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We fly back two days later after I and mom had that discussion. As we land in LA, I could feel the excitement in the atmosphere for the new year with the packed rush at the airport. It's the second week of January and I feel a bit cheerful being back here. I knew I couldn't stay at my dad's house forever. I needed to get back to my clinic. To my normal life. Except I don't know how it would be still normal without Christopher in it. I feel sad when I realize I couldn't even get to celebrate New year as I was in the hospital. But then I remind myself that's the last thing that I should be bothered about at this moment.

I prior informed Becky that we were arriving. Just to save her from being shocked by our sudden appearance at her door. She seemed pretty cool when I told her that my mom was accompanying me. Of course, she is a dear friend and also been my roommate before I moved to Christopher's house. She would never term us as trouble, but I know we have to go soon for apartment hunting because of my extending family. With mom, Frosty, and the little one I am carrying which would soon be seeing this world with his or her eyes, I can't keep staying at Becky's forever.

Once I get my mom settled at Becky's place, I leave for Emily's house to bring Frosty back. He appears so bigger since the last time I saw him. And I can't seem to contain my happiness when he jumps on me, making me fall back, and starts licking my face. God, I didn't realize how much I missed him until I get to rub his belly again as he wags his tail in joy. Emily and Sam hug me after I am done loving Frosty and tell me how much they were worried about me after everything that happened. It fills my heart with warmth, realizing that they care so much about me. At least I am relieved to have my friends still in my life. I avoid talking about Christopher or my pregnancy to them during our conversation because I know I wouldn't be able to narrate that part without going through emotional turmoil. So it's better to skip it. I know I can't hide it forever, but it just doesn't feel right to be brought out at this moment.

As I leave Emily's place and drop Frosty back at Becky's, I recall about all the stuff that I still have at Christopher's place. Basically, it was owned by Richard, so Christopher wouldn't exactly have any claim over it. The case is still proceeding in court, and the investigations have now progressed to look into Richard's organization. But before that, the SDPD needs to inform the LAPD and then ask them to join with the FBI to make this all work. It may look easy on movies, but I know that taking down a mafia in real life isn't a fucking child's play. It's going to need a hell lot of time. However, I could never be sure of the time when they might reach to get Richard's properties seized. So it's better to have my things as soon as possible before something goes wrong. With that thought in my mind, I book a cab and head to the house. The house which was once ours. At least I imagined so even if it was just for a short time.

When I reach my destination, I take a deep breath and step inside the house. As I walk through the living room, the thing that I was scared about the most before getting here starts happening. Every single memory begins to surf in the back of my mind. My eyes fall on the couch and I am suddenly reminded of all the nights I have spent here waiting for Christopher until he arrived. There were also the rare times when we had pizzas and watched movies together until we both were exhausted and slept off on the couch. I smile, remembering how I always ended up sleeping on top of him, and my smile grows even bigger when I realize how he never once complained about having my weight on him.

I walk towards the stair and gaze at the wall next to it. I bite my lip, thinking of the times when Christopher held me pinned against it. That single thought makes my throat go dry, and I immediately shake it away to gain back my focus.

I climb up the stairs to get to my room, that's when I catch a glimpse of Christopher's room door being ajar. My heart stops beating at the thought of finding him in there. I crave to see him. I gulp slowly and walk towards it, wishing for my imagination to be true. But my hopes are shattered when I push past the door and find the room to be empty. As I get in, goosebumps erupt wildly all over my back and my body goes rigid when I capture his smell. I take a deep breath and fill myself in with his scent. He was here. I go around checking and find no one in the bathroom and when I open his closet my heart literally wrenches seeing all his clothes and accessories gone. Is Christopher really gone? Gone forever from my life? My eyes turn blurry as my heart begins to ache, encountering the worst realization. It hurts so much that I lean against the wall for support.

What did I do to make him hate me so much that he doesn't even want to see my face? Not even for once?

No amount of crying is going to lessen this pain I am feeling right now. Despite that, I try to calm myself. And when I look at the bed, it takes my mind back to the night when I lost my virginity. It was such a passionate night that we shared. I also remember the emotional torture I put myself through after that, assuming that Christopher played with me. It was way before I realized how strong my feelings for Christopher were. Before I realized how deeply I was in love with him.

As I look back in the time it feels so weird to believe that I was a virgin just a few months ago and now I am pregnant. I sigh heavily, realizing that this journey isn't going to be easy. The man that I love abandoned me without a reason. Now I am unmarried and pregnant. And above all, I don't even know where the hell is the father of this baby is? This is so crazy.

At least I can find peace in knowing that my mom would be there by my side, no matter how miserable it's going to be.

I get out of Christopher's room as fast as I can and grab all the things from my room. I stuff them into my bags and hurry downstairs. But I stop dead on track when I pass through the kitchen. Out of all the memories we had, the sweetest ones were made here and before I realize it, I freeze there, going back in the time.

