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Soon after the conversation that we had back at home, I discover myself settled in the passenger seat of Christopher's car. As he drives on the road, I flip my head and steal a quick glance at him. His face looks dispirited with the evident glimpse of the black marks under his eyes, and I feel awful envisioning about the suffering Christopher had been endeavoring for this long without me having the slightest hint about it. How can I be so cold-hearted? Why didn't I try to understand this before?

My heart crumples immediately when I picture the scene of Christopher slumping down to the ground. It was terrible for me to watch him breaking down in front of me like that. I was surely aware that something wasn't right with his past, but I didn't know that thing had affected him so badly. I didn't know he was so broken from inside. I understand that having a memory loss is terrible, but from looking at him I always thought that he had overcome it and coped with the situation pretty well. However, it seems like that was not the case. That incident has indeed damaged him deeply. It has engraved an imperishable scar into his soul, which he had been trying hard to hide from everyone.

It would be difficult for anyone to notice the immense agony laying behind those ruthless grey eyes unless you have been courageous enough to stay by his side and have made him open up to you. It utterly terrifies me to think about what he might have gone through, and instead of helping him get out of it, I pushed him more into the dark hole that he was trying to climb up through. All his life he had been taught to mask his pain by pulling the facade of being a tough gangster over his face. He was forced into a life which he might didn't even want to live.

I should have realized that before. But instead of comforting him, I contributed to making things even worse for him by not listening to him. That's so freaking horrible! I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. Why didn't I think about this before?

But something doesn't seem right. I am not being able to understand how all of this would still justify the truth that Christopher killed his brother? What made him commit such a heinous crime? I wouldn't know that unless I get to know everything.

I don't know how, but I want to help Christopher. I don't want him to suffer all his life with this burden over his chest. I want to know everything about him. I am glad that he assured about telling me the entire truth. But before telling me everything, Christopher told me that he wanted to take me somewhere. I guess it would make things even more precise to understand. I grew instantly curious as soon as I heard it from him, but I knew he wouldn't tell me about the place before going there because if he would have wanted to tell me he would have done that before we started. And it also looks like he isn't in a state to have a more descriptive talk, so I didn't pry about it.

I don't realize when my eyes shut naturally, and I doze off to sleep. It would have been hardly a nap of 20 minutes when I am suddenly shaken up by an abrupt drift. When I flick my eyes open, I realize the car taking a harsh turn on an unknown street.

I jerk forward and look at Christopher, arching my eyebrows in panic. But Christopher's gaze remains to be fixed sternly on something in front of him. Why is he staring at the rearview mirror?


I look at him, but he doesn't seem to be responsive to divert his attention towards me as he keeps his sharp vision focused on the mirror. "Someone is tailing our car." He drawls with his grey eyes darkening.

"What?" I exclaim and look in the mirror to see a black SUV following us at a safe distance.

"Sorry, I didn't intend to wake you up." He looks at me for a brief moment with his eyebrows crinkling apologetically.

"It's okay." I shake my head and say. When I look again at him, I see his watchful eyes back in the mirror.

"That guy would be dumb enough to think that I wouldn't know about his car following us." He scoffs directing his gaze back on the road.

"How long has it been?" I ask as he speeds up, making another turn to a side lane abruptly.

"Since last 15 minutes." He declares.

"Do you have any idea who could it be?"

"I think it's one of Richard's men." His face turns serious as he grips the steering wheel tightly.

"Why would he do that?" I ask looking into the mirror and watch the car still following us behind.

"That's his distinct habit. Trying to always keep an eye on people who work under him." He lets out a sigh and says. "He does that a lot, especially with the people who are important to him."

"How can you be so sure about it?" I turn my head towards him and ask.

"Of course, I have been close to him, breathing every single tactic that he uses." Christopher's face hardens as I look at him. "He might think he is smart, but I know he is way too predictable." He says tapping his fingers with annoyance over the wheel as if he is thinking about something.

"What do we do now?"

