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After leaving the house, I stormed straight to my clinic. My mind is literally fucked up now, and the reason behind it is no one else but freaking me. I surely can not understand what the hell I have been doing? I again kissed Christopher!! What the actual fuck? Did I kiss Christopher freaking two times? And shockingly, the second one was much less to be called as only a kiss. We were just moments away from dry humping. Fuck! I feel like I have committed the biggest blunder of my life.

Shit! Is this seriously your way of showing self-control, Nicole? If it is so, then you are coming out of it like a perfect idiot. How stupid it was of you to think that kissing someone would show that you are not attracted to them? How the hell it explains that you have great self-control? Your plan was total bullshit, Nicole! I thought that I was winning this game, but it looks like I am far away from it. Hell! I am not winning instead I am fucking up everything. Right now, I feel like slapping myself for making a fool of myself in front of Christopher. I wish I could tell anyone about what I have done and what I am going through. I wish I could talk about this to my friends, but sadly Emily and Becky don't even know who Christopher is. Fuck! What am I going to do now? I am freaking out so much that I might have a panic attack within moments.

"You look beautiful, Nicole." I suddenly hear someone saying.

"Huh?" I respond to him absent-mindedly staring into eternity. My eyes are wide open, but I am not seeing anything. Oh god! What did I do? I feel like running out of here thinking about the incident that happened in the morning.

"Nicole?" A raspy voice shakes me up.

I look in front of me and see Peter gazing at me with a frown.

"I said you look beautiful." He repeats doubtfully. Okay, by my behavior I am sure he must be thinking I have gone nuts. Why is this happening to me?

I completely forgot that I am sitting with Peter at a coffee shop nearby where Peter is having a regular coffee and I ordered a cookie crumble frappe. Luckily it's not the one where Sam works or else I don't know what else would have been added to my worry list. Peter picked me up from the clinic as he said earlier on the phone. He then also insisted to take me to one of his restaurants. But I refused instantly because it would be a waste of money as we are just here to talk apart from that I don't want him paying my bills. Of course, it wouldn't make any difference to him considering his bank balance, but at least I would have the satisfaction of not being seen as a gold-digging bitch.

"Ohh, thank you." I look at him and give a halfhearted smile.

"Are you okay, Nicole? Is something bothering you?" He asks with concern. Great! Why do I always have to zone out when I am with Peter? This is so fucking embarrassing! I don't know how he is keeping up with me. He probably came here to talk with me leaving his busy schedule and I am wasting his precious time.

"No...nothing. It's just the work stress." I say shaking my head.

After a minute when I realize what I said, I add. "This would sound lame to you considering you run an enormous chain of industries and yet you look like a fresh cherry sitting in front of me."

He smiles flashing his perfect white teeth and doesn't say anything.

"What?" I arch an eyebrow at him.

"I am highly offended that you called me a cherry." He says playfully shaking his head.

"Why? You don't like cherries?" I smile and instantly ask him.

"It's not like that. But you should have kept my personality in your mind while comparing me with such tiny fruit."

"What about an apple?" I say amusedly.

He gestures to be thinking, tapping his temple, and then says. "Yeah, I am okay with it. A fresh apple sounds better." I laugh hearing him. He is cute!

He chuckles along with me. "But seriously, Nicole. You know what you do is nothing compared to my work."

I roll my eyes, hearing him. "You are just being modest and of course extremely sweet, Peter." I laugh, shrugging.

"No...I am not. I just wonder how you guys amazingly work." He says gazing at me seriously. "You know, it's such a delicate job to help animals. Treating them is so difficult. You have to be very patient to get along with them." His green eyes shine as he says. "Working with a human being is different because you know what they are going through and what they feel. They can communicate with you. But treating animals without understanding their language is something great."

I look at him in awe as he appreciates my work. That's what I really like about Peter. Despite being a billionaire, he is so humble and down to earth. I am so glad to have a friend like him. He talks so freely with me that for a moment I forget who he is and what he does. He is such an amazing human being.