It's Sunday evening, and I am super excited about the surprising initiative that I have taken to make dinner for us. It's something unusual because Christopher and I most of the time rely on take-outs because of being always tied to our busy schedules. It has become a kind of routine for us by now which I really don't like. I understand we have our priorities and commitments and I am definitely not going to complain about it. But still, this repetitive cycle unknowingly seems to wear me off to some extent. So there are times when I feel like stepping out of the boring routine and doing something different. And today feels like that perfect one for it.

I bring the spatula up to my face first to have the rich aroma of the spaghetti sauce that I have been preparing, and then dip my finger in it and bring it to my lips to taste it. I close my eyes and moan in satisfaction when my taste buds get evoked by all the flavors blended perfectly. I enjoy the moment taking pride in how appetizing my hard work turned into. After some time, when I have the feeling of a body standing close next to me, I open my eyes instantly. I find Christopher looking at me intently.

"What the hell is this?" He asks, widening his eyes, and for a moment, I fear he is talking about the sauce. Why is he glaring at me like that? Doesn't he like spaghetti? I knew it before that I was being stupid when I didn't consider asking him what he wanted for dinner. I assumed people usually like spaghetti. Didn't they?

"It's spaghetti sauce..." I say slowly, biting my lip and being unsure of his reaction.

"No, I am not talking about that." He shakes his head and then reaches to grab my arm. "What is this?" He asks and I see what he is looking at. I realize those are Frosty's teeth and claw scratches on my hand that Christopher is staring right at.

"Oh, this? Frosty is growing up so quickly. He has reached a stage where he gets excited about chewing things, and he loves to have my hand for it." I smile and say.

"What?" Christopher almost gasps.

I frown. "Don't worry, I had the tetanus shot. Also, we got him vaccinated, remember?"

He doesn't seem to pay attention to what I said as he begins to shake his head. "That son of a..." His nostrils flare in anger and I roll my eyes. Before he gets to finish the sentence, I scold him.

"Christopher..." I say disapprovingly. I know he is going to bring his overdramatic ass here like he always does. I feel like he just keeps looking for reasons to get pissed at Frosty. Will they ever get along? I highly doubt it.

"You can't stop me this time." He says before turning back and walking away. I try to muffle my laugh when he says that, realizing that he probably would have said that for the thousandth time now. "I am going to so fucking kill that little thing. Where the hell is that devil?" He says, looking around for our little dog. I immediately switch off the stove and run behind him.

"I thought you were the only one that claimed himself to be the devil in this house." I tease, following him behind. "It's so sad to know that Frosty successfully stole your title."

Christopher stops in his way and turns to face me. "No, he fucking didn't. I am still the one here." He scoffs and then crosses his arms over his chest. "I know what you are aiming to do with this. You are trying to hurt my ego and distract me from looking for that little bastard." He pushes past me and looks under the cupboard. I laugh, watching how cute he behaves when he gets annoyed with Frosty. When he doesn't find him there, he walks in the direction of the living room.

I keep laughing in the middle of the hallway until I hear Christopher cursing loudly. I run behind him, shaking my head, but I am startled when he again curses. "What the fuck?"

"What happened?" I ask, reaching near him and move to his side to see what he is looking at. A wide grin appears on my face when I see Frosty happily munching on Christopher's shiny shoe.

"For god's sake, he can't fucking do that." Christopher exhales in frustration. "Do you realize he is becoming intolerable day by day?" He turns to me and asks in disbelief.

"And you are becoming ridiculous day by day." I keep my hands over my hips and narrow my eyes at him.

"Damn, Cole. Can't you see how much trouble he causes me every day and yet you want to have this pain in the ass right in our house." He widens his eyes at me and says.

"Come on. Christopher, what's so wrong with it. He is chewing on your shoe because he loves you." I pout.

"Oh, you think I'd believe that." He snorts and looks back at Frosty, who still doesn't seem to be in a mood to leave his dear shoe. "He needs to fucking die from my wrath and there is no way I'll let you save him this time," Christopher says and then begins to move slowly towards Frosty. Frosty is an intelligent pup. He notices that something is wrong with Christopher as he barks at him before running right through in between his legs. Christopher stumbles and looks astonished by his smart move, but he doesn't seem to back off. I watch him as he chases behind him. I can't keep myself from laughing when I watch them both doing circles around the coffee table. From the smile on Christopher's face, I can say he is too enjoying the show that they are putting in front of me. Having Frosty and Christopher around is fun. Especially watching them at a cute war like this is really a mood booster.

I am so engrossed in laughing that I don't even realize that Christopher already got hold of Frosty. I get to know that when I hear Frosty bark in his arms as he swings him around.

"Christopher, stop," I say, still smiling and looking at them.

