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I stare blankly at the white wall in front of me sitting on the bed with my tear-stained face. It has been five days since I haven't stepped foot outside of this goddamn room. Christopher lied to me. I should have known better than to trust him. Why did I even believe him in the first place?

I never saw him after the first day we met. I got to know that Josh woke up the very next day, which is four days before. He even came here to thank me but, when I asked him about Christopher, he didn't have an answer for it. 

Everyone here seems to behave strangely with me. its not like I want them to behave any different. I am more than okay with it as far as they don't kill me or hurt. I surely don't trust anyone here. Christopher was the only one, whom I felt like trusting in. I don't know why but I felt connected to him the very first time I saw him. Something about him gave me an impression that he would help me.

I waited for him next day after Josh came to meet me, but he didn't show up. some how it feels like a betrayal to me even though it isn't. It is such an obvious thing Known by everyone to never trust a stranger, yet I did. I don't even know  who he is and what actually he does. I have an idea that everybody here is scared of him, from the way they react to hearing his name. He carries that whole I'll-fucking-chop-your-balls-off-if-you-try-to-mess-with-me aura around him.  From his brooding hot personality, I am damn sure that he is an established criminal.

Other than Christopher I don't know anyone here except for Max and Tony. Max, who I figured out to be Christopher's friend paid me a visit often to give me food and other things. he even dropped a bag with new clothes, I guess he was told to do so.

tony never came in front of my eyes after the day I was brought here, probably Christopher warned him not to be seen anywhere near me. my heart warms up at the thought of him caring about me but then again he lied to me. I hate him for doing this. A couple of times when I was asleep at night I used to hear ruffling of the door knob, I knew that it was him checking on me. But he never tried waking me up, Maybe he was afraid of confronting me, afraid of me seeing straight in his eyes that he lied to me. I don't know but I feel disappointed from his behavior.

I don't believe any of his words now. I have been locked up in this room for five days now and he didn't really care. I heard that he is out for some business. I have to do something myself now. I can't sit here and wait for him, I ain't no Damsel in distress for sure. I won't spend another day in this hell hole. I have to come up with a plan. Thanks to my intelligence. I am ready with it before even thinking. Come on Nicole, its time for you to show your acting skills.

Standing up from the bed I take a deep breath and look here and there. Okay Nicole time for some action. one...two... three and go.

With that I scream loudly clutching to my stomach falling on the floor. You can do this Nicole. as expected the door bursts open and I see max getting in along with three other men. I cry even louder now to make them believe that I am in pain.

Max leans down closer to me with a concern on his face. "What happened Nicole? Are you alright?" he asks.

"Please take me to a hospital." I plead to him bringing tears in my eyes. Wow! You are doing great Nicole, I never thought you would be such a great actor.

"First tell me what happened?" he asks in a serious tone.

"Jesus! can't you see I am in pain." I say now grabbing his arm and squeezing it tightly, just to let him know that I am not lying. "and haven't you been taught by your mother to never ask a lady about her womanly problems? huh?" Bringing my hand back to my stomach, I shed some more fake tears.

He has a confused expression on his face and then he looks at me in embarrassment realizing what I said to him.

"We can't take you to a hospital, it can be risky." he tells me with a stern look standing back. Oh no, this can't be happening. I cant fail in my plan like this. Come on Nicole, do something. Plan B in execution then.

" fine, Take me to a chemist then." I tell him in a tormented voice.

He looks back at other people standing to get confirmation but sadly they all return a disapproving look. Max turns to me with a pitiful expression and say " if you want anything, you can tell me. I'll send my men to bring whatever necessities you need."

Letting out a frustrated groan I say. "No, I am not letting anyone buy anything for me. either you let me go to a chemist or I wouldn't hesitate biting one of you to death right now." Damn! that was impressive. but how do you bite someone to death? 

I look at him expectantly, hoping that it would be convincing enough to let me go. Then I  see a blonde guy stepping into my view, he seems to be younger than others. I've never seen him before here. I guess he doesn't work here. he has a kind demeanor unlike others who always have a scowl on their faces. he looks at me and gives a warm smile.

He turns towards Max, placing a hand on his shoulder he tells " Max, let us take her to a chemist." he looks at me for a moment and then again continues " We can't treat a lady like this. if she isn't comfortable with sharing her problem, then we shouldn't force her." Thank god! At least I found someone who is intelligent enough to understand.

Max sighs in defeat. "fine, lets go."

Soon I am being taken to a car. I get in with Max, that blonde guy and two other men. I find myself being sandwiched between those two men, sitting on the back seat. as Max starts driving I remember that I've been normal for a while. fuck! what if they'll get to know that I am fooling them? I instantly get back to playing sick. I twist around in the back seat pretending to be in pain, earning a couple of weird glances from max and the blonde guy. hope that I am not overacting otherwise all my efforts would go in vain. the car stops in front of a medical store.

I hurriedly get out of the car followed by those men and the blonde guy. Max is still seated in the car. as I approach the shop, I am greeted by an elderly man. I ask him for tampons, not knowing what else to buy I tell him to give me some contraceptive pills. Nicole? what the fuck are you doing? you came here to get some way to escape. and what you are doing here? buying useless things like contraceptive pills? that you probably won't even use

I can feel that the guys are watching me. I need to do something. I turn around to the old man and ask him if there is any washroom nearby. He peeks out of his store and points towards left telling me that there is a maternity clinic at the corner and that I would be allowed to use a washroom there.

I move towards the blond guy and tell him that I need to go to the washroom urgently and tell him about the clinic. he nods in response and again I find myself being followed by all of them. oh god! are they seriously going to come along with me in a washroom. as I reach the clinic I turn around and say.

