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Above is the picture of Nicole's dress. XD

I close my eyes and fall back on the bed. My heart is beating so fast that I fear it might probably jump out of my chest. I guess I am pretty much fucked up. I couldn't get my mind off of whatever happened between me and Christopher. Fuck! What the hell was I thinking? How could I let him do that to me? How could I let him touch me like that? For fuck sake! Who are you kidding Nicole? He was not just touching you; he was kissing the hell out of you. I mentally curse myself for losing shit at the moment.

After screaming at Christopher like a madwoman, I came straight to Emily's apartment. As much as I try to deny it but I can't, I have to admit that it felt so fucking hot. My eyes involuntarily close and I start picturing his lips back on my skin, exploring forbidden areas. The thought of feeling his lips all over my body instantly invades my mind, making me lock my thighs tightly. Shit! What am I thinking? I snap my eyes open and surprisingly see Emily staring right at me.

"Nikki, what happened? You don't look well." She says, furrowing her eyebrows with concern.

I sit up on the bed, a little baffled and say. "I... I am fine, Emily. Just a bit tired."

She looks at me, and then her eyes fall on my neck. Why is she looking at me like that?

"What happened to your neck?" She questions, eyeing my neck. I immediately realize something. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I hurry towards the mirror and look at myself. I see that my neck has slightly reddened as an outcome of Christopher's action. Fuck him! I sigh in relief when I realize it isn't as bad as I expected. Thank goodness that bastard didn't give me a hickey, otherwise I would have definitely killed him. I turn around and see Emily standing behind me, looking at me with a doubtful expression.

I let out an awkward laugh and immediately try to cover up. "Oh, it's nothing. Just a skin allergy, I guess. You know sensitive skin problems."

"Are you sure?" She arches an eyebrow at me suspiciously.

"Yeah, Emily, you don't have to worry." I walk past her so that she couldn't get a closer look at my neck.

"You need ointment or something to apply to it?" She asks me.

"No need for that. It isn't that bad. I'll cover it up with the concealer." I tell her coolly.

"You sure it wouldn't cause some kind of reaction?" She gives me a weird expression, saying that.

"Emily, stop worrying about it. I am okay and don't you have to pick a dress for me." I sigh in exasperation, trying to divert her from the matter. Then I look at the clock and say. "We don't have much time."

"Oh, right." She says and then walks towards the bags resting on the bed. I take a deep breath. Fuck, that was so close. I am glad that I was successful in distracting her, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to dodge her questions anymore. I don't know how far I could hide things from her.

Without wasting a second, Emily starts shuffling through the bags. And I again relax on the bed. I assume she would settle with a decent dress. Emily said that Sam would be coming here to pick us. I hope he is doing well, I don't want things to become awkward between us after what happened earlier. I just feel bad about how everything turned out. Sam is a really sweet guy, and I don't want to lose him as a friend. While I am still thinking about Sam, I hear a loud squeal. I look at Emily and see her jumping happily. So that was her?

She turns towards me and screams. "Damn! How did I forget this dress? Nikki, you are surely gonna wear this." She pulls out the dress from the bag about which she is talking.

I look at the dress in her hand and recognize that it is the same dress that we bought from the mall. Shit! The dress that I swear I wasn't going to wear ever. I look at its neck and gasp again, just like I did back at the mall before buying it. Oh my god! This is so not good. I cannot wear this. Hell no!

"Emily, no, I am not wearing this," I tell her strictly, shaking my head.

"But why Nikki? We bought this so you can wear it, right? Not for keeping it as a showpiece in a rack." She scoffs at me.

"Look at the dress, Emily?" I tell her, pointing at the dress she is holding. "My boobs will be totally spilling out of that dress." I groan in frustration. "I don't want to grab attention by flashing my breasts."

"What are you talking, girl? Women literally roam around in clubs showing their ass off and nobody cares about it." She frowns. "And your dress is just going to reveal a little bit of your cleavage. It isn't that bad and after all its such a nice dress," she says, giving me a sly smile.

"Just a little bit?" I snort. Is she crazy or what?

"Please, Nikki, Don't say no to this. Please...?" She says making a puppy dog face. I know how far Emily can go to get me into doing this so I don't waste my time arguing with her and agree.