He takes a pause, not answering my question, but then after a minute; I see a weird smirk slowly appearing on his face. That typical cocky kind of Christopher smirk which I didn't expect to witness at this moment. I give him a confused look, not understanding the reason behind that smirk. "Don't worry. I know how to get this." He says, stepping foot on the accelerator and taking the car into a narrow dark passage. I don't know how he manages to keep so fast in these thin roads, after making zig-zag turns and switching around a few alleys he finally gets back onto a broader road which I guess isn't the same one on which we have been before. Okay, he really knows how to get this. I see the smirk still evident on Christopher's face and when I turn around to check, the SUV is nowhere to be seen.

The drive was about an hour after we left the SUV behind us. I get out of the car and follow Christopher, passing through a small gate as he leads me towards a house. It's already 7 in the evening so I am not able to make out the neighborhood, but it appears like the place is usually quiet with a few houses situated at distances. My eyes scan around the tiny potted plants covering the perimeter of the beautiful garden in front of it. The house looks old with a sloping roof and fading away paint outside. But it still carries a comfy and homely aura with having typical large windows on either side of it. It somehow resembles my grandma's house, which I used to visit for my vacations being a little kid. My heart instantly warms up looking at the house and rekindling the only few good memories of my childhood.

Christopher rings the doorbell as we wait on the porch steps. When Cristopher said he wanted to take me somewhere, I wasn't expecting it to be a house. Did he want to show something to me? Or can say someone in particular? Now, standing in front of this house, I know that we are here to meet someone. I feel both excited and nervous about knowing who might be living here and what might be their relationship with Christopher. Soon breaking my anxiousness, the front door clicks open, permitting us to see a lady standing in front. She squints her eyes, adjusting her glasses, and looks at Christopher. A bright smile illuminates her face as soon as she recognizes him.

"How are you, Martha?" Christopher asks cheerfully, trying to mask his seriousness. The woman seems to be in her late fifties with slight wrinkles on her face. She has short dark brown hair on her petite figure. Wearing a knee-length bright blue dress and having those cute glasses over her nose, she looks greatly charming compared to any other lady of her age would be.

"Oh, god! Christopher?" The lady hugs him instantly, smiling. "It's so good to see you." She ignores my presence before I could open my mouth to say something and then immediately turning her back, I see her calling someone from inside. I tap my foot nervously, unable to comprehend what's going on, however, I am surprised when I find Christopher holding my hand. He gives me a small smile when I look at him as if he is assuring that it is going to be fine. "Millie, see who has come to meet you," Martha calls again.

As soon as she says that, I see another smaller figure emerging from the house, reaching towards the door. A girl comes running in our direction. She stands in front of us panting, and when I take a closer look at her, I recognize that she is the same girl from the picture that I've found in Christopher's closet. She seems to be a couple of inches shorter than me. Her wavy blonde hair has been tied up into a ponytail with a few bangs falling over her forehead. With her rosy cheeks, she appears to be younger than she seemed in that picture.

The moment her eyes fall upon Christopher, she jumps onto him, hugging him. I smile and move away, giving them their space. The girl hugs him tightly, making him almost stumble back by the impact of her body. At first, Christopher frowns, but then his face brightens with a broad smile as he hugs her back. It is a heartwarming smile, to be specific. A genuine, radiant smile that hasn't graced his lips in a long time. I feel really happy to see Christopher smiling like this. From looking at them, anyone could easily say that they have a really close bond. But who is she? How does Christopher know her? How are they related to each other? I find myself growing even more curious with every passing time. Who are they? Who are Martha and Millie? I am so freaking desperate to know what exactly is going on. Have some patience, Nicole. You'll get to know. That's why Christopher has brought you here.

After a moment, when they pull back, the smile disappears from her face and an ugly scowl takes its place. The girl huffs and says. "I hate you! I hate you...I hate you..I hate you!!!" She lashes out, hitting on Christopher's chest, making me and Martha direct our gazes towards her in astonishment.

"Ouchh! You are hurting me, Millie." Christopher laughs catching her arms.

"Why didn't you come to meet us earlier?" She scrunches her nose in displeasure and questions. "You don't know how much I missed you."

