us?" I move forward towards the table attempting to look more attentive to him.

"As you said earlier, we are on the 2nd position on the list of top companies." He pauses for a moment. "Do you know who is on the top?" he asks me inquisitively.

I shake my head in denial. Of course, I don't know that. I have done only this much homework to know about this company because we are going to work with them. I don't go around keeping tabs about every fucking company.

"It's the Browns. They are our rivals." He looks at me and I see his eyes harden slightly. "I want you to help us in bringing them down on the list so we can ascend to the top."

"And how would be that possible?" I launch a question instantly.

"I need you to form a hoax company where you would be the CEO." He moves his chair back and stands up. Keeping both his hands on the table, he focuses his attention on me. "We have to make a foolproof set up for it. A lot of fake paper works and everything." He says with a straight face.

"Once you set up the company, you will go to the Browns pretending to be the clients and persuade them to invest in your company." He shrugs, saying that.

"In simple words, you are implying to money laundering?" I arch an eyebrow at him.

He shakes his head in agreement. "Yeah, but I don't care about the money. What matters is their loss would lead them to fall off the list, making us gain the top position." He says relaxing a little. Wow, I have known that there was something wicked behind that sweet smile.

"But why do you need the influence of fraudulence when you have other options to make it happen? Without having the fear of tainting your image?" I ask him out of curiosity.

He cracks into laughter hearing me. "It's strange that you are asking me this question considering what you are into." Then he pulls out some magazines from the drawer of the desk and throws it in my direction on the table. I look at it and see each of their front pages covered with Peter and his father's faces flashing all their success stories.

"You can not build an entire empire on mere integrity, Christopher. These are business tactics. You are forced to eliminate your competitors in order to achieve success." He shrugs folding his hands. "Competency, money, and position are the three important pillars of any organization. They can be achieved either by hook or crook."

I look at him in surprise, trying to process the information he was giving. I wasn't expecting this from him. He seemed to me like someone who follows strict morals and values. But he turned out to be completely different. Successful young men like him tend to be the role models for future generations, but here I see him giving me a lecture on the benefits of fraud and corruption. It makes me feel proud that we are better than these people, at least we accept what we do. If we are in bad shit, we are proud of saying it aloud unlike these people who do fraud and illegal works under the facade of being innocent, probably going around the world giving inspirational and motivational speeches. Fucking hypocrites!

Suddenly my phone starts ringing, bringing me out of my thoughts. I fish it out of my pocket and an immediate scowl appears on my face seeing the name flashing on the screen. It's from Sophia. Why the fuck she is calling me? Isn't it clear to her that I don't want to talk? I instantly dismiss the call, keeping the phone in my hand under the table. When I look back at Peter, I see him narrowing his gaze on my phone.

I clear my throat and say. "You may continue with what you were saying."

"So my point is, that's how every organization works. You wouldn't find a single field devoid of corruption." He says easing up himself again.

"You help us with this and we will help you in return."

"What do we get in return for that?" I ask him, and that's when my phone rings again. Fuck!

Damn Sophia!

"You can take it if it's urgent." I hear Peter saying in a harsh tone. He looks slightly irritated by now. Taking it as an indication to not mess with him, I put my phone in silent mode.

"No...It's fine." I tell him awkwardly, feeling uneasy under his stormy gaze.

He sighs and says. "So, we were talking about what you will get in return. I've heard you have a lot of consignments coming through sea route."

I nod, coinciding with him.

"I would be approving them all without any obligations, plus you would be getting the money from Browns." He smirks.

"That sounds good to me," I respond. I am done dealing with checking officers, anyway.

"It's a deal then?" He extends his hand over the desk for a handshake.

"Yes," I tell him, shaking his hand and standing up from my seat.

"Once you have planned everything, call me. We'll have a meeting to discuss the further plan of action." 

"Sure. Nice meeting you, Mr. Smith." I acknowledge him.

"I will be looking forward to working with you." He says with a formal smile which I return him.

With that, I walk out of his office. I make my way out of the building to the parking lot. Suddenly I sense my phone vibrating. I take out my phone and answer the call irritatedly, knowing who would be at the other end.

"What the fuck is your problem, Sophia?" I scream in annoyance.

"Please Christopher, listen to me. Don't ignore my calls. I need to talk to you." I hear her say out desperately.

"Is it so hard for you to understand that I don't want to talk with you?" I snap, losing my patience.

"Please Christopher, give me a chance. I love you..." She says, now sobbing.

"I don't want to talk, Sophia. We are done with this and for god's sake stop calling me." I scoff, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Chris.." Before she can finish, I disconnect the call.

What the fuck is wrong with her? I am just fed up with her constant calls over these past days. She is getting on my nerves now by interrupting me in my work. I get into my car and start the ignition. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. I try to divert my thoughts to calm my nerves and then a name comes to my mind, Nicole. She would be at her clinic now. I wish I could talk to her, it would definitely make me feel better. Then something strange suddenly occurs to me, I fucking don't even have her number. How the hell is it possible? I have been living with her for two weeks and I don't even have her number. Shame on you, Christopher. Is this how you try to woo a woman? Without even asking for her number? I mentally make a note to ask her that as soon as I see her.

I turn my car on the road towards her clinic. I decide to go to her clinic and talk to her. I want to make things clear with her and it would be best to talk with her in her clinic as she wouldn't be able to ignore me there. Within a few minutes, I reach her clinic, but when I am about to park my car in front of her clinic, I see it to be closed.

Where the fuck did she go?


I know, I said that I wouldn't be able to update for a while but guess what? My exams got postponed. Yipeeeee XD

Please do vote and comment.

I am sorry for torturing you guys with my shitty story. :P

*Clicks the publish button and runs away*

Thank you for reading!


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