"You are right, it needs a high level of patience, but who said animals don't have a language? They do." I say skittishly.

He looks at me in confusion.

"Okay, wait, I'll explain to you," I tell looking at him. "How do you know when Bruno is hungry?"

He thinks for a moment and says unsurely. "Umm...He brings out his bowl to the kitchen and circles around the dining table."

"See, that's his way of telling. You don't always need words to know what someone thinks." I tell him proudly, taking a sip from my frappe. "That's how we get along with animals."

He stares at me, smiling, and I frown when he takes a tissue from the stand. What is he doing? He then leans over the table and wipes the froth over my lip, making me blush. I am completely surprised by his unexpected act.

He looks at me flippantly and I look away in embarrassment. "So...wha.. what did you want to talk about?" I stutter.

He looks at me and then his eyes flicker around in nervousness. After a while, he says.

"Nicole, We are going to organize an event this Sunday. It's for my dad." He says tapping his fingers anxiously. "He has worked his entire life to build this entire empire that we run. Now it's time for him to rest." His eyes gleam with adoration for his father. "You remember when I told you that he is going to hand over everything to me?"

"Yes. It means you are going to take over?"

"Yeah. Even though I would be completely taking the charge after two months, but still my father wouldn't be much active now, so it's kind of farewell to him." He chuckles nervously.

"That's so amazing! Congratulations Peter! I am sure that you are going to manage it just as responsibly as your father did." I say smiling.

"Thank you. So I was asking, would you mind coming to it as my date?" He casts a boyish grin, scratching the back of his neck.

"What?" I ask in shock. I was certainly not expecting it.

"Yes. I want you to come, Nicole." He says gazing at me expectantly.

"I..I don't know..." I tell him and when I turn my gaze saying so I notice something unusual. Through my peripheral vision, I see a man at the farthest corner from our table staring at us. It feels really weird with the way he is staring at us. I guess it's just my overthinking mind imagining things.

"If you don't want to be my date, then it's okay. But I just want you to attend it." Peter says bringing me back to him.

"I'll be glad if you'll come." He looks intently at me. I don't want to disappoint him, but I don't feel like I would fit there at his party.

"I can't Peter. I don't know anything about high state corporates. I don't know anything about the business world. I'll be out of place there." I don't know, but I still get a strange feeling of being watched. I turn my head a bit to check whether he is still there, and this time to my shock I find that man taking pictures of us. He quickly takes a few snaps and keeps his phone back, pretending to be not doing that. What the fuck? Did he really do that or I am just imagining? Why did he take our pictures? Then I realize something, maybe it's because of Peter. Peter is such a famous entity. Even though the paparazzi aren't always behind him but still there would be people from media wanting to have his pictures.

But strangely, he wasn't just taking his pictures. He was taking our pictures. Nicole, that's probably because you are sitting with him. Maybe they want to get some spicy insight into Peter's life. What if they think that we are having a date? Wait! They might even tag me as his girlfriend. I hope they don't write some crazy stories about us. I don't want Peter's image to be affected by me. But something about this man seems suspicious. Something is not right. He doesn't look like any normal magazine guy.

"Come on, Nicole. You know that's not true. You'll be completely fine. I know that these kinds of events turn out to be boring. But believe me, we can sneak out of it and go out to some other place if you want." I turn towards him with a frown as he tries to convince me. Then looking at the worried expression on my face he asks.

"What's wrong, Nicole?"

"Peter.." I again look back to the table intending to tell Peter about that man but to my surprise, I find the seat empty. Where the fuck did he go? Was he even there in the first place? Okay, now I am seriously hallucinating. I am just being freakishly paranoid for no reason. Calm down, Nicole. You are thinking too much.

"What?" He looks in the direction where I am staring.

"Nothing." I veer back and say.