"I missed you too. I am sorry, Millie. I didn't get time to come here." His vision darts towards me for a brief moment. Then looking back to her, he says hesitantly. "I was busy with my work."

"You are a liar. You always make that excuse." She scoffs and I notice her eyes turning glassy. "I think you are tired of coming here. You just don't want to see me anymore." Her eyes well up with tears as she whispers slowly looking away.

"Don't say that." Christopher protests, cupping her cheeks to make her look at him. "I could never think of doing something like that." He says wiping her tears with his thumb and pulling her back into a hug. "You know it, right?"

I suddenly look away from them, thinking of interrupting their little intimate moment. Something in their bonding at this moment reminds me of my relationship with my siblings, and unknowingly a silent tear escapes from the corner of my eyes.

"Don't you dare doubt my love for you, ever? Okay?" Christopher murmurs in her ears with a smile, trying to lighten the mood. She looks back at him and nods, seeing him smiling at her.

Wiping her eyes, she then turns towards me. "Who is this?"

I put a stray strand behind my ear awkwardly when I realize all three of them staring directly at me.

Before I could answer, the girl proceeds. "Oh, my god! Is she your girlfriend?" She asks, looking back at Christopher in shock. Christopher gives me an awkward smile and scratches the back of his head, looking embarrassed. Damn! Is he blushing? If so, then it's kind of cute because I've never seen him blush before.

Taking the change in color of his face as an answer to her question, the girl speaks again. "Wow! I can't believe this." Her big brown eyes gaze at me as she says. "You are so beautiful."

"Definitely not more than you," I reply with a grin, making her blush.

"I am Millie and you are?" She extends her hand towards me.

"I am, Nicole," I respond to her with a smile, taking her hand. "Nice to meet you, Millie."

"I never thought Chris would ever bring his girlfriend to meet me. This is so exciting." Millie squeals after a moment, clapping her hands excitedly. "Where are you from? What do you do?" She asks curiously. "Wait! How did you guys meet? When and where did you meet? I want to know everything?"

Martha who is still standing at the doorway scolds Millie listening to her endless questions. "Millie, at least call the poor lady in first before interrogating her."

"Oh, sorry. Come in." Millie grins sheepishly, making the way for us to enter.

"I am sorry, I didn't see you before. I am Martha." Martha says as we walk through the hallway.

"Nicole." I nod and reply.

"It's a pleasure to have you here, Nicole." She smiles. "So you are Christopher's girlfriend?" She asks and in return, I look at her blankly, not knowing what to answer her. I don't know what to say because things are just complicated between me and Christopher right now. And it wouldn't be right to put a label on this relationship unless I know everything that I aim to know from him.

"You don't have to say it." Martha laughs, shaking me out of my thoughts. "I know how kids are these days. They want to keep everything private. Especially relationships."

I don't say anything as I follow her, making our way to the kitchen. "I am happy that you guys came. Now we can have some good company for dinner. Otherwise, it would always be just two of us." She laughs looking at me. "Millie kind of gets bored having this old lady around her for too long." I inhale the woody scent of the kitchen as I cross the dining table to reach the oven on the counter. "It's always good to have younger people to keep her company." She says holding a tray in her hand.

"I'll help you," I say, grabbing the pudding tray from her hand and sliding it into the oven.

"Oh no, darling. You don't have." Martha protests. "You go and have fun with them." She suggests signaling towards the living room where Christopher and Millie are currently present. The kitchen and dining room have been architected with huge arcs, making the hall clearly visible to us from here. "No need to waste your time behind this old lady," Martha says.

"It's really nothing, Martha. In fact, I love cooking. I may not be good at completely taking charges, but I am fairly good at helping." I say playfully. "And what are you saying? You look surely younger than me." I joke, making her laugh as she shakes her head in denial.

I look back at Millie and see her giggling at something which Christopher has said to her. I then see her dragging him towards a cupboard at the corner. She pulls out some pictures along with something resembling a camera out of the drawer and starts showing them to him.

"I am so happy that Christopher brought you here." Martha denotes and I divert my attention back to her.