I sigh and say. "Fine." Why is it always me who has to end up agreeing for everything? I know I am going to regret this so much later.

"Oh, my god! Thank you, Nikki!" Her face lightens up, and she immediately jumps on me and hugs me tightly. I smile and hug her too.

Grabbing the dress from her hand, I make my way to the bathroom. But before I can go in, Emily stops me.

"Wait, Nikki!" She throws a strapless plunge bra at me. "Take this." She says, winking at me.

I catch it and roll my eyes at her. Going into the Bathroom, I quickly change into the dress. I look down at my chest and instantly mutter a curse. I have never worn anything like this before. Yeah, I have tried short dresses before, but this one is on a whole different level. When I step out, I see Emily already wearing a black sleeveless dress. She looks beautiful in it. When she looks at me, her mouth remains hung open. I was expecting this kind of reaction from her.

"Fuck! you look so hot, Nikki!" She pipes in a high-pitched voice.

"Yeah, sure," I say in a bored tone.

She rolls her eyes at me and then says. "Come on, let me do your makeup."

After about half an hour of struggling, we are fortunately done with everything. Emily has curled my brown hair, which really looks good. She took great efforts to give a smokey look to my eyes, which is really amazing. I didn't know that she was so good at this. I apply a red lipstick, complimenting my makeup as I look myself in the mirror. I am glad that I managed to cover my neck with the concealer. Damn! I actually look good. I look back at Emily and see that she has straightened her long hair. She kept her makeup minimal, still managing to look beautiful. She looks absolutely gorgeous in that little black dress.

"You look stunning, Nikki!" she says.

"I can say the same for you." I smile at her. As we grin, looking at each other, we hear the doorbell ring.

"It must be Sam. I'll get it." She says and walks out of the bedroom.

I follow her as she walks towards the living room. Emily opens the door and we see a very happy Sam standing outside.

"Hey, Emily! You look amazing!" He says, looking at Emily. I glance at him and see that he looks absolutely normal. I remember how disappointed he looked back earlier at the cafe, but now he looks completely fine. I don't know if he is hiding it or what, but he doesn't look a bit affected by what happened between us. I see that he is wearing all black attire, and he is simply rocking it.

His eyes then fall on me and for a moment I see a tinge of sorrow over his face, but then it's gone and his gaze lowers to my breasts. Fuck! He looks almost hypnotized as his eyes remain fixed on my chest. If this is what going to happen the entire time I am wearing this dress, I swear I am going to die out of embarrassment. I clear my throat to get his attention back to my face.

"Oh sorry, you look amazing too, Nikki." His face turns red from embarrassment.

"Ummmm... Thank you." I tell him awkwardly.

"So you guys are ready?" He asks us.

Emily and I nod at him together.

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go." He shrieks excitedly.

All three of us get into Sam's car. I and Emily are sitting at the back while Sam drives. Even though I am wearing a bra, I keep adjusting my dress every now and then. Please god, help me! This is so fucking uncomfortable. Emily looks at me, scrunching her face and slaps my hand away.

I look at her in bewilderment, asking what the hell is wrong with her.

"Stop doing that." She says looking annoyed.

"Don't you dare say anything. You are the one who got me into this trouble." I shoot an irritated glare at her.

"The last thing I want right now is a nip slip," I mutter angrily, pulling the dress more to cover my chest. And as soon as Emily and Sam hear me, they burst into laughter. Jesus! Does this look funny to them? I ignore them and look out of the window.

Soon we reach a club. I've never seen it before because I never really went to clubs after coming here. Sam parks the car on the other side of the road and all three of us head towards the entrance. I've never been into partying and all in my life. Being a teenager, I was very shy and didn't enjoy mingling with many people. When I got into college, I always kept myself busy with books and after starting my own clinic, I never really thought anything about it. I feel like clubbing and partying are meant for teenagers, not for grown-ass women like me.

We see the bouncers standing at the entrance as we get there. The loud music blasting inside can be heard from here. Sam was escorting us, so it's him who is communicating to the bouncers. Sam says something to one of the bouncers, but he doesn't seem to be listening as his attention seems to be focused on my chest. My face turns red in embarrassment as I realize it. Being aware of my struggle, Sam steps in front of me, blocking his view as he glares at him. Poor guy looks ashamed now as he nods and lets us go inside.