"I am not sure, Peter."

"Please, Nicole..." He requests, placing his hand over mine on the table. My eyes dart between his hand and his pleading, innocent face. He is making this so hard. I can't say no to him looking at his puppy dog eyes. I guess socializing a bit wouldn't be that bad. And I think I should go out like this more often as it seems to be affecting my health.

"Okay.. I'll think about it," I say.

"It means a yes then?" He smiles excitedly, squeezing my hand lightly.

"Only if you'll let me pay for your coffee."

I get back home in the evening and restrict myself from getting out of my room. Usually, I wait for Christopher, but after what happened in the morning, I don't have the slightest of courage to face him. I take a nice long shower and get out. I am just tired. Not physically but mentally. The entire day I kept thinking about the man who was taking our pictures at the cafe. I feel like I should have told about it to Peter. But then that would have sounded silly to him because the man was already gone. I am not even really sure If I saw someone or it's just my tired brain making up things. I don't know what to do? First, I kept thinking about Christopher, but after meeting Peter I am stressing myself about going to his party. I don't even have a proper dress for such an occasion. I should probably consult Becky. Fuck! Why am I freaking  out so much?

I sit up on the bed. I need to calm down. Stop freaking out, Nicole. I totally need a distraction now, otherwise I'll drive myself insane. So I move from my bed to the study table and bring my laptop, I sit on the bed again with switching it one. Okay, you can do this., Nicole. I sigh looking at the screen and then make a video call to my sister. At first, she doesn't pick the call which makes me a little nervous. But on the second time, I see her smiling face flashing on the screen.

"Oh my god, Nikki! It's you! I am so freaking glad that you called." She screams hysterically, waving at me.

"I am so happy to see you too!!" I reply with a grin. I am so happy that I decided to facetime. It's been so long that I haven't seen my sister.

"I missed you so much, Nikki!" She squeals and I notice she is sitting in her room at her study table with books in front of her. I am well aware of her intelligent brain. And on top of it, she is a sincere student. That's why she has been always a topper in her class.

"Seems like you are occupied with too much work," I say.

She looks down and then makes a displeasing face. "Oh yeah, I got a ton of maths assignments to be completed."

"That's sad."

"I don't know why we have to learn this? Why do we have to study complicated trigonometric sums when they have no such use in actual life? It doesn't make sense." She says sighing in frustration.

I chuckle and say. "Maybe you would have found it making sense if you were interested in the subject."

She narrows her eyes at me, and I laugh. Then suddenly I notice someone appears behind her on the screen. I see that it's my brother Francis. He is definitely a handsome young man. I wonder why he wants to be a lawyer when he can easily make a hell of a model. I see that has a phone in his hand as he takes a selfie pouting on the phone.

"Is that Francis? What is he doing?" I ask Charlotte.

She rolls her eyes and says. "Yeah, we have a model here." She says sighing dramatically. "He takes a selfie in every five minutes to post on his Instagram story."


"Yes. Can you believe he already has 7 thousand followers? Isn't it crazy?" She says again rolling her eyes.

"Wow! I am speechless." I say in an amazed tone.

"I hardly have 400 followers." She then pouts sadly, making me laugh.

"I don't even have an Instagram account," I tell her, trying to imitate her voice.

"What? Are you serious?" She asks in utter shock.

I nod at her in response.

"Oh, my god! This is crazy! You should totally have one, Nikki!" Her eyes pop out as she screams in hysteria.

"My life isn't that interesting to be on Instagram," I tell her frankly.

"Duh! It's so freaking beneficial. You can literally stalk celebrities." She then giggles looking at her phone and says. "That's what I do all the time."

I smile, shaking my head. Then our talk is suddenly interrupted by somebody's high-pitched laugh. Charlotte turns back and I see her going back with an annoyed expression. She then smacks Francis on the head and brings him by pulling his ear towards the laptop screen.