"He doesn't really trust anyone near Millie." She says in a worried tone and I look at her in confusion, unable to comprehend the sentence that she just said. What does that exactly mean? "So, he never brings anyone. You are the first one to be here."

"What do you mean by that?" I ask her instantly.

"You don't know about Millie, do you?" She asks in return with a hint of hesitation in her tone.

"I...I.." I stutter, looking at her, not intending to be ready for a counter-question. But what am I supposed to say when I am actually clueless about this matter. It's the prime reason why I am here. I am here to know everything.

"Don't worry." She sighs. "I know it would be difficult for him to tell. But if he has brought you here, it means he believes in you." She gives me a small smile. "If he believes you, he would tell you everything. It's his part to tell you." There is a sudden sadness in her tone which fills my stomach with apprehension thinking about Millie's past. It's his part to tell you? What is it? Martha's words are making me more anxious to know about everything that Christopher has been hiding from me.

Suddenly a flash of light strikes my face out of nowhere, making me squint my eyes. Being startled by it, I search in the direction of its source and find Christopher holding a camera. He smiles cheekily, waving the picture he has taken at me, and I glare at him. I can't believe he just took my picture without my consent. Suddenly I become conscious about my appearance. Shit! I don't even know how horrible I am looking right. I know my face is never good in candids. My gaze then again meets Christopher as I see him smiling at me. For some reason, I find Christopher looking much younger than his age being around Millie. I've never seen this side of him, the playful and carefree side of his personality. Which is really good to see. We keep staring at each other until we are interrupted by someone's giggle. It's Millie. She is grinning, looking at us. I shake my head smiling and turn back to Martha.

"If you would have come a year ago. You would have wondered if this was the same girl." A shadow of grief covers her face as she says that.

"Why? What makes you say that? What happened?" I frown and question her.

Ignoring my question, she continues. "Millie always gets happy when Christopher visits us. Sadly, he doesn't get time to visit us more often anymore." Oh, god! Why can't she just tell me everything?

I clear my throat and ask her another question, thinking of getting an answer in return this time. "How long have you known Millie for?"

"Since 2 years."

There is a long silence after that as none of us speak anything. I don't know how to carry this conversation forward now because my mind has been whirling with so many questions that I can't think straight about anything. What is Millie's story and how will I get to know about it?

"You know about Christopher?" Martha asks after a moment. "I mean about his work?" There is a slight apprehension in her tone as she asks.

"Yes," I tell her, leaning back on the counter.

I guess she wasn't expecting that answer from me. She waits for a minute for me to complain or say something, but looking at my calm expression instead, she just smiles. "He is a nice guy, Nicole. His work would never determine the man he is. You know what I mean?" She asks me and I nod. I know what she is trying to imply with that. "He has the purest soul. He cares about the people he loves. How sad it is that he couldn't get that kind of love in return." My heart instantly sinks listening to her last statement.

"I know he loves you." The moment she says that, my eyes pop out of their sockets.

"What?" I jolt forward in sudden bafflement. "No...It's not like that, Martha. We aren't that serious and of course, he doesn't love me." I blabber awkwardly. Fuck! What am I saying? What is she saying? This can't be true. Christopher can't be in love with me. I know Martha is just kidding.

"Oh, that's rubbish." She snorts. "I know he loves you. If it wasn't so, he wouldn't be stealing these yearning glances at you every now and then." She suggests with a shrug. I instantly dart my eyes back at Christopher in horror, verifying her claim, and surprisingly catch him staring at me. He immediately diverts his gaze to the other side, looking embarrassed for being caught red-handed. Was he really looking at me?

"Maybe he hasn't gathered the balls to tell that to you...but I am sure he is in love with you." My face grows hot and my heart begins to beat frantically, realizing what Martha just said. I look away, trying to control my uncontrolled heart-beating, and pat my sweaty palms against my pants. What the fuck is happening?

Looking at my disoriented form, Martha keeps her hand over my shoulder and asks me something which instead of calming my nerves, heightens my anxiety more. "But the question is, do you love him?"


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