"At least have some decency to not intervene in the privacy of the ladies here. God knows what you might get to see." I angrily step in without waiting for their reaction. I hope they wont follow me now.

rushing through the corridor of the clinic I bump into a nurse, luckily she tells me that the washroom is at the corner. the clinic is pretty much crowded with people moving here and there. walking past them I reach the corner, to my surprise I find a back door there, exiting the clinic. holy shit! this is what I was searching for, I don't even have to work for it. Immediately opening it I take a step out of the clinic and gasp at the sight of the blonde guy in front of me.

"In a hurry to go somewhere miss?" he smirks at me.

Fuck! how did he get here? how stupid I was to think they wouldn't be knowing the possibility of me making a run.

"I.. I.." I struggle to come up with something. but I don't think I can lie anymore. I should tell him. he seems to be a nice guy, maybe he will help me.

"I know you are not like them. " I look at him in the eyes and say "Please let me go."

He looks at me and his features soften. " look I don't know why they are keeping hold of you. but I can't let you run. max and Chris will kill me if they get to know." he looks away from me and asks "What will I tell them?"

"It was just a case of mistaken identity. I am a vet by profession, they misunderstood me to be a doctor and brought me there to treat an injured guy. I have nothing to do with any of them."  I say with Desperation evident in my voice.

After a moment of silence I continue "make an excuse, tell them that I ran away and you never saw me. I promise I would never tell anyone about you guys. trust me, help me to get out of this and I promise I'd be ever grateful to you. I know that you are a kind person. please help me....please." I plead to him, with tears rolling down my cheeks.

He closes his eyes as if processing everything that I said. then running a hand through his hair, he sighs deeply and says " Okay fine."


Parking along the curb, I step out of my car taking in the surroundings. it is the suburbs of the city which has great built-up roads and huge beautiful houses. I make my way towards the house in front of me. I am here to meet Ben. Ben is officially a cop but nobody knows about his undiscovered job along with being a cop, and it is working for me. 

He was always honest and dedicated to his job, I appreciate his loyalty but you know what money can not buy. money has the power to make a king of kings bow down to it. being in mafia business no one can know it better than me.

I have been quite busy lately, I hate to admit that I couldn't even meet Nicole in these five days. A couple of times at night while she was sleeping, I used to check on her just to know if she was okay. I don't know but I couldn't be able to bring myself to face her. I didn't want to see the hurt in her eyes, knowing that I lied to her. maybe I was afraid that if I came in front of her, I'll let her go which I don't want to.

But today I decide to make it up to her for not showing up for five days. maybe I can talk to her or we can go out for a dinner. I hate that she has been locked up in that room for so long and I didn't do anything. Today I plan to change everything. I'll go straight to her after meeting Ben. just the thought of meeting Nicole makes me so happy, I couldn't even think how good I would feel when I'll meet her. fuck! what is happening to me?

I ring the bell bringing myself back to reality. the door opens with an annoying Ben standing in front of me. I smirk at him as he moves aside for me to get in.

" Always glad to meet you, Ben," I say still with a smirk on my face.

" I wouldn't say likewise," he tells with annoyance evident in his voice.

"ouch, that hurts, " placing a hand over my chest playfully, I tell him. "I know how much you love working for me Ben, no need to publicize," I say sarcastically.

" And I love my job more than it so if we can get the hell done with whatever shit you have given me to do then it would be better. I don't want anybody to see you here. I don't want to risk my job." he spats.

" Stop giving me that bullshit, you surely didn't build this enormous residence with your loyalty, did you?" I flash a cocky grin at him.

" fine, I owe a great debt of gratitude to you. now let's get to the business." he lets out in frustration.

 "You are not even going to ask me to sit? what happened to your manners? haven't you been taught how to treat your guests?" I say with amusement. " I guess that's why you are not married even at the age of thirty-six. probably due to your lack of gentlemanliness." I mock at him. it's really fun to see him all riled up.

"Are we here really to discuss about my incompetency at wooing women?" he says shooting an irritated glare at me.

" So were you able to find anything about it?" I ask him casually getting back to the point for which I am here.

"I couldn't get anything much about it. but I think it was someone from Russians itself who informed the police about your deal."

"from Russians?" I ask in a surprised tone. " but we were having a deal of great profit with them. why would They do that?" I ask.

"Maybe one of their guys has been purchased. probably by a bigger party which wanted to disrupt your deal and make it happen with them." Ben says with a straight face.

"Bigger party? who can it be?"

"Why are you so astonished? I'm sure your list of enemies isn't short. you should be knowing that." he smirks at me knowing that now it's his turn to mock me.

"Thanks for reminding me and you are probably on top of it," I get back to him with a touch of sarcasm. he rolls his eyes at me.

"Anyway if you get anything else on them let me know." he nods at me as I take his leave. I walk towards the door and turn around.

" And Ben, remember that I am still mad at you for not asking me to sit," I tell him earning another eye roll from him. with that, I get out of the door.

as I walk towards my car I can't stop but think about the third party that ben mentioned. what ben said back in there was true. I do have a long list of enemies. Oh come on I know in what shit I am. I get to deal with such stuff daily considering what business I do. so it isn't a new thing for me to know that somebody is out there to ruin my business or more like to ruin me. I have to find who he is? but for now, I need to focus on Nicole. I smile as her face appears in front of me. I am coming, Nicole.

I open the front door of the car, suddenly I find my phone vibrating. A frown appears on my face as I see Max's name flashing. Why is he calling me? is everything okay? is Nicole fine?

"Max?" I answer his call with a question mark.

" Chris...I.. We...lost her." he stutters saying that as if he is afraid of my reaction.

" What?" I ask in disbelief.

"Nicole....Nicole escaped."



The next  chapter will again get back to the present, where we left at chapter 4.

Hope there isn't any confusion.

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Thank you for reading!


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