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"I think she might need surgery," I tell Olivia as I go through her cat's medical report. I pause for a moment while turning the page and continue " She has swelling in her uterus. if we are not able to treat it now then it might cause her complications in pregnancy."

I see the worried look on her face as I close the report and give it back to her.

"Hey, don't worry. everything will be fine." I tell her reassuring that there isn't anything to be worried about. "I am going to recommend a hospital where we can conduct the operation. I have a friend of mine there who will help us if you want you can contact her. I would be assisting them in this operation, so you don't have to worry about anything." I write down the hospital address and Ava's number on a paper and hand it to her.

"Thank you, Nicole I believe in you. it's just that I am scared for my muffin. You know when I and George got married we were really happy. We always loved kids and wanted to have our own but unfortunately, I couldn't conceive. That's when George brought me the muffin. I was in love with her the moment I saw her. We raised her like our own child, we would never want anything to happen to her." Olivia says with a sad smile.

"I know how you feel, trust me muffin will be fine." I give her a warm smile.

"Thank you. I guess I have to go now, I'll see you later." As she stands from her seat and makes her way to the door.

"Bye Olivia, have a good day!" she nods at me with a smile and leaves.

I get back to my laptop and start reading the research paper on current advances in the medical field. I smile looking at the screen. this is what I always wanted. it feels so surreal when you get something which you always dreamt about. I aspired to be a vet since childhood and now when I have become one, it makes me feel things beyond happiness. I remember the time when I told my parents that I wanted to be a vet. I won't say they weren't supportive of my decision but they weren't even exactly jumping with joy. I don't know what is it with people judging someone's profession. it doesn't matter what work you do, what matters is your passion and dedication towards it. Its the sense of joy that you get when you do what you exactly love.

I remember my mom even persuading me to become a doctor rather than a vet just to get a higher status in society. but I was stubborn, so they had no other choice than to agree with my decision. my parents weren't exactly ideal ones. I have never been close to them, but I love my siblings very much. I have two siblings, Charlotte and Francis. They are twins. both of them look more like my mother with a straight nose and amber eyes. on the other hand, I inherited my father's traits. I got his blue eyes and a small nose. but I don't really appreciate my resemblance to him because I absolutely hate his guts. All the bad memories flashes in front of my eyes just by thinking about him. I try to dismiss it by diverting my thoughts back to my siblings. I have to admit that they are way more good looking than me. they are doing their senior year of school in San Diego where my family lives. thinking about them makes me miss them. I plan to call Charlotte later tonight. I used to live with them before I shifted here in Boston to get admission to a vet school. I graduated a year ago and here I am sitting on my chair in my clinic which I started six months back.

I don't know how time goes by so quickly as I go through all the research papers and make notes from them. my eyes are stinging by now as I close my laptop and look at the clock on the wall. fuck! it's already half-past two in the night. I've never stayed this late in my clinic. I should get going. I am not sure if I'd get a cab at this hour of the night. I wrap up everything in a hurry. before I can remove my coat, the door burst open and four men storm inside. Panic flows through my body as I look at them. all of them are wearing ski masks and I notice that the one in the center is much bulkier than others. I guess he is the leader. I wonder if they are here to rob me or kidnap me. but why me? and that too at my clinic? my father doesn't own a great share of property neither am I dating some billionaire's son. then what do they want from me?

"Who the hell are you?" I ask raising my voice a bit higher to make them believe that I am not afraid.

Nobody pays any attention to my question as they start approaching me. I take a step back and hit the cabinet behind me.

"Stay away from me," I say now with a shaky voice. What the fuck is going on? There are zero chances of me making my way to the door. as I am already trapped by these men. what am I supposes to do? suddenly my eyes fall on the pen kept on my desk. This can be useful, right? two of them grab me by my hands. I try to protest against their strong grip. as they begin to drag me to the door, I get hold of that pen and stab it in the leg of one of the men holding me making him lose his grip. he winces in pain grabbing everyone's attention and I take advantage of this situation to run. But before I could make my move, I am yanked back by my hair.

"Where the fuck you think you are going bitch?" Hisses the man whom I've stabbed with my pen.

Within a second I see his palm making contact with my face. A loud slap echoed in the room. My vision soon becomes blurry as tears start flowing from my eyes. I feel blood at the corner of my mouth as my left cheek stings with pain.

" Please leave me," I beg to him crying uncontrollably.

"Shut the fuck up you little bitch or else I wouldn't think twice before putting a bullet in your head." He says tying my hands. I find myself being blindfolded with a cloth stuffed in my mouth. I try to scream but all that comes out of my mouth is muffled noises. I wonder if anyone would be out there to help me at this time even if I am able to scream.

They drag me out of my clinic and I feel being pushed into a car. The ignition starts and I find myself sitting uncomfortably in the seat with my hands tied. I try to free my hand which is still under the grip of the man but I fail.

I don't know how much time passes. It feels like an eternity as I am still sitting in the car. I don't know what they want from me. I don't know where they are taking me. Hell! What they are going to do with me? What if they are going to kill me and dump my body in a ditch? What if they are gonna leave me in a jungle to be eaten up by wild animals? Fuck! What if they are going to rape me? Come on Nicole can you just not be any more pessimistic. Oh god! I mentally curse myself for being so careless and staying up this late at my clinic. If I wouldn't have stayed there till now I would have been sleeping peacefully at my house. I wish I could have called my parents, and told how much I love them despite our not so good relations. I regret taking everything for granted. What are the possibilities of me getting found by my family? But nobody knows where I am and what is happening with me. This gonna surely be the last day of my life.

The car soon comes to a halt bringing me back to my senses. I feel myself being pulled out of the car making me stumble on my steps. after being dragged for a while I sense my blindfold being removed. I blink for some time trying to adjust my eyes to the newfound surrounding light. I take in everything around me. it looks like an abandoned warehouse. I see a lot of men strolling around, some are drinking, some are carrying large boxes. At a corner I find people discussing something in hushed tones. some of them are even carrying guns with them. They look horribly serious as they make there way out. why do they have guns? am I between criminals? the warehouse is mostly dark with a few dim lights here and there. The stench of alcohol and cigarette is absolutely disgusting making me want to puke my guts out. it looks like one of those places where illegal businesses take place. I've seen these kinds of warehouses a lot in movies but never did I ever imagine to witness it in real. Everyone looks at me leaving whatever hell they are doing as I am being pushed further in. I don't see a single woman here except me. what they are going to do with me? am I going to die? fuck! Now I regret not losing my virginity when I had a chance. I would never know how it feels to have sex. what the fuck Nicole? you are thinking about not having sex while you are going to lose your shitty life any second now. fucking unbelievable! you should be thinking about saving yourself. I don't wanna die like this. Please God, save me from this shit.

As I think about the potential ways of getting myself killed, the door in front of me opens and a man walks out of it. I look at him as he comes in my view under the illumination of dim light. I stare at his handsome face as my gaze meets his stormy grey eyes.


Note: To avoid any kind of confusion guys, This is the FLASHBACK where Nicole and Christopher meet for the first time. this will continue in some more chapters. I'll inform you guys when we get back to the PRESENT.

Sorry this chapter is short. I'll surely make it up to you in next chapter.

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