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Sometimes when your day starts on a pleasant note, it fills you with positivity, which makes you believe that your next 24 hours are going to be absolutely marvelous. That's how I am feeling today, after having a nice conversation with Nicole in the morning. Okay, I would be lying if I said Nicole talked. As usual, I was the one who was chattering and she just let out a word here and there. But the good part was at least she was smiling, unlike the previous times where she used to snap at me for everything I asked or just gave me a ridiculous scowl in response.

We had breakfast together in the morning, which she made for us. It's such a nice gesture that she does that every day, even after telling her that she doesn't have to do it. I have been on my own for such a long time, so I had eventually learned to cook. It's like a basic necessity and apart from that, I have heard that women are more attracted to men who have good culinary skills. So that serves as an advantage. I am waiting for the time when Nicole will let me show my cooking talent and impress her. But I must say she is a tough nut to crack. I should probably find more innovative ways to impress her.

After breakfast, she went to her clinic. I have to admit it truly that I hate that she has restricted me from dropping her at her clinic. I am concerned about her safety and after knowing the fact that her father is a cop; I am even more worried now. What if her life is in danger? Maybe that's the reason why her father is so concerned about her. And now she has willingly put herself more into danger by living with me. Have I been selfish by asking her to live with me? Was it a mistake? Am I risking her life by doing this? I always end up asking these questions to myself.

I have seen the rage in her eyes while she talked with her father. I don't know what her father has done to make her despise him so much. But it has to be something bigger because that's why she accepted to live with a stranger like me than going back to her family. How ironic it is, despite her father being a police officer, she is living with a mafia man.

I would keep her safe as long as she is living with me. I would never want anything to happen to her. In fact, I have promised that I will protect her. That's the purpose behind bringing her here. However, her clinic isn't far away from here. And from the time she started living with me, nothing has happened in particular and I am glad about it.

I still remember the night when she came running out of her house. How scared she was when that intruder broke into her house. We are still trying to find who was the guy who tried to attack or kidnap her. Max told me that we'll soon get to the man. And that's the reason behind having guards at the house. They are the men from our gang that I have appointed especially for Nicole's safety. I am thankful to Robert and Michael for guarding the house when I am not around.

I step into the basement of the warehouse with Max walking beside me. It's an absolutely deserted one, situated on the outskirts of the city. Perfect for the task that we are going to carry out. Tony and Josh are behind us, carrying the cartons of rifles with them. We are going to have a transaction. It's the deal about which Max told me yesterday. We are going to have an exchange of 5kg of heroin for 3 cartons of opulent sniper rifles. We agreed on this when we had a meeting last time. If you are wondering why we are doing this, then let me tell you that this is what our work is about. This is the illegal shit for which our gang is acclaimed.

As we enter, I see Benjamin standing in front of a table with three other men behind him. He places a bag on the table. Benjamin is a drug dealer. He is a bald guy with a cranky French beard. His monstrous appearance actually goes well with his job.

"Welcome, Christopher!" He says as we walk in.

"It's so good to see you." He greets us, flashing a grin showing his missing incisor in the center. As I come and stand in front of him he says. "So you have brought it."

"The deal is on, right?" I ask him.

"Of course, but first let me see what you have got us." He states eyeing me up and down.

I look at Max and turn towards Tony and ask him to get the boxes. He makes his way towards us and keeps the boxes on the table. Benjamin smirks and then opens the boxes and looks through it. He furrows his eyebrows and looks at them with a weird expression, as if the weapons he is seeing aren't of his expectations. Why is he looking like that? I and Max exchange a suspicious glance, grasping the sudden change in his behavior.

"It's fine..." He says looking bored. And then he pushes to me the bag he is having. I extend my hand to take it, that's when he stops me.

"Wait." He says pulling the bag back to him. He opens it and removes two drug packets from it.

"Here...take this now." He says throwing the bag at me. I look at him in confusion as I peek into the bag.

"What the hell is this?" I question him. "Why did you do that?"

"We had a deal of 5 Kg?" I bark at him.

"Christopher, see I don't find your goods worth it. So be grateful that you are even getting this much." He says shrugging.