"Ouch, what are you doing? Can't you see I am having a chat with my fans?" Francis whines in a childish voice.

"See dumbass, Nikki is here." She says dragging him more violently.

"Ohh Nikki, hiii!" He says smiling as soon as he looks at me.

"You have grown up so much!" He says excitedly.

"Hey! that's my line to say." I roll my eyes and protest.

"By the way, you look really different, Nikki. I mean different in a good way."

"Awww, thank you!" I say. "So what am I hearing Francis that you are an Instagram star now?"

"Ohh, yeah! Girls pretty much go crazy with my every story update." He says proudly and I can't help but smile. He then shows his phone to me.

"See this. 4k likes on my pictures. Look at those swoon-worthy abs." His phone shows a picture of him half-naked and pouting, wearing only a towel.

"Impressive." I compliment.

"Gross! He probably morphed it," Charlotte says from behind scrunching her face.

"Shut up! I didn't do that." He glares at Charlotte. He then turns towards me and says. "Nikki knows better. I know that's cool, right?" He says. I nod, agreeing with him. I can't believe they still fight like children.

"So how have you been, Nikki? He asks. "And tell us when you are going to come? You know we miss you so much."

"I am fine and I miss you guys too. I am just not getting time from my work." I state nervously. I have been giving this reason for god knows how long. I want to go home, but I just can't leave everything like this. I need to plan first. "But I'll surely figure out something."

"Okay." He says. His face dulls with disappointment.

"So what about you guys? How is everything going?" I try changing the subject to cheer him up again.

"We are doing well. Just a bit stressed about senior year. Exams are approaching and we haven't studied much." He says.

"Not haven't studied," Charlotte says, sticking her tongue out at Francis as he shoots another glare at her.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes, making me and Charlotte chuckle together.

"How is mom?" I ask in a low tone after a moment.

"She is good but she misses you so much, Nikki. I hope you'll get time to visit us soon." Francis says sounding a bit sad.

"She is in the kitchen. Do you want to talk with her?" Charlotte asks instantly.

"No.. It's okay. She must be busy. Don't bother her." The words come out of my mouth immediately.

"Okay..." She drawls in an unhappy tone.

"Dad wants to see you, Nikki. He keeps asking us about you." She says then.

"I talked to him two days ago."

"What did he say?" She asks curiously.

"Nothing... Just the usual stuff."

"Okay." An awkward silence takes over after it as none of us try to speak anything. I don't like talking about him, and everybody knows about it. By merely taking his name spoils my mood. Within seconds everything that has happened flashes in front of me, intensifying my hatred. I no longer feel like talking. I don't know when I'll stop feeling like this.

"Okay guys, I am really tired. I guess I am going to sleep." I announce, attempting to sound cool. "You can continue with your works. I won't disturb you."

"Oh nooo," Francis whines, getting another smack on the head.

"Okay, Nikki. Goodnight and take care!" Charlotte says smiling.

"See you soon, Nikki!" Francis screams.

"Goodnight!" I say. With that, their faces disappear from the screen.

I close the laptop and sigh. Even though my relationship with parents isn't good, but I still love Charlotte and Francis. They are my lifelines. It feels really relaxing when you talk to your family. I can't even explain how much I love my brother and sister. I wish I could go and meet them this minute. But anyway, talking to them made me feel better. And I am hoping to see them soon once I am done with sorting what is going in my life. I keep the laptop back on the table. When I come back to bed, I fall over it. I close my eyes. I shouldn't stress myself so much. I should have a peaceful sleep. And then suddenly something surfs in front of me. I think the man in the cafe. What was he doing there? Why was he clicking our pictures? What does he have to do with our pictures? I hope there isn't anything bad coming.

Nicole, just relax. Everything is going to be fine. 

I am going to be okay.


Sorry for a dull chapter. What do you think about Peter? I don't know why do I write when I know how terrible I am at it. :B

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