"You have nowhere to run now." He says in a cunning tone, giving me a side glance. He turns to look at Frosty and then throws him up in the air.

"I said stop!" I gasp in horror as Frosty lands back in his arms. I know Christopher wouldn't drop him, but the way Frosty is whining, I can make out he is pretty scared.

"Stop it, Christopher. You are scaring him." I protest, trying to grab him, but Christopher doesn't listen to me. He turns around, preventing me from reaching Frosty, and keeps going on with his torture, giving me his back.

"Christopher, I swear if Frosty gets hurt even a bit...then I am going to ditch that hot shower sex I was planning for us after the dinner." I finally blurt. Fuck! Did I really say that?

Christopher catches frosty in his arms the moment he hears me say that. And then slowly turns towards me with wide eyes. "You..."

"Put him down," I say, trying to pretend like I never said what I just said.

It's funny to see how quickly Christopher's demeanor changed after hearing me refer to sex. I roll my eyes. Men will be men. I don't know if I really meant what I said or not, but I knew it was the best possible way to stop him at that moment, and from the way Christopher is holding Frosty now, it seems like it did work. His features soften as he places Frosty on the couch and then pats his back softly, gazing at me.

"Sorry, dude. You know how much I like you." He says, and Frosty again barks at him. "What? You don't believe me?" He asks looking offended and I laugh.

Christopher glances at me and then starts walking towards me with a sheepish grin on his face. "You know I was never against him chewing my shoe."

"Oh really. It didn't look like when you were running behind him like a maniac?" I remind him when he stands in front of me.

"Is it so?" He smiles mischievously as he takes a step, looking down at me. I gulp slowly and move backward, suddenly feeling too hot in here with his gaze. "He can chew on my shoe as much as he wants to. The sole thing that I disapprove him of doing is...this." Christopher says as he grabs my hand quickly and then spins me around. My back hits his chest with a rough impact, and it almost turns me on. A delicious shiver runs down my spine when he brushes his lips against my ear, having a firm hold on my waist. How did he go from innocently playing with Frosty to having me all weak and pressed against his body?

"He doesn't get to leave marks on you." He whispers, nibbling on my neck, and I lean against his shoulder, giving him more access. God, his lips feel like heaven on my skin.

"Chris?" I moan when he sucks on the spot behind my ear.

"Because the only man that gets to dig his teeth into your skin is me." Christopher's hand lowers down my waist and reaches to the front of my shorts. My breath hitches in excitement and shock, but I want nothing more than to feel his hands working on me right now. I am completely lost anticipating his touch to reach exactly where I want until a sound breaks my illusion and brings me to reality. I realize it's the sound of Frosty barking. I snap my eyes open when he looks at us and barks again.

Christopher doesn't seem to notice it as his fingers keep leading their way into my shorts. Before he could go any further, I grab his hand and stop him. "Christopher, we are not going to have sex with a spectator in the room," I say, pointing towards Frosty, who is wagging his little tail now.

Christopher snorts, and I am sure he would be rolling his eyes, too. "You say like there is someone actually in this room. He is just a little pup. We wouldn't ruin his innocence."

"No way." I slap his hand away when he tries again.

"Fine." He lets out a groan and leaves me. I eye him up in confusion when he goes to grab his shoe that's lying on the floor. It's the same shoe that Frosty was chewing on. He gives me a sexy smirk as he walks to the couch again where Frosty is sitting. What the hell is he doing? I watch him in amazement as he swings it in front of him and then throws it into the far-away corner. "Catch it, buddy." He calls him out and Frosty immediately jumps out of the couch to run behind it.

"I guess that makes you happy now." He asks me.

I shake my head, knowing why exactly he did that. Christopher turns towards me, and I watch him make his way towards me with his predatory eyes. I bite my lip slowly, knowing that I have awakened the beast in him and there is no way of going back. I squeal when he sweeps me off my feet and begins to walk towards the stairs.

"Where are you taking me? We have dinner waiting for us." I ask, running my fingers through his hair. Even though I know where he is taking me.

"Your offer was so tempting that I couldn't resist." He looks into my eyes and says. "So I thought it's better to skip the dinner and head straight to the hot shower sex that you were talking about." He smirks, making my cheeks paint pink.

A crisp blow of wind hits my cheek, bringing me back to the present and making me realize that I had been staring at the empty kitchen for too long. I fight against the tears that threaten to roll off my cheeks. I know if I stay even a minute more in this house, all the memories would come crashing on me like a storm and I wouldn't be able to hold myself from breaking down to pieces. So, I rush towards the main door, grabbing my bags. It pains me so much to think that I wouldn't be staying here anymore, but I also know there isn't any other way to deal with it.

With every step I take, my heart gets heavier with grief. And when I finally get out of the door, I feel like leaving the hope of seeing Christopher again behind me.

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