What the hell did he say? Does he even know what he is saying? Anger begins to build in me slowly. How dare he try to insult me like that?

"Do you have any idea who you are talking to?" I spat. "You are talking to the leader of one of the most dangerous gangs," I tell him through gritted teeth, trying to keep me calm.

"Those are the most expensive rifles. We have worked our ass off to get them here and you are fucking saying this.." Max says barging in. He then stands next to me and yells angrily. "Have you fucking lost your mind???"

Benjamin looks at Max and then shifts his gaze towards me. He lets a condescending sneer and says. "I don't care who you are and what gang you belong to. This is what you are going to get for the thing you have brought. If you want, then take it or else.. the choice is yours."

"Do you ever hear yourself? What rubbish you are talking about? Those are fucking sniper rifles." I growl in annoyance.

"I know about guns better than you, Christopher. Don't try to teach me." He spats.

"Watch your tongue, Benjamin!" I shout, curling my fists.

"Or else what?" He laughs at me. "I don't fear you or any of your gang members."

Is he serious? What the fuck has gotten into him? I feel pity for him that he doesn't know what he is leading himself into. He doesn't even have the slightest idea that he is committing the biggest mistake of his life. He is going to fucking pay for this.

I clench my jaw tightly and turn towards Max, trying to think what to do next. And when I face Benjamin back, I see his hand already going behind his back and within a second he pulls out a knife and attacks me. I step back and wince when I realize a sharp pain. I look down and see blood oozing out of my chest.

"Fuck!" I grunt.

"Chris!!!" Max exclaims in horror.

With Benjamin's attack, his men become alert. Taking a cue from their leader's order, they jump on to attack Max and others. What the fuck? They are truly fucking morons. These guys don't know that my men are specially trained. They immediately dodge their attacks. I smirk, looking at how capable my fellow members are. It wouldn't be long for them to take these men down. How stupid it was for Benjamin to think that he can fight us. His petty little mind thought that he could fool us and get away with everything.

I look back at Benjamin as he tries to stab me but this time I grip his hand preventing him from doing it. In a swift motion, I twist his arm back and place his knife across his throat. When I look around, I see Max, tony, and josh pointing their guns towards his men.

"I told you.....but you didn't listen to me." I huff angrily.

I press the knife more into his skin, making him cry in pain.

"We could have done this peacefully but no... you had to do this."

"I.. am.. sorry Christopher....I made a terrible...mistake.." He wails trying to free himself from my grip.

"You should have figured it out before doing this. I guess you don't love your life...that's why you tried to cheat on us." I bend his arm more, making him whine in agony.

" sorry ....please..." He says, tears flowing from his eyes.

"Knowing how dangerous we are....." I hiss furiously.

"I am sorry...Christopher. Please don't kill me." He begs.

"It's too late now. You should have known this before doing what you did." With that, I slit his throat. His lifeless body slumps to the ground. He did this to himself. I didn't want to kill him. I just wanted to have a decent deal without any complications. But no, he had to fucking run his stupid mouth and rile me up. He fucking dug his own grave by attacking me. That's what happens when you mess with the devil, you wouldn't be left with any other option than to die. I hear the gunshots behind me indicating that his men have been taken care of too.

I turn towards Tony and say. "Dump the bodies before anyone finds about this."

He nods at me and goes out.

Max stares back at me with rage still in his eyes. "That bastard fucking deserved it."

His face then brightens with delight as he says the next thing. "I am so glad that you are back to your older self, Chris. The Christopher that I have known for so long."

He sighs in satisfaction and proudly announces. "The devil that people fear."

I gaze back at him and smile. I know what he is talking about. After that accident, I always felt my hands trembling whenever I aimed to take a life. But now I am improving. I am getting back to my original self. I am going back to being the devil I am called and I am happy about. This is what my fucking life is about. I am finally getting back on track.

Max gets closer to me and when he looks at the cut over my chest, he frowns. "Jesus! Chris, you are bleeding."

Hearing Max, Josh walks towards me and examines the wound. "Man, it's really bad. Do you want me to get a doctor?"

"'s fine," I tell him firmly and walk out.

I guess the day wasn't as good as I expected.


Sorry for a short chapter. :B

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