"Looks like I have to do a lot of protecting today." He scoffs and I whack his arm playfully.

"You have to blame Emily for this." I narrow my eyes at Emily, who is walking beside me.

"Shut up, you guys and let's go get drunk." She screams over the loud music and drags us towards the bar. I look around and see drunk frames dancing around mindlessly, as if they don't really care about tomorrow. I see people laughing and chatting sitting at the bar. It seems like everybody is enjoying their time here. The corners are occupied with random couples making out, reminding me of my not so happening love life. Everybody looks wasted as we make our way through the sea of sweaty bodies. We soon reach the bar counter. I instantly grab a seat and Emily sits next to me.

"Eight vodka shots please," She orders.

I look at her in astonishment. "I am not drinking, Emily," I tell her.

The bartender smiles at us and places our shots on the table.

"Shut up, Okay? I will not listen to you tonight." She says passing two of them to me. She takes a glass and bolts it in one go. Okay, Nicole, you can do this. I take one in my hand and immediately gulp it, I squeeze my eyes tightly as the alcohol burns through my throat making its way down. Fuck! That tastes so fucking bad.

"That's my girl." Emily encourages me, passing another one to me. What the hell? I give a disgusted look to her and force it through my throat. When I look around, I find Sam to be nowhere near.

"Where is Sam?" I ask.

Emily seems to forget about Sam being with us. On hearing me she scans through the crowd and then points towards a particular corner. I look in the direction and see Sam talking with a girl there.

"I think he is busy." She says wriggling her eyebrows. "I don't think he would be back soon. We are not going to waste these, are we?" She says grabbing Sam's glasses. I know what she is trying to imply. I groan in frustration as I gulp the fourth one. I start feeling a little tipsy now.

"Come on, girl! Let's go dancing." Emily grabs my hand getting on her feet and begins to drag me.

"Nooooo...I don't know how to dance." I whine, pouting at her, but Emily doesn't listen to me and keeps pulling me towards the dance floor.

On reaching the floor, Emily starts dancing to the music. I look at her flabbergasted, not knowing what to do. She pulls me and starts swinging. I know I am really a terrible dancer and I would never want anyone to watch me dancing. But I don't know, looking at Emily and other people dancing like a bunch of crazies, I forget everything and start swaying my hips. I guess the alcohol is affecting me as I ignore everything and start dancing, throwing my hands up in the air to the beats. Smiling at Emily, I realize that going to a club isn't actually that bad, it's indeed fun. I loosen up myself as I begin to twirl more freely to the rhythm.

After dancing for some time, I realize that Emily has disappeared in the flickering of disco lights. I look around searching for her but I don't see her anywhere, all of a sudden I feel an unfamiliar hand snake around my waist. I turn around in confusion to look who it is and frown when I see a bulky man staring right at me with a disgusting smile.

"Are you looking for me, babes?" He says in a flirting manner.

Who the hell is he? Realizing that his hands are still around my waist I yell trying to free myself from his grip. "Get your filthy hands off me,"

He looks at me, eyeing me up and down. "Aren't you flaunting your assets to get some nice dick tonight?" He smirks at me.

"Get away, you pervert." I spat at him. But before I can push him away, he is yanked back by someone. I relax when I see Sam coming into the view.

"Stay the fuck away from her, you asshole." He says shooting daggers at him. He then puts his arm around my waist and says. "She is with me."

The man looks at him in surprise and then throwing his hands up in surrender; he says. "Sorry buddy, I didn't know you were with her. I thought she was alone."

Sam looks at him furiously and then turning towards me he says. "Come, Nicole, let's go from here."

He pulls me through the dancing crowd and leads me to one of the corners where there aren't many people. He doesn't divert his gaze to me as he paces through the mass carrying a serious expression. I wonder if he is angry at me. When we get there, Sam turns towards me and I see his features soften.

Giving me a small smile, he cups my cheeks gently and asks. "Are you okay, Nikki?"

I smile at him and just when I am about to answer him, I hear a familiar male voice.

"Leave her alone..." He says in a hoarse tone.

Sam and I turn together to look in the direction from where the voice is emerging. And my eyes widen when I see Christopher glaring at us with his steely eyes.


Sorry for the late update and coming with such a terrible chapter. I am just not feeling well guys. I will surely try to make it up to you in the next chapter.

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